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July Photo Thread


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Shot this new 6 Series BMW in Singapore


And an auto salon in Singapore too..

Japanese drifter


Oz Drifters dropped by too


and a Mclaren MP4-12C


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Bought a Canon 550d a few days ago. Been shooting only in auto mode so far, I'm still trying to figure out how to use it lol.

Mess around in Photoshop with this photo


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just a few more shots from work. not sure what im going to do when there is nothing left to explore. work will go back to sucking harder than a hoover on boost.





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Bought a Canon 550d a few days ago. Been shooting only in auto mode so far, I'm still trying to figure out how to use it lol.

Mess around in Photoshop with this photo


Nice one David. Contrast is nice

just a few more shots from work. not sure what im going to do when there is nothing left to explore.

Get a longer monopod so you can aim the gopro through the windows below? :P

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im using a GoPro, so not even a real camera, lol

as for pointing it into the windows below... not sure i would see much other than a bunch of suits doing normal suit type things

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^yep, thats the one.

Sidd, I gain access by exploring. Some places its just a matter of lucky timing... I go up there at a time they forget to lock doors. simple as that really. would love to gain access properly to a few of the higher profile buildings and use a decent camera with a massive boom to get further out for crazier angles, but I'm not going to hold my breathe, lol.

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Be sure to put a brick in the door so you don't get locked out there... ala the Hangover!

my favourite is a regular bolt placed into the striker plate so the lock bolt cant close. another is simply using a rolled up piece of paper wedged in the doorframe to stop the door closing completely. always a good idea to have a few little magnets with you just in case there are reed switches, lol..

pretty much all over now tho, nothing worthwhile left to explore sadly. resuming boring life in 3, 2, 1...

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regular bike messenger photo spam post :P





loving teh gopro, even for night shots. definately need a better monopod tho, the ol 790B is falling to pieces and is way too thin and flexy for what im doing.

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I'm trying to overpower your comments with my signature :)

haha I think you're winning

Mine is the dodgy white GQ wagon.

Nice - like the tires!

My mates surf: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=E370I7TINYM (helped him put some new suspension in the back)

Bit hard to see quite how steep it is but this was a little heart stopping: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=kOinXJ0v3Cc


I like that front half of the crx. nice shot. good composition!

Yupp totally agree


Nice shot

been thinking about a micro 4/3 camera with a real fisheye lens pretty much just to get higher quality versions of shots like these.

I've actually been thinking about buying some sort of compact with a large sensor too.. started doing some research: google spreadsheet

(Just shoot us your email address if you want write access)

@Lepperfish - nice gig shots (know how hard it is to take those)


Whoa that would have been an amazing shot if you were half an hour earlier (I'm assuming its a sunset not a sunrise)

Ps. thanks SAU! :D


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I've actually been thinking about buying some sort of compact with a large sensor too.. started doing some research: google spreadsheet

(Just shoot us your email address if you want write access)


Whoa that would have been an amazing shot if you were half an hour earlier (I'm assuming its a sunset not a sunrise)

ended up buying an olympus e-pl1 for $360. the lens i want tho is around $800 grey import (panasonic 8mm fisheye. half the weight of the olympus fisheye and doesnt need a 4/3 to micro 4/3 adapter saving $300). will be worth it for the higher quality of the pics once i have saved up enough. time to start trying to get permission to take shots from the higher profile buildings, not sure how that will go. have a feeling it will involve spending more money on roof access type safety courses tho, lol. would be worth it, would love to specialize in photography from high places. something about being high that fascinates me, im scared of heights, but am too addicted to give it up, lol.

either that or i need to road trip to other cities for some rooftopping missions, lol

and your right about that shot, i left it a bit late to get up there, i need to finish up half hour earlier and be up there ready. would also like to bracket it next time and do a night HDR so all elements are exposed properly. that burnt out statue irks me, lol.

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