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P Platers Driving Turbos And V8's

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The problem in this country is largely cultural, people are obsessed that speed kills, whereas someone doing 120 km/h in a skyline on the more open parts of the f3, leaving safe gaps and just cruising, is being far safer than someone tailgaiting a green p-plater at 100 km/h.

But it would be hugely unpopular to force learners to take "hoon" driving courses or to let them be taught by qualified instructors, esp when the government can just lower speed limits, say speeding kills then claim they're doing all they can to make the roads safer.

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Also I would encourage my children to drive a high powered car instead of making it a taboo thing, not as an everyday car but as a "lets go out together and drive this powerful car". Look at Australias youth alcohol problem, now look at Europes? They can legally drink whenever they like basically, but they dont generally go out to get wasted.... same sort of thing. Make something seem bad for you and the youth will always chase it even if they arn't ready for it. Then compare it to america, they have a higher drinking age and their alcoho culture is even more screwed than australias. It is all related but realy there is nothing that can be done. You just have to accept that driving is a matter nof trusting complete strangers not to missbehave and that driving is potentially the most dangerous thing you are likely to do in yo0ur life.

[And thats why i dont understand when people say i would never let my child do this or that i will take it away from them.......... are people that dumb to see when you take something away from a baby they want it more. Well it doesn't stop for teenagers

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Good points, for the law to do what it was intended to do it certainly shouldn't be allowing big aussie 6 cylinder engines. There probably isn't a car slow enough yet equipped and safe enough for the law to make much of a difference. Though 2.2L '98 camry's might be close :P.

But with how a mere 3.5 L magna gets up to speed, it's more than enough to hurt yourself easily if you're driving like a fool.

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That's another thing in Germany; they encourage/enforce (not sure; Kujotk might be able to help me out here) that older cars be taken off the road, and learner drivers only go in cars that are at max 5 years old (I think?). This is so that they have all the safety features they need, not like a VR commodore with shitty brakes and suspension.

Also, from memory, when we got the $900 during the GFC, Germany gave €3000 out if you were buying a new German car, to stimulate the economy and to get people in better cars.

There's a LOT to be done to increase driver safety and training, and I think a good first step would to be to tighten rego checks a bit.. Would be good to start getting rid of the older cars that just aren't safe, but under the current system will pass a check.

And come down hard on places who do dodgy checks for these cars.

If we're going to save lives on the road, it's not about slowing down (although that does help); it's about driver training for worst-case scenarios, and changing the attitudes of people towards thinking "she'll be right". The analogy to Australia's binge drinking culture was apt; instead of taking it sensibly, when it's done, it's done to excess.

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so i was curious about what my mum would say so i asked her.

me to mum.

mum can you please write me a email and say your opinion about


me driving a turbo/v8 car


your opinion on the p plate laws

thanks matt

mum to me


Here is my opinion


I would hope that you did not drive a V8/turbo car whilst on your P's if it is against the law.

Having said that, you are an adult who can make informed choices for yourself. If you chose to drive a V8/Turbo car, then you should be the one to suffer any consequences that may arise from breaking any laws.


I believe the P Plate laws are in place for a reason, and that is to lessen the road toll amongst young drivers. I believe that one you are on your Green P's you should be able to drive the car of your choice. I agree with restrictions whilst on red P's.

Kind Regards


my conclusion (for those that can't read between the lines)


i raised you to be a good boy who can think for him self, now stop asking stupid questions and follow the law.


they go to far (see above about stupid questions)

back to me

also i don't think it's fare to criticize some one else's parenting style just because you/your parent micromanaged you/your child does not mean every parent should and let's face it if a p plater chose to drive a restricted car

(knowing that they are braking the law) then that parent failed there child a long time ago.

end rant

Edited by tweety bird
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That's another thing in Germany; they encourage/enforce (not sure; Kujotk might be able to help me out here) that older cars be taken off the road, and learner drivers only go in cars that are at max 5 years old (I think?). This is so that they have all the safety features they need, not like a VR commodore with shitty brakes and suspension.

Also, from memory, when we got the $900 during the GFC, Germany gave €3000 out if you were buying a new German car, to stimulate the economy and to get people in better cars.

Not sure about the old car thing or the 5 years thing, but it does sound like something Germany would do (only been here for a few months, still learning, also learning that German humor isn't like back at home lol).

