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How do you prevent infections or at worst, what's your philosophy of treating them?

Consider that pandemics raged after major wars around the world.

The Bible warns of plagues in end-times.

When immune systems are compromised > cancers lurk too.

Ever had food poisoning? Concerned about hygeine at work as well as in public places?

Do tell!

On the lighter side...


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Had golden staph not that long ago...

Bloody HORRIBLE! Wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

Started on my hip & ended up getting a sore on my arse too.

So painful I couldn't walk, lie down comfortably or anything & lasted probably 3 months! Bled & wept like crazy & as soon as one sore started to go another would pop up, or already had.

Ended up going to an infectious disease specialist who gave me meds & said to use a medicated soap (phisohex) & also to clean & disinfect EVERYTHING I touched/had touched. Still couldn't give me any idea as to how I got it.

Bit gross but at one stage one of the sores burst & I had a hole in my hip about the size of an old 2 cent piece that I couldn't see the end of.

Like it was just black inside, couldn't see any flesh or anything...

Still have scars from it today.

  • 9 months later...

Medical journal has put out a bulletin emphasising that new graduates have been very lax in washing their hands. The warning is now out that they must wash their hands between patients!

Can you imagine a patient having the balls to order the Dr to wash his/her hands before the inspection???

I've had food poisoning 3 times now. Thankfully none of them went beyond "that night", though generally my body fought it and won by purging any and ALL foreign content from my body. Relentlessly.

I treat infected wounds in various ways depending on severity of infection. Anything from a simple application of Bepanthen every so often, through soaking in warm salty water, all the way to a constant onslaught of every antibacterial cream/oil I have applied in frequent copious amounts, often resulting in seriously dry skin and pain but infection no more.

You can never rid the world of the mighty pathogens!!

Adaptations as a result from constant binary fission means we end up getting screwed in one way or another and need to keep on creating new antibiotics.

Viruses rely on a host and optimal conditions to constantly replicate seeing as they contain their own RNA or DNA. Typically only the body's own immune system has to handle them.

Poor family that won $8,000,000 from KFC.

They all got sick from Salmonella; but the daughter ate the most > brain damage.

KFC contends that it might not have been their food. I was wondering that until I realised that 3 of the family had that wrap and got sick.

Food poisoning sux

  • 2 weeks later...

I;ve had food-poisoning twice in my life, once when i was 12 and again at 13. Both times were from two seperate Mcdonalds

Since then i've never gone back, and pretty much eat no fast food at all. They've kind of ruined it all for me now. Cant eat anything without a huge phobia about what some unwashed teen has inadvertently done to my meal.

Also eat no Indian or Asian food what-so-ever. After what i was told by the wife of a friend in the health department, its total anarchy in those places. One particular place has failed in excess of 20 different health checks, and is still allowed to operate!

So in summary, unless i can see the guy who is cooking my food, i dont eat there.

My whole family caught these suckers once, think they got into our cloth couches somehow.




Basically lice-like creatures that lay eggs under your skin and when they hatch they spread throughout your epidermis leaving little "burrows" and trails everywhere. These look like rashes and they itch like crazy, all over your body, 24 hours a day. Tried sitting in the hottest bath possible for half an hour thinking I could drown the suckers - nope, they live and breath under your skin. You can even feel them moving around. The only fix is a cream that you rub over every square millimetre of your body, everywhere the sun shines and everywhere it doesn't. You gotta leave that cream on for 24 hours (most uncomfortable sleep ever) and try not to scratch. Gone but not forgotten.

Every couple of months I might get a sweat rash from the gym, canesten is good for this.

Had campylobacter from my second last meal in Malaysia. Was also the best restaurant, as in highest quality, that I ate in while there. Felt off while traveling, and when I got home had 7days of profuse toilet action, fevers, and dehydration. Would do salmonella anytime compared to campy. I ate from street stalls and whatever, but it was the restaurant that did me in. Lesson learnt.

The Mrs being in pathology, is always harping on about infections etc. the best thing that we find, and the cheapest and easiest option for external infections is salty warm water. That stuff will deal with things that detol and other products won't touch.

Terry, on the hand washing Dr thing, I wouldn't just tell him where to go, but buzz off completely. It's ALWAYS the patients right to have a second opinion. Too many people blindly trust doctors. I know you know, but people don't realise that there are doctors that just are there to be employed (like other professions) and there are Doctors that genuinely care for patient well being.

/ rant :P

Point taken!

Another little ditty is that many female nurses are disgusted at how many male Drs become laissez faire about washing hands > neglectful

...reminds me of that alpha female Florence Nightingale.

Point taken!

Another little ditty is that many female nurses are disgusted at how many male Drs become laissez faire about washing hands > neglectful

...reminds me of that alpha female Florence Nightingale.

Largest contributor of surgical site infections -not following aseptic technique.

The first and only time I've ever been on holiday outside of Australia was to Thailand. Initially 3 weeks booked there, got food poisoning at the end of the first week, went to some backyard doctor who gave me injections, pills, and fluid drips for two days, fixed me up good but that put me off big time, ended up coming home a week early.

Previous to that when I was a bit younger my dad and me both ate Hungry Jacks and were sick for 3 days. My mum wrote a letter to someone about it and the restaurant got in a bit of shit, pity shit didn't sue or something.

Heard a horror story of an acquaintance to the family, he ate at some Asian takeaway joint, next thing half his bowel had to be removed or something :S, poor guy.

Edited by GHOSTrun
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Had golden staph not that long ago...

Bloody HORRIBLE! Wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

Started on my hip & ended up getting a sore on my arse too.

So painful I couldn't walk, lie down comfortably or anything & lasted probably 3 months! Bled & wept like crazy & as soon as one sore started to go another would pop up, or already had.

Ended up going to an infectious disease specialist who gave me meds & said to use a medicated soap (phisohex) & also to clean & disinfect EVERYTHING I touched/had touched. Still couldn't give me any idea as to how I got it.

Bit gross but at one stage one of the sores burst & I had a hole in my hip about the size of an old 2 cent piece that I couldn't see the end of.

Like it was just black inside, couldn't see any flesh or anything...

Still have scars from it today.

News Today:- 4 Major Hospitals in Sydney are losing the fight against resident Golden Staph.

Report (of which I don't know how valid) says today that men's workplaces are much more dirty than ladies'.

Particularly up for mention are the office chair and the phone....


Mobile phone with touch screens, I reckon have to be one of the most disgusting surfaces people touch these days *shudders*. Think about this as well, when last did you clean your touch screen? Most of us would not, unless a bit of a wipe if it gets wet etc, crazy.

Mobile phone with touch screens, I reckon have to be one of the most disgusting surfaces people touch these days *shudders*. Think about this as well, when last did you clean your touch screen? Most of us would not, unless a bit of a wipe if it gets wet etc, crazy.

I cleaned mine this morning, but only because I sprayed blood all over it lol

why do you guys get sick so often?

i'm probably an asymptomatic carrier of something, but the worst i've got is dengue then somehow got a lung infection immediately after. Now, other than the occasional flu/cold, i don't really get sick. I've drunk untreated river water and stuff, so, i'm probably carrying something, but its been about 5 years since, and no issues.

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