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Ok let me get out in the first sentence the fact that I’m not trying to be an arsehole here, it’s just a friendly argument. Think of it as sport.

Charly – it’s a quote from a movie which I think is pretty cool. It’s there as a clue to my personality.

Nismo Boy – that’s pretty close to racism mate. If that was an insult, get some better ones. If it was a joke, not really funny but it’s not like anyone around here is going to hold it against you.

Predator – I didn’t intend to judge his whole person, just his comment, so yeah, technically fair call on your part but I think you could have worked that one out. Sorry if I was unclear there.

SmoothLine – “I welcomed her as I would any other new member, in a light hearted fun way...

We are all about having fun here... you wouldnt know that because what we do is of no relevance to you personally...

We have quite a few females in our little family and they all get along just the same as if they were male...”

You still didn’t address the issue.

My point is that you didn’t welcome her as you would any other new member. Do you ask guys to post a photo of themselves? I agree that your tone was light hearted and I am actually sorry that I jumped down your throat like that but I didn’t think a subtle comment would have been noticed.

I’m all for fun but to use an obviously extreme analogy for effect; if in deep south USA a century or two ago a couple of drunk white boys killed a black man or girl they probably thought they were having fun. We know it’s wrong but they didn’t think so. Does that make it alright though?

As for relevance to me; you live in the same country as I do and post on the same forum as I do and I was embarrassed for you even if you weren’t. The fact that Anna wasn’t bothered by it is irrelevant because it’s comments like yours that make girls avoid predominately male domains such as this. I like girls and I’d prefer if there more of them about so that bothers me.

Strutto – we can moderate ourselves here I think. As long as people can hold back from name calling (he he, hypocrite :Oops: ).

Gor33 – you back me up with your comments and then put your money on SmoothLine! Bastard! Whoops, there I go again… I’m hardly scared mate. It’s not like we’re about to start bashing each other, even if we were in the same state. I don’t think either of us is like that.

There was more outrage from other quarters than from SmoothLine which backs up what people have said about him.

Yamutha33 – sounds like you’re with me on this. Just make sure I don’t get too many supporters because I want to claim minority harassment later :) .

Nismo Girl – I think the state forums are fine for this sort of thing. If there were so many threads you couldn’t find anything in them you would probably have to split the state forums into categories with a wasteland in particular.

In conclusion, I’ve just been a condescending and self indulgent wanker by posting all of this. If any one has anything intelligent to say, please do. I think despite all the surrounding crap I do actually have one small but definitely valid point. I was trying to change behaviour, not make enemies and if anyone here has anything abusive, stupid, banal or otherwise crap to say, post it :), make me laugh because I’ve obviously been in far too serious a mood lately. I’m not going to put on my flame proof suit so go sick guys… and girls.


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Lemme explain that, I mean it looks like you took something way out of context and then others took what you posted out of context and everyone goes off and there is a huge misunderstanding :D

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hey hey hey!!!!!! this is MY damn thread so stop ya bitching!!! hahahaha *slaps you all down* Bob, ur only issue is ur WAAAAY too politically correct, i mean, do u not abbreviate anything?!!! hahahaha. :)

well...wasn't this a lovely welcome i got... :)

dont forget im lookin for a nice 34 for my wedding... :) so if u have a 4 door OR a 2 door with a roomy backseat, then PM me please!!!!!!!!!



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a 2 door with a roomy backseat, then PM me please!!!!!!!!!



hmmmmmm sorry but whoa that sounds so funny!!!:) not impliying anything :)

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dont forget im lookin for a nice 34 for my wedding... :) so if u have a 4 door and a 2 door with a roomy backseat, then PM me please!!!!!!!!!



G'day Anna and welcome to skylines australia. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)

Just curious as to why, to PM you, we'd have to own both a 4 door AND 2 door R34 (with a 'roomy backseat', assuming your wedding day will be spent in the back of 2 door R34? :blah: )

Ben - Should have appealed your suspension so I can kick your arse :kick:

:) j/k

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G'day Anna and welcome to skylines australia. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)  

Just curious as to why, to PM you, we'd have to own both a 4 door AND 2 door R34 (with a 'roomy backseat', assuming your wedding day will be spent in the back of 2 door R34?  :blah: )  

Ben - Should have appealed your suspension so I can kick your arse  :kick:  

:) j/k

Hrm. should I have a camera installed in me car I wonder? :) kiddin :) A roomy back seat would be need coz of the pretty dress, not good if its all squashed up. :)

And bob dude.. chill a bit.. seems you are taking things a lil bit too seriously and I thought I was bad in posting long replies.. hehehe :)

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Hmm, well hella Anna, nice to have you with us. A little late I know but hey I'm not gonna loose sleep over it. Abo Bob, pull your head in, you're going the right way for a smacked bottom...

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Abo Bob - yeah that's ironic alright :P

4 Doorz ... dude sorry for the typo!! hahaha, if anyone's got a 2 dr AND a 4 dr, i'd like to meet u! hahahaha. nah, i changed it to OR, u will be pleased to notice!

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Guest Jordy32

hey there anna, so good to see you get a big welcome from everyone here.

looks like theres some guys frighting over you already, i dont blam them, your

such a hotty.

ps. boys settle down, shes taken :P

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Come say hello where?

Good to see another new face has joined the ranks... Come along to one of the meets...

Also, I should let you know that in the aim of matching faces to names etc Im going to have to ask you to post a pic of yourself...

Yes , Maybe Abo Bob was a little harsh on his reply to Smoothline and yes his from Sydney BUT this was Not a nice way for Smoothline to greet someone new no matter who he knows or how long he has been on this site.

So wake up guys, friends or no friends lets make SAU a friendly site and Not a kindergarten....... :slap:

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