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Show and Shine - the wrap up thread


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Mostly of Kel's car for some reason, but some other cars did get in there as well :)

Just making sure we got some photos of the real best car there! :)

I need to mirror all the cool things everyone else has already said- brilliant day, so very well organised, lots of fun and well supported (special thanks to Jo at Powerplay for the roundup).

Thanks also to all for making a non-skyline owner feel very welcome!

So when is next year's event?


PS: A special message for the Skyrine Club "OFFICALS":

The well which is done!

The person whom it is splendid it is possible and thing celebrates. Everything was improved very. The sausage cooked the well really! No one your does not endeavor decides all matches.

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Looks like a fantastic event!

Also - that banner is unreal. Can the person responsible send me PM - would be nice to get an identicl one for Vic :)

Merli was kind enough to put together the snazzy piccy, then "Selbys" put together the banner for us, about $400 only. They actually have an office in Melb as well, Geneviene Steiner from the Syd office helped us out, she's an import fan as well :)

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I'd like to point out that on the Saturday night before the Show and Shine that Majanal, Prank, B-Man, and SW20-GT turned up to Mingara for their piss up in a bl00dy Limo.....

Incidently, this Limo had Electric Blue Neons on underneath...

Twas a Rice Limo....

Well done boys, better than a taxi and/or shuttle bus =)

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The well which is done!

The person whom it is splendid it is possible and thing celebrates. Everything was improved very. The sausage cooked the well really! No one your does not endeavor decides all matches.

LOL at Kel's Engrish!!! :)

Was a great day, didn't get much of a chance to meet any faces, but I kinda recognise some of you from other posts and previous cruises WAAAAAAYYYY back when... Excellent work guys, entrants and "Officals" need a pat on the back/round of applause/(insert chosen form of praise here).

Nicest car IMO was Merli's R-33 GT-R (although I prefer R-32's myself). I remember his old silver GTS25t with the Work Meister S-2's on it - damn, that was nice too.

I'll try and upload some pics tomorrow night (unless someone wants me to email them to put up on my behalf). They're uploaded to my PC in 2048x1536.

Oh yeah, and I think Prank's tutorial on the Gallery FAQ needs to be updated.

Nick T

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Extra HGE thank-you to Jo-Anne from POWERPLAY IMPORTS and all POWERPLAY customers for bringing along such a great bunch quality cars.


Thanks Jo-Anne ! :)

THANKS TO ALL THE GUYS & GALS OF SAUNSW. Alistair and I really appreciate your expressions of gratitude to POWERPLAY and the vehicles we have supplied to our customers. Being very conservative owners (this is the first time any have offered their cars for public display) they will be extremely happy to hear of the glowing comments their cars received from everyone on the day. :wavey:

We truly wanted this day to be the very best for SAUNSW and that it certainly was.

Dan, like you, I will never forget the image of the POWERPLAY cars en-mass.

I was witness to this at 7:25AM, they organised to meet Alistair & I at a park in Pymble at 7am so we could drive up together.

Alistair & I arrived late, OOPS...

I couldn't believe the sight when we arrived. They had lined all their cars up and were waiting for us. I felt like a mother hen when her babies come home to roost. I tell you it took all I had to stop the tears flowing.

I know you experienced this same feeling when you saw the dedication of your members and the fantastic turnout on the day.



I have no doubt the attending public will be talking about this event for a long time yet. I trust you acknowledge the "ENORMOUS" responsibility you have undertaken by revealing to the Australian public what the major manufacturers have been trying to keep from them for years.

After what they have just seen I know they'll want more, I can hear the chants now .... "SKYLINE SKYLINE SKYLINE, WE WANT MORE"

I did a car count at 11am (1 hour after opening) and 46 cars were on display then with many more arriving throughout the day.

The WORX RACE TEAM making a most memorable entrance.

Duncan, I can''t help thinking you got it wrong. The category was "BEST INTERIOR" not "BEST LACK OF INTEROR"

You'll have the last laugh when they're all lining up for your autograph after you've won all the major events your "work in progress" is bound for.

Just remember I recognised the potential and allowed a POWERPLAY sticker to be seen on the car "IN A PUBLIC DOMAIN". Ha Ha

Guys, this is my first time ever on a forum and I acknowledged that I have rambled on too much. Won't happen again I PROMISE.

