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This Is Why It's Great To Live In Australia


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Yeah why would someone own a gun? Maybe because they enjoy sporting shooting or to control feral animals on their property. Go figure! But I'm probably a thousand times more likely to die at the hands of an immature dumbster driving an overpowered car recklessly than some nutjob with a gun. Is there a valid reason other than for recreational purposes to own a car with far more power than is required to simply get from A to B? I think not but I'll defend my right to do so. It was refreshing whilst over in the US recently to watch an ad for a car which showed it just laying rubber for a full 30 seconds. How many years ago was it when we could watch the same here? I think some posters on this forum won't stay laughing at the US for much longer because whilst we may be looking in at the yanks and ridiculing their strange ways, the advent of the new draconian hoon laws and mega fines for tiny infractions of traffic laws in Australia makes me feel there's far more critical eyes looking in at us as a community.....It's this mentality of, "Well I don't care for it much so you shouldn't either" that will make us the most unbearable nanny state in existence..

Edited by fungoolie
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When you say there cheap is wrong a handgun is going from 8 to 15 thousand dollars thats brand new in the box. Although if you want to buy one legally there are 9mm for $860

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pfffff in America they have TSA putting their hands down peoples pants and feeling up children for Bombs...no shizz they got footage of these Federal Airport Security searching children. Apparently they dont profile so everybody goes through a "terrorist search", That Country has some serious issues and no wonder they feel they need Gun. When texas tried to ban these TSA the federal goverment threatened Embargo and no fly zone which is a an Act of war ( this occured a couple months ago)...., Those people need Guns more then us lol.

Edited by starwarz
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I said LEGAL guns mate. not a stolen colt 45 from biker steve. a brand new glock 9mm in box with with magazine etc is $1000 to $1500. used is half that.

training, license to acquire and proof that you use it for competition or recreational purposes and away you go isn't it baron ?

Me personally, competition sounds cool but I just want to carry it around in my Adidas track pants when i go to sell my meth LOL.:domokun:

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it's a bit more than that. you need membership of a shooting club, you must be an active shooter in competitions and those competitions must be of the type of firearm you want to buy (ie no good doing shotgun comp when you want a revolver). then you get your gun licence (varying types) then when you want to buy a gun you need the licence to acquire. you also need appropriate security (seperate safe for ammo and firearms etc) if you want to keep it at home or just keep it at the club. there's a few other things too but that's the basics at least in NSW. there are restrictions on what you can/can't have depending on what purposes you want it for and what licence you get. I think it may be a bit more relaxed in QLD.

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this should really be in the wasteland...but anyhoo a good read.

pretty divided on the issue, love guns and think its more the culture than anything which promotes gun violence (see Canada which is full of guns and as someone mentioned Austria or was in Switzerland?)

whatever happens we dont want to end up like this...


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  • 2 weeks later...

We will. Hey we're already on par with china and iran with internet censorship and their constantly telling us what is good for us with out giving anyone the chance to figure it out for ourselves. Not to mention all the silly new laws....

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If you think America is bad try South Africa.

I went there last year and in 3 weeks I saw more death, road trauma and gun violence than i have seen in 20 years being in Australia. We stayed a few days with some distant relatives of ours, they don't even cross the street without a gun, and my uncle was saying he has shot dead 3 people so far for attempting to rob his house (he then went on to casually explain how you first whistle to the burglers just before you shoot them, because if they aren't facing you when you shoot them dead you can't claim self defence and you will get charged).

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Just look at their homicide rate per head of population, it's up their with some seriously screwed up countries.

Lol, sorry pal but that's just bullshit. Places like Jamaica, South Africa and others are significantly worse

Yeah why would someone own a gun? Maybe because they enjoy sporting shooting or to control feral animals on their property. Go figure! But I'm probably a thousand times more likely to die at the hands of an immature dumbster driving an overpowered car recklessly than some nutjob with a gun. Is there a valid reason other than for recreational purposes to own a car with far more power than is required to simply get from A to B? I think not but I'll defend my right to do so. It was refreshing whilst over in the US recently to watch an ad for a car which showed it just laying rubber for a full 30 seconds. How many years ago was it when we could watch the same here? I think some posters on this forum won't stay laughing at the US for much longer because whilst we may be looking in at the yanks and ridiculing their strange ways, the advent of the new draconian hoon laws and mega fines for tiny infractions of traffic laws in Australia makes me feel there's far more critical eyes looking in at us as a community.....It's this mentality of, "Well I don't care for it much so you shouldn't either" that will make us the most unbearable nanny state in existence..

Post of the thread, congrats :)

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Is there a valid reason other than for recreational purposes to own a car with far more power than is required to simply get from A to B? I think not but I'll defend my right to do so.


While we are laughing at the Yanks for their "crazy gun laws", somewhere out there people are laugh at us for our "hoon laws & trash media"

Edited by Mayuri Krab
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the TSA is awesome

finally the Americans have a legitimate program to put back in employment rehabilitated pedophiles

+1 that we as Aussies have our own issues to deal with. Afterall we'll soon be paying a carbon tax to Jesus so he can stop the shifting of the pacific plates, and this 2 yrs after the whole global warming myth was publically debunked and when the strength of our dollar is already making it too expensive for international trade

Edited by domino_z
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  • 2 weeks later...
you need membership of a shooting club, you must be an active shooter in competitions and those competitions must be of the type of firearm you want to buy (ie no good doing shotgun comp when you want a revolver). then you get your gun licence (varying types) then when you want to buy a gun you need the licence to acquire. you also need appropriate security (seperate safe for ammo and firearms etc) if you want to keep it at home or just keep it at the club.

this. :)

I'm licensed for category A & B, even when I hire out a range just for practice that counts towards my minimum 4 annual attendances. Would love to start entering some competitions but still a bit of a newbie so want get more practice first so I don't embarass myself too much >_< .

It's not that difficult to get licensed & do everything by the book, just a case of doing the approved training courses, waiting for approvals & forms in the mail more than anything

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Your gonna use volcanoes as an example you may aswell relate it to our times... How about volcanoes farting out 250 times the amount of greenhouse gases we produce in a year per eruption....


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