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So tonight I got baited by a Chevrolet ute, very tinted windows yet sans all the stickers you'd normally see. Definitely undercover cop car. The same happened about 2 years ago, same area, exact same behaviour, except XR6T.

Anyway, am wondering what we can do, as his driving was definitely beyond safe and could have caused an accident were I not paying attention.

It could have been a hoon, but the driving pattern and tactics are consistent with UC.

My initial thoughts are some sort of recording system and then going to police thingy that can do something.


Oh and I didn't fall for it, in case you were wondering. Not worth getting ticket, and even more important (personally that is), damaging my baby :D

Edited by Thelen
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Hard to say if it was a UC, but I wouldn't doubt it mate...they're using dirty tactics imho, I witnessed police on Saturday night approx 11:30PM in kings X waiting on a corner with one writing down rego numbers 'slightly louder' cars as they drove by, you'd think they'd get tested on the spot if it was a defect right? Heard one of them call out rego plates and the other was writing out fines...the driver will get an epa notice in the mail no doubt :(

Some of them do like to do this sort of thing; I guess the only thing you can really do is go to your local police station, and report it as a "Road Rage" style driving formal complaint.

You don't have to tell anyone that it might have been an U/C car; but continue to follow it up and insist that they get back to you about what has been done. The police claim to be very serious about this type of complaint, and if you continue to chase them about it, someone might get a little arse kicking.

I made a formal complaint several years ago about an undercover car (I knew this but didn't let on) in my local area; the dopes were doing repeated 120km/h fly-bys in my 50km/h limit street in their shiny new toy.

Asked to speak to the Desk Sergeant; told him about a White V8 Commodore "hooning" in a residential street, gave him the rego, and told him that I had video footage that clearly captured said vehicle travelling at high speed AND also showed it's number plate (might not have been entirely honest about that part).

I told him I was concerned due to the number of children that played in the street and suggested that if some officers had the time; that they should come to my home, and view my video; so as to punish the guilty party.

He then let on that he "might" know who was responsible; and that it would stop forthwith. It did; and those certain individuals (notorious hardarses) were not seen for quite some time in my area.

It is sad; that it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch.

No one is above the law.

Edited by Daleo

we were travelling to the footy last friday and as the police directs traffic at the busy intersection we see him write down the plates of my mates car.. utter rubbish imho

i got video footage of an unmarked police car travelling on citylink doing 120km/h without sirens on. i called police ethical standards and there excuse is "theyve had training in travelling at high speed"

UTTER RUBBISH GARBAGE lol it actually does pee me off they do abuse the system

Edited by w34ponGT

So tonight I got baited by a Chevrolet ute, very tinted windows yet sans all the stickers you'd normally see. Definitely undercover cop car. The same happened about 2 years ago, same area, exact same behaviour, except XR6T.

Anyway, am wondering what we can do, as his driving was definitely beyond safe and could have caused an accident were I not paying attention.

It could have been a hoon, but the driving pattern and tactics are consistent with UC.

My initial thoughts are some sort of recording system and then going to police thingy that can do something.


Oh and I didn't fall for it, in case you were wondering. Not worth getting ticket, and even more important (personally that is), damaging my baby :D

what's a Chevrolet ute?



im guessing it had one of those chevy badges which is all the rage these days, wouldnt think so on an UC car but i saw an SS on moore park road with a southern cross sticker and the outline of a shark on its rear window..relaxed and drove right up next to it before noticing the electronics on the dash and backing right off again.

had big F** off rims too.

tempted to go the whole 'cant beat em join em' thing as it looks like fun hooning around all day and harassing drivers but it takes far too long to go through the training etc.

What about police officers swearing at you? Or swearing at a party with a room full of 2-3 year kids?

Who do you call/report to when you are confronted with police officers like this? I've come across a few that looks like they are just doing it because they can. Extremely rude and cocky behaviour, it seems like the new ones/younger generation are the ones running around trying to fullfil their ego.

What about police officers swearing at you? Or swearing at a party with a room full of 2-3 year kids?

Who do you call/report to when you are confronted with police officers like this? I've come across a few that looks like they are just doing it because they can. Extremely rude and cocky behaviour, it seems like the new ones/younger generation are the ones running around trying to fullfil their ego.

Surely it would be best to ask for their business card or their name and station at that point; I'm not sure they are allowed to refuse a reasonable request for identification.

I guess it really depends on the situation; there can be little justification for swearing in a room full of children...

Surely it would be best to ask for their business card or their name and station at that point; I'm not sure they are allowed to refuse a reasonable request for identification.

I guess it really depends on the situation; there can be little justification for swearing in a room full of children...

Ombudsman of Emergency or whatever theyre called says that a polic officer is obliged to provide their full name, Badge ID and their assigned station.

i had a cop try taunting me in his WRX. so i slammed the brakes and went 40k under the limit.

he called me the next day and started abusing me about it. my missus video'd the whole thing, i then called the ombudsman, and within a week that officer called me in apology. shouldve asked for a letter but yeh.