I have some great pics of the day and will endeavour to post them.

If image download doesn't happen I might need a little help from a charitable forum member on the download procedure.

PS: I'm very happy with my "tan" from the day, GOD, I haven't had the opportunity to be out in the sun like that for years!!!!

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Thank You for your kind words Jo-Anne.

All of the kind comments and expressions of gratitude that we have recieved on the forum has made it all worth while for us and I cannot wait to start organising next years event.

I'm a little disappointed that we could not include "Best Numberplate" for your R34GTR efforts but such is life hey :):D haha

Thanks again for all your support for our show and we will all look forward to next year

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I was puttin' round in the RX-7 later in the afternoon and saw ash and some others driving back.. which reminded me that I'd forgotten about the show n shine! d'oh! some very nice cars there too!

next time, next time :)

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Brilliant to see so many beautiful cars and meet so many enthusiastic people. A great day that should have been so much better.

“Sometimes even a fantastic idea doesn’t always get the opportunity to achieve its full potential”

sms text: 29/03/04

Lets all put this first one down (especially the judging competency or lack thereof) as a practice run. I must admit that when the prizes were announced I was astounded at the results.

After receiving the barrage of phone calls and text messages I did the following day I can only be embarrassed for the larger proportion of recipients of trophies who know they won categories for which their cars were clearly inferior (unless you were in the company of a seeing eye dog) to others that were entered albeit due to a judging malfunction.

I now agree with some other club members that most of the trophies awarded this year could be reoffered (given up) along with new trophies next year to help make up the additional categories and to also address the enormity of the judging debacle from the first and most recent event. Let’s face it there is no point in awarding any prizes at all unless they are awarded to the best car in their category.

It’s a crying shame but it can be rectified –

Let’s get it right guys! !


Things to consider when judging and defining an event:

· Clear criteria for each category – entrants must know what they are being judged on.

· Separate categories for each model – you can’t have an R32 GTR up against an R34 GTR.

· A 1-10 point system for each criteria in each category.eg – cleanest/neatest/most aesthetic/originality/overall appearance/paintwork/wheels tyres/trim/accessories/ modifications/quality of parts used etc.

1 being low and 10 being a high scoring attribute, by adding them up

you can easily and fairly determine the winner.

· Judges must inspect each car thoroughly enough to satisfy each criteria in each category - ask questions if necessary (I only saw two judges inspect the Powerplay cars and only one of them took the time to inspect under the vehicle, talk to the owners and ask for the boot, bonnet, doors and glove boxes to be opened along with the seats to be moved forward for an adequate inspection of the inside/rear,undertray,boot space and engine bay of the vehicles. Some owners have gone to painstaking lengths to ensure that their vehicles are immaculate throughout and without this level of scrutinizing by the nominated judges this attention to detail would go unnoticed. It also helps to create a high level of competition.

· All results and how they were determined must be posted at the end of the day for all entrants to view.

· Judges must not have a car entered.

· Judges must have a good knowledge of all categories.

· If there is ever to be in the future the category of “BEST NON SKYLINE” the winner of that category for what ever reason can only win that category, not take a prize win from a category dedicated to first built Skyline cars.

· When announcing winners clearly state who won, with what car and for what category. Leave a moment between each trophy to allow the respective winner to thank the club President/sponsor or friend who has helped with the preparation of the car.

· The club President or representative should thank all sponsors of prizes formally.

· Encouragement and thankyous should be noted to all non- recipients of trophies. It’s too late posting this kind of adulation the next day on an internet forum (that most new club members cannot access) when the cars that were so highly praised for “making the event what it was” were not the cars that were honoured by means of an accreditation on the day.

At the very least these kinds of regulations should be adopted to help ensure the credibility of the vehicles and the prizes that they are awarded. Otherwise there will be a situation where owners with genuine cars for entry will not attend and prizes will therefore be awarded by default to cars that can offer little more than a sub standard example.

“it would be a sad day that if out of all of this things didn’t get ironed out and a 2nd skyline club was formed for owners of skylines who appreciate a different level of involvement” sms text 29/03/04

“re; show&shine i was left thinking that not since america invaded kuwait had such a travesty of injustice been bestowed on the australian democratic public” sms text 29/03/04

signed: concerned SAU official

By definition “Show & Shine” should relate to those cars that were the most complete and immaculate examples in their category. The monetary value of each car is of no consideration when judging a “show & shine” event-just how well each example was presented.

