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This Is Why It's Great To Live In Australia


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This toby got sold the carbon tax propaganda on what is a thinly veiled attempt at labour gment desperately trying to fill the coffers after blatantly giving away so much cash in failed stimulus programs

Better start walking to work mate and light a fire at night for warmth

Edited by domino_z
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On the other hand, it was liberal who sold off large chunks of government assets (*caugh Telstra). Both sides are morons, the average drugged out gambler could manage the countries money better, and certainly wouldn't cow-tow to the rich plutocracy.

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Semi back on topic, last night as I was leaving shopping carpark and driving along access road, I turned into the other lane to avoid speed hump (not a nice one, they are the ones that still go THUMP even at 1kmh), then turning back into my lane I just happened to be passing 2 guys who looked around when I put the juice on before going into the other lane, and then as I was just finished going back into the proper lane one of them sortof jumped out and tried to punch the car or something.

I don't know if he thought I was trying to run them over or something (they were on the road, not the pavement next to it...) but man .. would certainly not have felt safe stopping.

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This toby got sold the carbon tax propaganda on what is a thinly veiled attempt at labour gment desperately trying to fill the coffers after blatantly giving away so much cash in failed stimulus programs

Hooray! Someone gets it.

I hope the great unwashed enjoy their plasma TV's as much as their Bali holidays. You're gonna pay dearly for them.

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Semi back on topic, last night as I was leaving shopping carpark and driving along access road, I turned into the other lane to avoid speed hump (not a nice one, they are the ones that still go THUMP even at 1kmh), then turning back into my lane I just happened to be passing 2 guys who looked around when I put the juice on before going into the other lane, and then as I was just finished going back into the proper lane one of them sortof jumped out and tried to punch the car or something.

I don't know if he thought I was trying to run them over or something (they were on the road, not the pavement next to it...) but man .. would certainly not have felt safe stopping.

lol- because im sure he would of come out on top if he landed the bunch. Bogan fist vs nissan steel, i know who i would have my money on.

In all seriousness though, people think you are a hoon when you have an import, or p plates. I used to get that sort of reaction all the time when i was younger and had p plates on. I even had one kunt chase me through a car park (leaving his probably 4 year old daughter in a trolley some 100 meters behind by her self) acting like i nearly ran him over on a pedestrian x. The kunt was like 5 meters away behind an entrance post when i went through, nowhere near the crossing. Thing was he was a massive prick, and at the time i was puny. Im assuming it was all because i had p plates, and he was some sort of nutjob or druggie... I even watched some random woman in my review mirror have to grab the dickheads trolley which contained his daughter before it rolled onto the road, yet im assuming he acted like that because i 'nearly hurt his daughter. I cant really explain how pathetic and uncalled it was, but i know what would of happened if he got me haha.

Thing is, with the caliber of the youth today, blokes like him would get belted with weapons in a group or stabbed, whether it was in front of his daughter or not, same could be said for the bogan that swung at your car.. one day an equally as bogan shithead will jump out, if not much worse.

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one day an equally as bogan shithead will jump out, if not much worse.

Yea I was thinking I should have stopped the car and got out with crowbar... being a pretty huge guy I'm sure I'd have given them the shits XD Anyway, don't really want to escalate the conflict and risk the GTR getting damaged >_>

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  • 4 weeks later...

protection against Osama, call of duty, second amendment, the price of a quarter pounder with cheese, cowboys n indians, cops and robbers....

this guy finds they just bring out his sexyback


.....when he's not busy battling it out on rockband

watch out......this yankee is now strapped!


Edited by domino_z
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  • 2 weeks later...

Back on the gun topic.

I've grown up in the country (Regional NSW) and have a few friends who NEED guns as part of their occupation. A couple are roo shooters, a few farmers and a livestock trader.

The only one who owns a pistol is the livestock trader, simply because he sometimes has to go to remote areas to buy a prize bull with lots of cash on him. Some of these places don't have telephone lines, coverage or even sealed roads, so the chance of getting in trouble is always there, so he carries "Harry the hand cannon" a big .357 magnum, both for self defense and to kill a charging bull should the need arise.

I moved to Melbourne some time ago, and with a wife who is quite slight and will never be able to fight off a determined attacker (I defy anyone to show me a woman her size who could. I'm all for equality, but a 55kg woman can simply not go toe-to-toe with a 90kg man. End of story) so I was investigaing getting a pistol for home protection.

To a man, they all said I'd have to be an idiot to do so.

