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Just thought I would share my experience with people who probably don't care what happens in my life but I thought it was interesting none the less, a few months ago 4 cars in my complex were broken into a brand new Alfa Romeo, a new Subaru sedan and a Accord none of which has security systems installed but these guys must have been pro's they managed to jimmy the lock for the alfa and accord although they did end up bending part of the frame of the door of the Alfa (unfortunately the owner started his contents insurance from Shannon's the day AFTER the incident (he asked them specifically to start it the day after)) but for some reason they couldn't get into the Subaru so they smashed the window, how they did all this in the silence of the night and no one waking up to hear them is beyond me. They raided for any small things of value (GPS's, Laptops, Phones, Wallets, ipods etc.) and the most ironic thing I found is that my car was the only one with a full fledged alarm system...except...I FORGOT TO ARM IT!! *DOH* domokun.gif... luckily, the reason my car was unlocked was because I went down to get my wallet and forgot to rearm and relock it! This turned out to be one of the best things I could of done, because of that they went through my entire car and didn't take a thing! Leaving my baby unharmed! They left all my expensive Kincrome and other tools in the trunk (guess it wasn't worth it to them) and my very expensive leather jacket!!!....So moral of this story leave your car unlocked pinch.gif.....(the front gate was closed so they couldn't steal it even if they wanted too lol)

Edited by JamesK
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Yeah, similar thing happened to me a few months ago too.

I went out to the car to grab something at like 9pm but forgot to arm it. Then I went back out to the car at 11pm, with papers and stuff everywhere.

They went through my glove box and centre console, ALL they took was my $50 walkie talkie lol.

I had my GPS on the floor and my iPod in my din, but I guess it was too dark and they wouldn't see it? lol

I was lucky though, because if it was someone that knows what they are doing, they coulda taken like 3k worth of stuff lol

I hope to thos whom likte to break in to cars break their spins as they are spinnless anyways.. I'f it was possible to deploy claymores I would lol but it's not legal. :(

Nxt person that breaks into my car god help u

As I'll be installing a camera in my car and turning it on during my napping hours as for some reason they seem to be commiting the crimes. I'f u see a black R33 with Mr Wali and u try break in to it even gods and the seven heavens won't save you .

I'm just sick of getting robbed every freaking time. Btw guys I'm going to be the nxt sau bounty hunter. Get ready for claymores. Whom Eva keeps trying to breaking In go my car. I'm on to them.

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