Ombudsman of Emergency or whatever theyre called says that a polic officer is obliged to provide their full name, Badge ID and their assigned station.

i had a cop try taunting me in his WRX. so i slammed the brakes and went 40k under the limit.

he called me the next day and started abusing me about it. my missus video'd the whole thing, i then called the ombudsman, and within a week that officer called me in apology. shouldve asked for a letter but yeh.

Well there you go.:thumbsup:

Interesting how polite they can be when people grow a bit of backbone and stand up for themselves.:whistling:

I think so many of them end up becoming really cynical when they deal with the general public; not everyone is a crim or a smartarse, but they prejudge a little too quickly sometimes. Mind you, there's powertrippers in every job.

I've met a few absolute gems in my travels but some are mongrels; regardless of how polite & reasonable you are.

Well there you go.:thumbsup:

Interesting how polite they can be when people grow a bit of backbone and stand up for themselves.:whistling:

I think so many of them end up becoming really cynical when they deal with the general public; not everyone is a crim or a smartarse, but they prejudge a little too quickly sometimes. Mind you, there's powertrippers in every job.

I've met a few absolute gems in my travels but some are mongrels; regardless of how polite & reasonable you are.

thats just it, its the certain few(perhaps new to the role) that feel that they run the city due to the fact that they have a gun, and wear a badge. one of my Audio clients and friend is a police street patrol officer, and he is pretty stern, but doesnt act like a cocky tool about it, i went for a ride with him one night just to see how it is. its pretty cool to be honest lol

What about police officers swearing at you? Or swearing at a party with a room full of 2-3 year kids?

Who do you call/report to when you are confronted with police officers like this? I've come across a few that looks like they are just doing it because they can. Extremely rude and cocky behaviour, it seems like the new ones/younger generation are the ones running around trying to fullfil their ego.

CMC (Crime & Misconduct Commission) buddy.. Get his badge number, name & station ID.. And most importantly, witnesses

I've had all types of cops.. Had ones that wouldnt leave the house after coming to do what they've done.. And were asked to GTFO.. Had others that when asked for help (here i said can some cops come with me to assist please) was told there are no cops here.. just police.. A heap of them are f**king scumbags.. But you shouldnt judge them all with the same demeanor.. There are some great cops(police) out there.. Just have to live with it i suppose.. just like there are f**kheads in all categories.. I've had some cops that sympathise and admit there is only so much within the law and their job they can do and you can just tell they want to do more but not much they can really do.. And mine have been various ages.. Some of the older ones who push the rules they know and using the legislation codes to make it look like you are legally required to do something..

The baiting has been happening for ever (at least in NSW). My Dad who live in Toowommba drove into NSW and got a ticket in Northern NSW for speeding after being baited multiple times by a cop ........in 1976.

what's a Chevrolet ute?

http://oldcarandtruckpictures.com/PickupTrucks/1945_Chevrolet_UTE_by_Holdens.jpg except it was white.

Thanks for the responses, kicking myself that I didn't get the number plate but was too focussed on driving on a dark unlit bumpy road.

had it done to me... "undercover" cop in a white v8 commo sitting at the lights revving it and looking at me... he smashed it when the light went green, i just turned right and GTFO'd

he was in uniform FFS

a few months ago (close to a year or so) on princes hwy just arrived there not knowing they were everywhere and what looked like to be a R1 as if he wanted to go, I didn't do anything (luckily my clutch started slipping that night lol) then he went for it try to get the next person.. Then the lap after there he was the bike and fg ute and ve unmarked waiting for people to go. I turned off at blackburn road then f**ked off home!

A couple of coppers picked up my best mates little sister and her 2 friends on the central coast nsw about 5 years back now. They were walking from a party when the police offered them a ride in the highway patrol ss, which being drunk 17 year olds they did. The officers (one in his 40s and one in his 20s) Took them down the freeway doing topspeed runs, burnouts and handbrake 360s while the bimbos didnt even have seatbelts on. The mistake they made was dropping them back to where they picked them up from where my mate saw his drunk little sister hop out of a police car right after he saw it speeding ridiculously towards them. My mate proceeded to abuse said officers, and told his Mum about it the next morning who reported the incident.

When the station sarge looked into it, the film from the vehicle had been removed, which is a serious offence apparently. Im not sure of the exact details of what happened in court, but it was pretty nasty and i know the older officer was looking at a prison sentence, and my Mates little sister didnt have a great time testifying.

Just goes to show how scum they can be sometimes, because all of my experiences with the police in my local area have been extremely positive. Like it has been said, there is scum in every field, its just more noticeable when police are doing it, because we expect they are the ones who protect us.

Edited by cannabiscorpse

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