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Show and Shine - the wrap up thread


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Well I think that all the posts previous to malcolms have certainly summed up the day and in my mind it was still a huge success, one that will last for a long time as a fond memory of mine.

I really enjoyed every aspect of it, from the organising, to cruising the club the night before and that "anticipation" of what just might lie around the corner... and then the relief of achiving a dream...

Wonderful! :(

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Well I think that all the posts previous to malcolms have certainly summed up the day and in my mind it was still a huge success, one that will last for a long time as a fond memory of mine.

I really enjoyed every aspect of it, from the organising, to cruising the club the night before and that "anticipation" of what just might lie around the corner... and then the relief of achiving a dream...

Wonderful! :(

very well said.

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I might even polish up the 31 and not enter it again next year!

Might do the same, if SAU create a "best drift-pig" category :(

I think it was a great day, and a huge amount of effort to put it on for the first time by a lot of people. Granted some people spent hours polishing their beasts and didn't walk away with a prize but even if the judging is "fair" someone will always walk away feeling hard done by.

Perhaps you're taking it a little too seriously - I certainly think you're being very critical of the day without any knowledge of what changes are being considered for next years' show. There will certainly be a few, cos you only learn by trying. The aim should be to detail your cars nicely, turn up, show them off a bit and enjoy people gawking and turning green with envy when they look at your ride. It was never supposed to be an ultra-competitive competition. The prizes are secondary IMO, just enjoy the day!

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Were there prizes?

Sorry- I was too busy having a great day to notice. Checking out all the amazing cars, enjoying the incredible atmosphere and feeling pretty proud that some blokes I haven't known for a long time but count as good friends had pulled off such an impressive event for a club I am very proud to be a member of.

Malcolm, offer appropriate feedback in the right tone and channel, just don't take away from this amazing acheivement.

In all honesty- your post just makes you sound like a sore loser.

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Personally I had a great day,,,,. I didn't go there for any prizes,,,I went there because I love Nissans/Datsuns. The fact that the crowd loved walking the whole car park dribbling over our prides and joy was enough for me.

Danny boy you are a legend buddy and as for the rest of YOU Officals,,,I take my hat off to you guy's :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: .

Lastly I'd like to thank Rod Markland,,,because without your help mate we would not have had Terry's GTR there.

I'll go on record as saying that I much prefer the R31 race car over the Winfield GTR.


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very well said.


One last comment and I respectfully suggest the thread be closed whilst everybody is still on their well deserved high.

Sure, there are some seething (I mean teething) problems but this should always have been expected, especially on a debut event.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing we should all remember is the incredible sight we were all witness to on the day. SKYLINE HEAVEN .

The dedication and enormous effort it takes into pulling off a successful event like the SAUNSW Show N Shine Day should not and never will be underestimated by all who attended on the day. You know the feeling you get when somebody says "Man, it was incredible, you have been there". Well aren't we all the lucky ones, we were. I feel priveledged to have been a part of this history making day and this is the memory I am holding onto.


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SAUNSW for giving Skyline owners the opportunity to meet up and in providing a well organised arena in which the public could also enjoy this TRULY AMAZING SPECTACLE. :wavey:

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oh btw thanks to team raceworx cars on the offramp from the freeway ;) I got myself lost and happened to bump into the the 350Z and the R32 on the way up and followed them the SnS :D

No worries, figured you had to be one of us :wavey:

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Malcom, this wasn't the Summernats Elite Hall. I was one of the judges and I walked around with Christian looking at each car as thoroughly as we could.

While you raise some interesting points, it's still a young show and that needs to be remembered when offering judging criticism. These guys have done an awesome job, Dan, Christian, Carlo and Brendan have shone even though they were novices.

You mention getting under cars but the simple fact is that most of these cars are daily drivers and unless you'd like to front up next year with a chassis ramp (like the one used in the Elite Hall at Nats) it's kinda hard to judge. Especially with baking hot Hotmix under foot.

I stand by my choices for each award (Mmmm, GTRRRRR, R32 goodness, mmmmm). Seeing how you've felt it necessary to dump on the organisers so quickly after the event, maybe you'd like to give them a hand for next year, I will be.

Put up or shut up.



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I really don't think we need everyone to give a dissertation in reply to Malcolm's post. That's just going to bring this thread and event down.

How about replying if you have something NEW to say...

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I really don't think we need everyone to give a dissertation in reply to Malcolm's post. That's just going to bring this thread and event down.  

How about replying if you have something NEW to say...

I concur mate. I was a good boy and even wore footwear for the event!

