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R35 Gtr


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Nah, but I thought you were getting an R34 GT-R in 7 years time? That'd be the coolest!

And yes, to agree with 13_devil, those photo's are pretty old; they're just concept images. There was another thread drifting around with the latest concept sketches; and that one looked pretty smick.

Edited due to incorrect information; shame on me.

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Though, but seriously, the V35/G35 is the successor to the R34 GT-t...
Beerrrrrrmmmmp. Wrong! The V35 (the G35 is merely a *model name* hung on the US delivered V35 Skyline... tis not a chassis number) IS the successor to the R34 Skyline RANGE... there is not a GTS/GTST or whatever you want to relate them to. Theres a sedan, and a coupe, in 200, 300 and 350GT versions and the Stagea wagon wariants. Thats all.

Just to clarify what I'm saying about the chassis number, you don't go calling the VY Monaro (whatever it's called, IDGAF) a "GZ" (whatever) Pontiac now do you? It's just a stupid name so the Yanks don't get all confused and stay away from said new model in droves.

...with the R35 the successor to the R34.
Beeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmpppp!!! (sorry..) Please tell us SAU peeps who said the "R"35 GT-R was the successor to the R34 GT-R. Please.

My only thought here is to just give people info straight... not all this bollocks speculation that comes out of the US/UK, where the GT-R wasn't even sold. If you want to do a search on all the stuff I've posted on the "The New GT-R", you'll find out that thats what the Japanese press refer to it as, "The New GT-R"! Nothing more, nothing less. So please don't post up stuff that just confuses people.

This New GT-R bizzo is almost as irritating as the "Type M" argument...

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ahahah he's back

now where are those humorous forum type pics?

anthony, do you go to school?

anthony, do you have any intelligence about the skyline series, make and model? :slap:

Use the search button, altavista or google and research before you ask stupid things, the question on if you like this concept car has been asked so many times...

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Use the search button, altavista or google and research before you ask stupid things, the question on if you like this concept car has been asked so many times...

well sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry if i havnt been a member for as long as u

anthony, do you have any intelligence about the skyline series, make and model?

yes i do, its just this 'concept' skyline im lost about, is this 'the new gtr or not' someone correct me

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