Well here’s to a new and improved “Show & Shine” day for 2005; look forward to seeing you there.


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The RACEWORX TEAM making a most memorable entrance.

Duncan, I can''t help thinking you got it wrong. The category was "BEST INTERIOR" not "BEST LACK OF INTEROR"

You'll have the last laugh when they're all lining up for your autograph after you've won all the major events your "work in progress" is bound for.

Just remember I recognised the potential and allowed a POWERPLAY sticker to be seen on the car "IN A PUBLIC DOMAIN". Ha Ha

I thought that "best interior" meant interior with the least stuff in it....maybe I took it too far :confused:

You guys sure are brave supporting the car when it looked like that! Glad you had a great day out there, I'm sure the club as a whole appreciates Powerplay's great support of the event.

Malcolm, I trust your post was meant to be constructive, as you would know SAU is a young club and we know things can be improved. I'm sure there can be a place for you on the organising committee for the next one....

This day was a success beyond the wildest dreams of the club, and I'm sure we'll all work to make sure the next one is even bigger :D

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Malcolm, you're a perfectionist and you know it.

I'm sure a lot has been learned and I can see how it might have seemed a little like a closed club even though I'm sure that was never anybody's intention.

Love to see you join mate especially for things like this. This club is young not just by the fact that it was started not so long ago. It's great that it went so good and it's great that you and we aren't blinded by our brilliance. (we the club; accidental attempt to take unearned limelight)

If you are the Malcolm I think you are then the only thing that stopped you winning was that unrepainted grill :D

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Well Well,

I had grand plans of taking the next few weeks to myself, to relax and unwind from the last 12 months, and in particular the last 6 months where 6 guys (Brendan, Tosh, Carlo, Nick, Jez and myself) have spent the majority of our spare time contacting potential sponsors, driving half way around the state a couple of times, rearranging work and social commitments to meet and discuss different aspects of what in my opinion was A FARKING HUGE DAY. But it appears that after talking to Malcolm this afternoon that nothing appeared to sink in. It appears that after him talking to Brendan yesterday, nothing sunk in... We are the first to admit that we made some mistakes, we are the first to say that next year we want to do things better, we, the guys that when asked to volunteer our time to put this wonderful event on for YOU to bring your car to and display, were the first to admit that we had a HUGE learning curve. I believe my words to you this arvo before I assisted you in posting your "constructive criticism" were "that it was a learning curve that put Mount Everest to shame."

I really feel that you could have rethought your words and taken on board the conversation that we had this arvo, hell your asking us to do something that you are clearly not interested in doing.

Please feel free to speak with Jo-Anne, I have done all that is possible to rectify the issue for her and Powerplay, and I will go only as far as to reiterate what I said to you on the phone this arvo.

The Judges were given the instruction of "selecting the best car for each category in their opinion, ensuring that that car had entered that category."

The judging panel consisted of;

1 x Mechanic for a Import company

2 x Writers for Imports and performance magazines

1 x Skylines Australia Exec

1 x Tuning Shop Owner

1 x Mingara Recreation Club Board Member.

of which I would say that all bar possibly the Mingara board member had a good knowledge of the cars they were looking at.

In future we will do things differently and I do hope that you attend the next one so that you can see that we are prepared to listen to feedback, and yours Malcolm will be taken on board (in amongst the attempted destruction and criticism of people that get NOTHING but the praise offered to them as a reward for 6 months of hard slog). Hopefully it may encourage you to take on board what people say to you also.

I know that you said it might seem harsh, but FFS, that one takes the cake mate.

To All the rest of you, I really do appreciate that praise that you have given us, the guys really deserve it, with out them this event would not have been the huge success it was. As I think I said somewhere else, this is a HUGE HGE step forward for the club and it seems that most people, even though we dropped the ball in a few areas, where happy with the day. :D

I know that I'll be putting my hand up again to assist if not organise the next one and I hope that lots of other will too... even if it is just signing a entry form and bringing their pride and joy along to have it lined up alongside the best of the best... some say quality is better than quantity... I disagree!!!:D

The Aim next year is to make the front page of a Sydney paper... "SKYLINE AUSTRALIA SHOW AND SHINE STOPS CENTRAL COAST"

Till next time guys,



P.S. I will put together a list of all cars that were voted for in each category, car numbers only I was thinking unless those that new they got voted for are happy for their names to be advertised?