Wish I hadn't have been driving. I could of conned Terry Ashwood and Rod Markland into having a drink with me. Then I could have slowly impressed them and then hopefully one day marry one of their daughters.. ohh, father-in-law with Gibson cars... fwahhhhhhh

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LIKE HOW MUCH FUN YOU HAD... and how you know some sponsors to get on board next time.

Guys, amazing as it might sound, there are already very small things taking place in the view of organising the next one... keep your eyes peeled for some pretty cool raffles over the next few months, of which some proceeds will be going towards making the next show even bigger!

as I have said before, I'm still enjoying the hi of pulling off a dream, and I am already thinking at a million miles of how the next one may be done to make it even better!

:rofl::):D:):):):) I'm just that stoked!

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After reading all of the comments after Malcolm's post, I think it is quite unfair of all of you to attack him like that. It seems like every person who has responded is part of setting up Show and Shine and has taken his comments TOO personally. To me he was criticising the judging and thought the day was run fine. I don't see a problem with that because I mostly agree with everything in his post!

How about you all take a chill pill and stop attacking him for being the first one to make a negative post on this thread, and actually read what he had to say and probably use some points to rectify the judging problems.

Granted, his post does sound like a bit of sore loser but still... as execs, say your thanks for his comments, note them down and do something about it! Stop making excuses like, we are young please leave us alone we will do better next time without your opinions. We know that it was the first show, but doesn't mean his post is wrong!

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It was a great day... we even got the weather right! but everyone's entitled to their opinion... I think that's wot Malcolm is doing... voicing his opinion. There's no way yr gonna make 100% of the people happy so, like it is great to receive praise, be sure that there will be critisism and the key here is that it's only through critisism that you see where you need to improve, or at least get an idea... if everyone tells you you're great all the time... they are not always telling you the truth. The point here is that opinions and comments should not be taken on a personal level....but more like a guidance on how to do it better the next time.

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Malcolm.. thank you very much for you feedback and you make some very good points wchich I agree whole heartedly with. It's a shame your tone has come across to many people as a bit out of place but meh... sh|t happens. I wont hold it against you :):rofl:

I will be documenting ALL feedback recieved by you guys in preparation for next year.

Again thank you to everyone who has contributed feedback and it's great that you're all so enthusiastic about making the annual show bigger and better :D certianly makes me feel good about the effort I put in for this show.

Look forward to the next one


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My critisism of Malcolm's post was not what he posted, but how he wrote it. I had spoken to him on the phone on two occasions that day and we had spoken about most of the things raised in his thread. I guess I had hoped that he might have considered restructuring his post with this in mind. I even took notes during our phone calls.

Anyway, I responded, and I'm sure you got that it was not what he was saying that upset me but how he said it, he did say that it may come accross a little harsh, but I felt that exceeded "a little".

I'm going to now continue to think of the positives as Jade suggested in her lovely post above. I will of course take not of the critisisms and look at ways of fixing these... I have already come up with some solutions, like that the Judging criteria will be more clearly set out in the Supp Reggs and we will have more copies on hand just in case we get the mass of on the day entries as we did this time!


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Final Final say on Show and Shine by me.

To be fair I should explain what was meant in yesterdays correspondence by "reoffereing/given up" of the trophies aquired from sundays event.

In hindsight and with my apologies the word "concede" would have been a more desireable description of the issue discussed.I did not mean for trophy holders to actually physically abandon them.Rather "concede" that through no fault of their own that they are the holder of a trophy that holds no true or accurate attatched descriptive value in relation to their awarded vehicle, given the judging that was adopted during sundays event.

The words "reoffer/given up" and now "concede" are and were used as metaphors to describe what would need to happen if tomorrow (or next year) the same cars with the same judges were asked to re-enter and rejudge the same event with a more adequate and stable set of tools as guidelines and parameters.It is clear and without question or denial that at days end with a few exceptions most categories and quite probably all ,would have posted new and more accurate,convincing and deserving results.

"I now hope that we can all agree that no matter how hard you try you couldn't accurately nor convincingly rebuild a complete RB26 engine from scratch with nothing more than a tray full of kitchen utensils."

The day was a show and shine day with prizes awarded to "BEST" cars in their category. Saying that thats not whats important is RIDICULOUS. For it not to be impotant there shouldn't then be any prizes on offer. If that were the case I would still be the first one there.And of course it's not important at the end of the day who wins and who doesn"t.It's just that if we're going to offer prizes it has to credible and fair.

Guys a lot of you seemed to miss my point. I never once said that the day wasn't BRILLIANT. As an enthusiastic club member who is willing to go out on a limb and be honest I am simply just speaking my mind in such a way that I know will ultimatley be of benefit to all of us.Please DON'T bother belonging to any club or institution if you are not prepared to listen to other members points of view.I wouldn't.


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