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Now into its 19th year theValvoline Springnats is Victoria’s LARGEST performance car festival thatprovides the true motor vehicle enthusiast with the opportunity to displaytheir skills and vehicles against other enthusiasts in a safe, controlled andfriendly environment.

The venue for the 2011Springnats is the Shepparton Showgrounds which will again prove an idealcentral location with its unique, ready-made paved areas suited to drivingevents and brand new indoor facility that was very well received by bothparticipants and spectators alike at our 2010 event.

The Valvoline Springnats willagain be all about admiring the best cars in the land including StreetMachines, Hot Rods, Kustoms, Restored / Authentic as well as Imports andspending quality time with family and friends, whilst witnessing some of themost powerful cars compete side by side in Hi Octane Action Events such as GoTo Whoa, Autokana, Indoor and Outdoor Show N Shine, Dyno Challenge, AutofestCorkscrew and everyone’s favourite the fiercely competitive Burnout Title.

The Valvoline Autofest Seriesincludes, Springnats as well as our other events that have been held in MurrayBridge SA, Corowa NSW, Mount Gambier SA and our all new NSW event to be heldeach year in March at the Australian Mecca of Motorsport, Mount PanoramaBathurst kicking off from the 17th and 18th March 2012. Autofest events attract 100’s of entrantsand many thousand spectators over the weekends providing unique environments tocompare and compete.

All our events are alcohol freeand thus promote a true family atmosphere where spectators are able to enjoythe enthusiasm and excitement of a motor vehicle event in a friendlyenvironment. This has been evidenced by the fact of strong crowd attendancesconsisting largely of families of all ages.

The Valvoline Autofest Seriesof events present themselves as fantastic marketing tools for companies toprofile their products and/or services.

Additional information can beobtained by visiting our website at www.autofest.com.au

Or www.gasolinemag.com.au

If you have any further queriesplease do not hesitate to contact via email at springnats.autofest@bigpond.comor on 0417 511557.

Street Rods, Street Machines,Kustoms, Imports and Restored/Authentic are all welcomed and catered For!

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Valvoline Autofest Series Update: August 2011.

Welleverything is again falling into place on the lead up to this seasons ValvolineAutofest Series.

Valvoline Springnats,November 25th to 27th 2011 and again held at Shepparton Victoria kicks off theSeries.

This famous event also seethe debut of the all new Showcar and Streetcar category's we have developed forthe Show N Shine segment of each of the series events.

Now that we finally haveindoor facilities at each City we visit this will be a major advantage forthose who wish to enter their Cars within the Show N Shine.

The Valvoline SpringnatsShow Hall is already starting to fill quickly and those wanting to be setupindoors are reminded to get their entry in shortly or risk missing out.

Also new at the Valvoline Springnatsin 2011 is the Just Car Insurance Jet Car display and demonstrations, thesehigh horsepower weapons are set to ignite all with their flame show and willalso be a highlight of the Saturday night activities.

The Friday Cruise andDisplay is on again from 11.45am till 2.15pm and those that would like to be apart of this event are requested to contact the office email:springnats.autofest@bigpond.com to have an invitation sent to them. The FridayCruise and display will be run with the support from Shepparton Showme as wellas the Global Traffic Management company that ran this event in 2009 with muchsuccess, filling the City Mall to near capacity. Sunday morning will also see the Gasoline MagazineSupercruise through the streets of Shepparton.

Next up we are over to theMount Gambier Valvoline Autofest, South Australia on the all new date ofJanuary 28th and 29th 2012.

Team Extreme will againfeature at the Mount with a couple of new Team Members that will surprise manywith their weaponry and car skills.

The Just Car Magazine CarYard will be back at all of the Series events. For those entrants wanting tosell their ride, this is the place to be. Also featuring at all Series eventsis the rebuilt Silver Bullet Mustang of Perry Meka.

Mount Gambier will alsofeature the Trident Tyres Burnout Masters as well as the Cockys AutoPro Showcarand Streetcar Masters.

