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Woke up at 2:30am thursday morning with what felt like massive chest pains, i knew it wasnt my heart as the pain was just under my rib cage in the middle.

After work i went to the doctors, they did an ekg and a blood test, apart from high blood pressure all else was fine, i go back on monday for an ultrsound to confirm it is gall stones.

The question is has any one used or know of someone who has use something or some sort of diet to break them down instead of having the gall bladder removed, i have done a bit of research and the majority of opinions is that it cant be done, i have also found some diets that people claim will break the stone down.

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If you have pigment stones, I don't know what you can do other than see a naturopath who can prescribe herbs; and then Brett, I don't know how quickly they work.

If your stones are made up of cholesterol, which most of them are, it's important to...

* stay away from dairy food and saturated fats

* take oats each day eg Oat Brits which contains cholestyramine enzyme that prevents production of LDL cholesterol (the bad one)

* take Vit B3 as a companion to oats because cholestyramine needs B3 to work properly

But to break down the cholesterol type stones you already might have, I'm not sure what you can do. I'll have to research that.

Do any older close relatives have cholesterol problems?

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From what I have read the majority say that the only fix is surgery and that there is no documented cure other than that, how ever a quick Google search brings up a few diets that people have claimed to use successfuly.

I also had a blood test on Thursday to rule out other things like my Liver, he told me that it should be fine but if its not they will call me and get me to come in, I got the call today.....

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Hey man don't stress, I have a couple family friends that have had it, one of them got cured by going to this place that has some sort of spa kind of thing with I dont know what in it, I will try and get their details for you off him tomorrow, also a couple got them removed by laser man.

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Hey man don't stress, I have a couple family friends that have had it, one of them got cured by going to this place that has some sort of spa kind of thing with I dont know what in it, I will try and get their details for you off him tomorrow, also a couple got them removed by laser man.

With the laser bit are you sure they weren't kidney stones, couldn't find anything about lasering gall stones.

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was confirmed today, and its infected which is f**king with my white blood cells and other shit.

The doc wants me to go to hospital to get a surgeons opinion but he thinks that they will probably take them out asap, which isnt an option atm so i guess ill just leave it till something has to be done about it.

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Drink alot of pear juice. Sounds crazy, but it works* haha



*may or may not work

Pear juice contains Boron which is meant to help.

Your second reference gives Vit B3 (Niacinamide and Nicotinic Acid) a plug - mentioned earlier. Strongest brand is "Hivita Stress" with 350 + 50 = 400mg B3

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I wish i had that option but right now i dont.

Hyperhealth Pro says with regard to Treatment...


* Lignin can help prevent formation of gallstones


* Betaine Hydrochloride can reduce production of gallstones in people with low gastric hydrochloric acid

Amino Acids

* Methionine (a sulphur amino) can prevent production of gallstones

* Taurine can prevent the production of cholesterol-type gallstones


* Psyllium can prevent gallstones


* Melatonin in the form of 5mg lozenges can prevent gallstones


* Limonene can dissolve gallstones

* Medium Chain Triglycerides can help prevent gallstones

* Phosphatidylcholine can may help prevent and treat gallstones

* Eicosapentaenoic Acid in omega 3 fish oil can prevent gallstones


* Manganese can prevent gallstones


* Aspirin can help prevent gallstones


* Curcumin may help prevent gallstones

* Genistein (50mg) can help prevent gallstones

* Silymarin can help prevent gallstones (by reducing cholesterol byproducts in the bile)


* Vitamin C may help prevent gallstones (by converting cholesterol to bile acids)

* Vitamin E may prevent (cholesterol type) gallstones and dissolve existing ones

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Hyperhealth Pro says with regard to Causes...

Animal Fats

* Excessive consumption of animal fats increases the risk of gallstones


* XS consumption of Fructose can increase gallstone risk

* XS consumption of Sucrose can increase gallstone production

Glycemic Index

* A diet with high GI foods increases the risk of gallstones


* Eleveated Insulin levels may increase the risk of gallstones


* Defects in cholesterol metabolism are the usual causes of gallstones. If the Phosphatidylcholine cholesterol ratio of bile decreases, the risk of gallstones increases

* XS consumption of Saturated Fatty Acids may increase the risk of gallstones

* Trans-fatty Acids (eg in KFC) may increase the risk of gallstones

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Hyperhealth Pro says with regard to Foods, Herbs and Lifestyle That Are Helpful...


* Coffee (without milk/sugar) may help prevent gallstones - using stevia as a sweetener if required

* Green Tea may help prevent gallstones


* Physical Activity may prevent formation of gallstones


* Lemon juice may dissolve gallstones


* Milk Thistle may help prevent gallstones (by reducing cholesterol byproducts in the bile)

* Peppermint may help prevent and treat gallstones and Peppermin Oil helps to dissolve gallstones

* Turmeric may help prevent gallstones (due to curcumin content > stimulates flow of bile > stimulating contractions of gallbladder) (eg Indian food)

* Lecithin can reduce production of gallstones


* Nuts taken frequently as snacks help prevent gallstones


* Fish Oils may prevent gallstones

* Olive Oil (virgin) may reduce the production of cholesterol type gallstones (due to palmitoleic acid and oleic acid ingredients)

* Peppermint Oil (in capsules) can help dissolve gallstones


* Psyllium Seeds may help prevent gallstone production


* Beetroot

* Carrot

* Parsnip

* Radish

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WOW lots of info there, thanks terry.

I ended up going to emergency last night, turns out that there are some things in my blood test that "could" be an infection (cant remember the medical term for it) but since i dont have any other symptom, including pain, then he just thinks that a stone may have gotten to the entry of the duct which set off the pain and then fallen back in, he did a blood test and sent me home, he said that if the results are better than the first ones then that would be it on there part (gall bladder still needs to be removed but can be done as an out patient) if it was the same or worse he would refer it to a surgeon and may call me back in last night, turns out everything is pretty much normal but my white blood cells are still a little high but nothing to be worried about, he assumes that since the first blood test was taken the day it happened that everything was out, 5 days later everything has had a chance to settle down and go back to normal.

did you take my advice and drink pear juice? Dont underestimate the pear juice :domokun:

Havnt had a chance to yet, but since im probably going to have to wait to have the gall bladder taken out (elective surgery in a public health system....) it will give me a good chance to go through everything that terry and your self has posted and put together a diet where the aim is to remove gall stones or atleast reduce them.

Here is a pic of the ultrasound.


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  • 1 month later...

A few weeks after this happened i started to get pain,it was the worst pain i had ever felt, would last for 4 or so hours and then go away, started on a saturday night then happened on sunday and monday before a friend convinced me to go to emergency on tuesday night when it happened again, within 45mins i was in a bed, i could hear a nurse briefing the doctor behind a curtain and she said "the triage nurse put him as the highest category, i dont know why" the doctor stuck his head round the corner and replied "did you look at his eyes" she stuck her head round the corner and replied "oh", turns out the white of my eyes were yellow which indicates liver problems, 2 shots of morphine later and i was feeling great lol.

a couple of days later they removed 3 stones that were blocking my combile duct, they had planned to remove my gall bladder, they changed that to all the stones including the ones in the bladder but ended up just doing the 3 stones and booked me in to have the bladder removed a week later, my boss was a nice guy and was going to pay me whilst i was laid up, surgery went fine and i was discharged the next day, the day after that i got a txt off my boss saying he couldnt afford to keep me (2.5weeks on and i still want to stab the in the eye ball).

Atleast it is all done now, got another 2.5 weeks before i can start another job.

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