The new car scheme of 3k euro is correct. Most of the developed world gives incentives to get rid of unsafe cars for new locallly built or owned car makes. May not be good for the environment (more energy to create new cars) but who cares if it saves lives from being wasted when an alternative is there.

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wow...you guys that get pulled up and get away with it all the time are lucky.

Kurtly Beale went to court today for this: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-union/union-news/kurtley-beale-car-charge-thrown-out-20110720-1hnxp.html

BTW, my 2c is this law is rubbish. every car has enough power to kill you

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Jeeez, didn't know CX7's came in turbo form? Wow.

EDIT:: Seems both "Sports" models do (the SP23 engine FWIW), and there's the turbo diesel.

True that re: any car can kill you; my Daewoo 1.5i could have gotten up to enough speed to kill me well and truly (given a 4km long stretch of road haha).

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Interesting about the R32 Golf...... All Porsche 911's BEFORE 1994 are OK too........

To put things into perspective. A "P" plater can drive a 1989 3.2L Porsche Carrera but can't drive a 1971 HQ Kingswood 4.2L V8 Column 3 Speed Automatic.

Go figure.


Have you driven either cars? The porsche has no guts but revs to hell and seems faster than it is because of seating position, ride quality and noise. They corner like nothing else.

The kingswood is basically a steel coffin, literally. You'd easily go twice or 3 times the speed of a kingswood around a corner in an 89' 911 and make it out the other side. Kingswood is better of being melted down and turned into another sydney harmor bridge (because it has so much steel in it lol)

I know what you are getting at though, I agree

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Have you driven either cars?

Yes I have many times. My mates (pic attached) has only done 45,000 kms and goes very well. The earlier ones are a bit sluggish but don't sell the 3.2L too short, it is a quick car. That said I do agree with everything else you have typed. The old Kingswoods are diabolical.........



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True that re: any car can kill you; my Daewoo 1.5i could have gotten up to enough speed to kill me well and truly (given a 4km long stretch of road haha).

170km/h in a hyundai excel isn't difficult, either.

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The kingswood is basically a steel coffin, literally. You'd easily go twice or 3 times the speed of a kingswood around a corner in an 89' 911 and make it out the other side. Kingswood is better of being melted down and turned into another sydney harmor bridge (because it has so much steel in it lol)

how dare you say that about an aussie classic !!

p.s. I know heaps of kingswoods that can corner...kinda....go to a NSW state round and see 20+ of them :D

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Saw a kingswood race on sbs once... they all came round a corner bunched up, one went wide and went off road, rejoined the track having gone slightly further than the cars in the race and managed not to lose a position hahaha.

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hq racing is some of the best around. It's jsut a shame there are no straight replacement panels for hqs any more, they are going easy these days.

And like I said, any car is quick enough to kill....we took a pulsar off the clock in the NT


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I partially agree with them banning P Platers from hihg-po cars.

I'd much rather see a P Plater give a VR V6 commodore (Or even a brand new VE Commodore) a boot ful at 100km/h and get to 150KM/H 500 metres down the road, then give something like the setup I used to run in my R33, that you'd boot it at 130KM/H... And end up massively sideways with both rear tyres pouring smoke off them.

Remember, while anycar can get upto high speeds, a High Po car gets there quicker, so take a stretch of road like the RNP, the straights are a limited fixed length, such as 400Metres... I know over 400 Metres a commodore is only 160 odd KM/H, my old R33 setup from a standstill bolted to 200KM/H within passing 400metres... Now take that from 90KM/H, I'm pulling 230-240KM/H... Ya old V6 commo has only managed 160-180KM/H... Now try it in an excel, you're only managing 130/140KM/H by the time you reach that corner...

Remember, high po cars will corner quicker, so they've got a high starting speed, and more grunt to push the speed up... As well as the ability to snap into wheel spin ALOT easier on a public road. I've felt my R33 unload on the start finish line at Oran Park in 4th gear and it shakes the tail around... Imagine if it did that at 180KM/H but was from going over a bump in the road that you might find in the RNP?

But then again, I hate these laws as some people are smart enough to not drive like a spastic/don't have the balls to drive hard. And I also hate it as my resale value has epically failed...

Edit: As to P Platers driving restricted vehicles. YOU'RE IDIOTS!

Not only are you saying "I'll take the consequences", I do believe in one of the clauses I've seen it means you're technically unlicenced, which can mean completely uninsured... Which means if you hit me, I'm going to sue you for every dollar you earn for your whole life... Or what if you really don't have the talent to control that power and kill someone?

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