Then we are off to theMighty Mount Panorama Circuit at Bathurst NSW for the inaugural BathurstValvoline Autofest set down for March 17th and 18th 2012. With entry's andinterest in this event coming in from far and wide the 350 limit is going tofill quickly.

So if you're thinking ofentering you would be well advised to get your entry in sooner rather thanlater.

The Mount Panorama PitComplex will be the home for the Showcar Masters and an All New Burnout Pad isbeing laid just for us to play on so it will be an all out assault to see whowill be the inaugural "Kings" and "Queens" of the Mountain.

Street Machines, Street Rods, Classics, Imports,Restored and Authentic Are All Welcomed and Catered For!

For More Information check outwww.autofest.com.au

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September29th 2011


MainlineDyno Challenge

We are pleased to announce that MainlineDynoLog Dynamometers are the official dynamometer suppliers for the Valvoline AutofestPerformance Car Festivals.

The “Mainline Dyno Challenge” will beconducted at each of the Valvoline Autofest Performance Car Festival events,commencing at this year’s Springnats in Shepparton Victoria, on the 25th– 27th November 2011.

The next event moves to Mount Gambierin SA, for the Mount Gambier Valvoline Autofest, 28th - 29th January 2012, andthen on to the mighty Mount Panorama circuit, in Bathurst NSW, for the finalround 17th – 18th March 2012.

Mainline DynoLog Dynamometers feature the latest ininnovative dyno technology, advanced analytical software, and are well knownfor accurate, consistent and repeatable results.

Valvoline Autofest Entrants will be invited to put their machinesinto the Mainline Dyno Challenge at each event at "No Extra Charge". Just head over to the Mainline Team and bookyour time to be tested.

Awardsinclude; V8, 6cyl, 4cyl/Rotary, Blown/ Pro Modifiedand Top Overall.

The Valvoline Autofest Series welcomesthe inclusion of Mainline Dynolog Dynamometers into its Events and look forwardin working with Mainline to further strengthen this ever popular categorywithin the Series.

- END -

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Those wanting an invite to a Free cruise and display to be held in conjunction with the Shepparton Springnats on the Friday 25th can contact springnats.autofest@bigpond.com and an official invitation will be sent out to you. If you want to be apart of this fill that out and return ASAP.

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How's this for stepping up to the plate, Autotek alongwith MOMO have just announced that they are increasing their presence at this year'sValvoline Springnats and this will include presenting winners of both thefemale and male categories of the Autoteksponsored Motokana, each with a set of 19 inch MOMO Wheels listed below. Thiswill surely make this one of the toughest fought out Autotek Motokana's forquite some time.

· 4 x Momo Strike 19’ wheels inBlack or Silver to suit either Ford Falcon Range or Holden Commodore Range @420.00 each– Total Value: $ 1680 (Retail)

“Elegance and aggression in asingle wheel: this is Strike. Momo has created Strike, a perfect blend of allthe values that made the Brand a legend.

Its essential, but sharpdesign, enriched by spokes profile and wheel centre machined finish, makesStrike a real masterpiece in its class. “

· 4 x Momo V-10 19’ wheels inBlack or Silver to suit either Ford Falcon Range or Holden Commodore Range @420.00 each – Total Value: $ 1680 (Retail)

“An announced success story:V-10 has conquered Momo Corse fans as a real star. Momo tradition with 10 Vshaped spokes, has given life to a double personality wheel: aggressive andsharp in glossy black colour, stylish and elegant in silver version.”

Also included within Autotek's continued support is theinclusion of not one but Three MOMO Steering Wheels and these great prizes willbe awarded to the Best times from the Friday Night Roman Autotek Night OfThunder in both the male and female category's and the other going to the topoverall award.

· 3 x Momo Tuner Steering Wheelsincluding matching Sports Pedals @ 352.00 each – Total Value: $ 1056.00(Retail)

Wethank Roman Autotek along with MOMO and as always look forward to continuedsupport and please remember, where possible please support those who supportyou.

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