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The way I figured it, Malcom, was that this was a show and shine, not a concourse de elegance.

I was roped in at the last minute as a judge (and was happy to do it) and having done your sort of judging before,I knew what I was looking for. Anyway a person would need 3 to 4 hours to get through the cars in attendance for that kind of judging.(see paragraph 1)

Also, having been a judge on the weekend, I myself didn't agree with some of the prizes because they didn't agree with me. That is the purpose of multiple judges. Concensus wins.

You don't get any better or fairer.

My 2 cents

Duncan, Best interior?!!

I tried to find it, I even looked on the trailer.........


Oh, by the way, as a first up effort it was brilliant, much bigger than I expected and I had a ball.

I might even polish up the 31 and not enter it again next year!

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OK, looks like it took the internet a while to make it to alice :)


Anyway, about 150 photos are now up at: http://www.hgeconsulting.com.au/gtr/shownshine.htm


Mostly of Kel's car for some reason, but some other cars did get in there as well :D

duncan some of those pics.. mainly the ones at the bottom have incorrecft links :( they point to K:? :D

oh btw thanks to team raceworx cars on the offramp from the freeway :) I got myself lost and happened to bump into the the 350Z and the R32 on the way up and followed them the SnS :D

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Malcom: I will keep this extremely breif. While you raise some good valid points, I have to say the way in which you have come across in your above post and your overall tone sucks.

As others said, this was not a concourse - this was simple show and shine day. We all realise and appreciate that there are several areas for improvement - at the end of the day everyone involved put in a huge effort to make it happen. While feedback is welcomed, your attitude as apparent in your post certainly isnt.

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Malcolm, I started out this post intending to extract and quote all your points I thought were excessive, unnecessary and deliberately inflammatory. I soon realised it was going to take an inordinate amount of my time to do so.

While positive feedback and constructive criticism are welcome, a torrent of discontent as vehement in its tone as your post was is a little harder to accept.

From your description of the judging as a debacle I deduce the following.

Your expectations of what the day was going to be and what it actually was were two very different things.

The day was never going to be Pebble Beach. It was a club Show and Shine day. A simple event where people with a common interest gather their cars and admire a fine group of vehicles. The judging criteria were deliberately low key and the Judges were instructed to use their discretion. Additionally, the Judges were chosen as representatives of the various parties supporting the club.

For example one of the Judges was the Manager at Mingara. Getting him involved was a brilliant idea and great PR for the club. I do not know this gentleman but I doubt he would have felt like crawling over and under 50 or so cars. This is just one example of what the intent of the day was.

Granted we can do things a lot better next year, but before we try to turn the event into Auto salon we will be focusing on organisational aspects like the awards ceremony, display layout and similar. The event is one where you can shine up your daily driver and display it with pride. It is not an elite affair solely for those with a pristine example of a Skyline. This is where the judging discretion can level things out.

Further to your comment:

"Let’s face it there is no point in awarding any prizes at all unless they are awarded to the best car in their category."

The winning entries were awarded to the cars the majority of Judges felt were the best in that category. We will not be requesting any trophies be returned and even if they were they would not be re-awarded next year.

Please take a leaf out of Thorpie's book and get over it.


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I was quite upset and disturbed by some of the comments you have made in the above post. I at first just closed my browser and said "fark it"... but alas I cant do that.

Myself and many others have worked very hard, giving our time to make firstly SAU and then the show and shine happen. Whilst we admit that some things should have run better, we are looking forward from the show and shine. We consider it a HUGE success for the club and a milestone in its life.

SAU is not a corporation, we have no full time staff, we have no technical writers nor are any of us veterans at running car shows. The weekend was just a fun day where people could get together and show off their cars.

Next years event will of course be even better, with even more cars, categories and sponsors. We will do judging different, we will do the displays different, etc etc. But one thing we wont do is make it a my skyline is better than yours day. The show and shine was all about coming along and checking out cars not ego feeding contest.


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