For a start, in Vic, the laws are exceedingly strict, and you need to be shooting at a range every four months at least to keep your license.

secondly, you need to store the ammo and the weapon in separate, locked boxes.

One of the roo shooters went through it with me like this:

"OK, so it's late at night, someone is in your house and you think they may plan on attacking you. The truth is, they probably just want your stuff. Call the cops and lock your door. Let's assume though, that for some reason they want you and Cassie (my wife) dead/raped/dead and raped. They come towards the bedroom. Assuming that you've had time to get the gun out of the safe and put ammo into it, you now have a weapon and some evil bastards coming down the hall.

They open the door and you shoot. Who is to say it's not just your brother trying to surprise you, or your elderly neighbour wandering around the house in an alzheimers induced state? But hey, let's assume it is a bad guy. You've shot him, while in a confined environment with little light and no hearing or eye protection.

You are now blinded by the muzzle flash and deafened by the shot.

So, you have to hope now. Hope that you hit him fatally, that he doesn't have a mate behind him who saw you shoot, and that there were no ricochets bouncing off the brickwork.

Because IF he has a mate, you're dead. If your bullet is pinging off the bricks, your wife may be hit, if you hit the robber in a non-vital area, he'll shoot you himself. Simply put, you're cactus."

My Father-in-law is a qualified armourer, he makes customer target rifles as well as barrels and balancing tuning for specialist shooters in the police force. He is of the same opinion, that a gun is a tool for the real world, and has no place in a home. He is also a little mad because he has on occasion mentioned that the only gun I should have in my house is his, when he is coming to get me. He's a quiet, little man and I am occasionally a bit too intimidated to make many jokes about the fact I'm banging his daughter.

So, while I've shot many varieties of guns, I'm yet to get one for "Home protection".

Though I do have a license to store hand forged swords and historical weaponry, so it's not as though I'm completely helpless there.

Edited by Kozeyekan
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Back on the gun topic.

I've grown up in the country (Regional NSW) and have a few friends who NEED guns as part of their occupation. A couple are roo shooters, a few farmers and a livestock trader.

The only one who owns a pistol is the livestock trader, simply because he sometimes has to go to remote areas to buy a prize bull with lots of cash on him. Some of these places don't have telephone lines, coverage or even sealed roads, so the chance of getting in trouble is always there, so he carries "Harry the hand cannon" a big .357 magnum, both for self defense and to kill a charging bull should the need arise.

I moved to Melbourne some time ago, and with a wife who is quite slight and will never be able to fight off a determined attacker (I defy anyone to show me a woman her size who could. I'm all for equality, but a 55kg woman can simply not go toe-to-toe with a 90kg man. End of story) so I was investigaing getting a pistol for home protection.

To a man, they all said I'd have to be an idiot to do so.

For a start, in Vic, the laws are exceedingly strict, and you need to be shooting at a range every four months at least to keep your license.

secondly, you need to store the ammo and the weapon in separate, locked boxes.

One of the roo shooters went through it with me like this:

"OK, so it's late at night, someone is in your house and you think they may plan on attacking you. The truth is, they probably just want your stuff. Call the cops and lock your door. Let's assume though, that for some reason they want you and Cassie (my wife) dead/raped/dead and raped. They come towards the bedroom. Assuming that you've had time to get the gun out of the safe and put ammo into it, you now have a weapon and some evil bastards coming down the hall.

They open the door and you shoot. Who is to say it's not just your brother trying to surprise you, or your elderly neighbour wandering around the house in an alzheimers induced state? But hey, let's assume it is a bad guy. You've shot him, while in a confined environment with little light and no hearing or eye protection.

You are now blinded by the muzzle flash and deafened by the shot.

So, you have to hope now. Hope that you hit him fatally, that he doesn't have a mate behind him who saw you shoot, and that there were no ricochets bouncing off the brickwork.

Because IF he has a mate, you're dead. If your bullet is pinging off the bricks, your wife may be hit, if you hit the robber in a non-vital area, he'll shoot you himself. Simply put, you're cactus."

My Father-in-law is a qualified armourer, he makes customer target rifles as well as barrels and balancing tuning for specialist shooters in the police force. He is of the same opinion, that a gun is a tool for the real world, and has no place in a home. He is also a little mad because he has on occasion mentioned that the only gun I should have in my house is his, when he is coming to get me. He's a quiet, little man and I am occasionally a bit too intimidated to make many jokes about the fact I'm banging his daughter.

So, while I've shot many varieties of guns, I'm yet to get one for "Home protection".

Though I do have a license to store hand forged swords and historical weaponry, so it's not as though I'm completely helpless there.


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