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ok guys i need your opinion.

i want to get my bars painted and a few bits touched up on the laurel right...

now im just thinkin about gettin the grey bits painted black.

so the car would be just solid black instead of some weird two tone spec..

what do you guys think?

also does anyone know what is or where i could find the paint code for this car?


ok finally stopped being slack and did a bit to the car.

turns out yes i have the blue plug r32 ecu style.

i plumed up the cam cover breather that had been venting to atmo since i put the alloy intake pipe on in a hope that it might have been the cause of my hesitation. no success

then i adjusted the tps - no success

fiddled with the plug on the ecu - no success

they were basically the three things i could come up with from sifting through threads on here..

unfortunately no result. how ever it does seem to idle alot better.

well i was biddin on a factory aero lip for the laurel but didnt win it.. missed out by $5

god damn yahoo japan haha.


anyways i found this so i bought them



ok guys i need your opinion.

i want to get my bars painted and a few bits touched up on the laurel right...

now im just thinkin about gettin the grey bits painted black.

so the car would be just solid black instead of some weird two tone spec..

what do you guys think?

also does anyone know what is or where i could find the paint code for this car?


I planned on doing that to mine before i sold it , i have pics of one painted , looks mint imo , i'll stick the pic up in the cef/lolo pics thread when i get home :)


A31 MEC-R282A

A31 RB20DE AT FR 23710-72L00 MEC-R100 ?? 27C128 27C128

A31 RB20DET AT FR 23710-73L10 MEC-R103 ?? 27C128 27C128

A31 RB20DET MT 4W 23710-86L00 MEC-R204 ?? 27C256 27C256

A31 23710-0A511 MEC-R123 ?? 27C128 27C128

A31 RB20DET AT FR 23710-5L210 MEC-R330 ?? 27C256 27C256

A31 RB20DET AT FR 23710-73L70 MEC-R203 B ?? 27C256 27C256

A31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-0A502 MEC-R222 ?? 27C256 27C256

A31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-73L00 MEC-R102 ?? 27C128 27C128

A31 RB20E AT FR 23710-71L10 L170CDA5 ?? 27C256 27C256

C32 RB20DET AT FR 23710-94L10 MEC-R113 ?? 27C128 27C128

C32 RB20DET FR 23710-45L71 MEC-R51 ?? 27C128 27C128

C32 VG20ET AT FR 23710-43L13 MEC-542R *2 ?? 27C128 27C128

C32 VG20ET AT FR 23710-43L72 MEC-V52R ?? 27C128 27C128

C33 RB20DE AT FD 23710-72L70 MEC-R201 ?? 27C256 27C256

C33 RB20DE AT FR 23710-5L110 MEC-R310 ?? 27C256 27C256

C33 RB20DET AT FR 23710-73L70 MEC-R203 ?? 27C256 27C256

C34 RB20DE 5AT FR 23710-74T01 ?? H8/534

C34 RB25DE 5AT FR 23710-75T02 ?? H8/534 H8

DR30 FJ20ET MT FR 23710-R2200 MEC-250Y ?? 27C64 27C64

DR30 FJ20ET MT FR 23710-R2205 2521 ?? 27C64 27C64

HR30 L20ET MT FR 23710-15S00 A18-000 ?? 27C64 27C64

HR31 RB20DET AT FR 23710-59S13 MEC-R17 ?? 27C128 27C128

HR31 RB20DET MT FR 23710- MEC-R42 ?? 27C128 27C128

HR31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-59S03 MEC-R16 ?? 27C128 27C128

HR31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-59S04 MEC-R24A ?? 27C128 27C128

R30 FJ20E MT FR 23710-R2000 A18-000 ?? 27C64 27C64

R30 FJ20E MT FR 23710-R2200 ?? 27C64 27C64

R30 FJ20ET MT FR 23710-2210 ?? 8K 8K

R30 FJ20ET MT FR 23710-2210 ?? 8K 8K

R30 FJ20ET MT FR 23710-R2202 052 ?? 8K 8K

R30 FJ20ET MT FR 23710-R2203 2510 ?? 8K 8K

R30 L20ET MT FR 23710-15S00 A18-000 ?? 27C64 27C64

R30 L20ET MT FR 23710-15S01 J136BDM1 ?? 8K 8K

R31 GTS-R RB20DET MT FR 23710-70S01 MEC-R46 27C128

R31 1988 RB20DE 23710-72L10 MEC R-101 (#63)

R31 RB20DE AT FR 23710-58S13 MEC-R23A 27C128

R31 RB20DE MT FR 23710-58S03 MEC-R22 27C128

R31 RB20DET AT FR 23710-80S11 MEC-R43 27C128

R31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-59S05 MEC-R26 27C128

R31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-79S02 MEC-R70R 27C128

R31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-80S02 MEC-R47 27C128

R31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-80S03 MEC-R72 27C128

R31 RB20E AT FR 23710-91S11 J170BDA3 27C128

R31 RB20E 23710-91L60?? A11-000 L14?? (#AY)

R31 RB20ET MT FR 23710-76S00 J171BDM3 27C128

27310-73L60 Mec-R202 B 0X05 (#76)

R32-GTE RB20E Auto FR 23710-02U10 A11-000J01 (preFL, no ABS no HICAS)

R32-GTR RB26DETT Manual 4W 23710-05U02 MEC-R128 27C256

R32-GTR RB26DETT Manual 4W 23710-05U60 MEC-R280 27C256

R32-GTS RB20DE 23710-01U11 MEC-R125 1 ox05 (#21)

R32-GTS RB20DE Manual 23710-10U00 MEC-R210 B 2701 (#BE)

R32-GTS RB20DE Auto 23710-10U11 MEC-R217 3415 (#BF)

R32-GTS RB20DE Manual MT 23710-01U00 MEC-R104 27C256

R32-GTS RB20DE Auto FR 23710-01U11 MEC-R125 (preFLno ABS no HICAS)

R32-GTS25 RB25DE Manual FR 23710-08U01 MEC-R232 27C256

R32-GTS25 RB25DE Auto FR 23710-08U11 MEC-R233 (facelift, no ABS no HICAS)

R32-GTS4 RB20DET Auto 4W 23710-04U70 MEC-R117 27C256

R32-GTS4 RB20DET Manual 4W 23710-04U60 MEC-R116 27C256

R32-GTSt RB20DET 23710-01U00 MEC-R120 (#BE)

R32-GTSt RB20DET 23710-0A900 MEC-R235 27C256

R32-GTSt RB20DET Auto FR 23710-04U11 MEC-R109 27C256

R32-GTSt RB20DET Auto FR 23710-04U12 MEC-R127 27C256 (#23)

R32-GTSt RB20DET Auto FR 23710-11U10 MEC-R213 B 3510 (#BJ)

R32-GTSt RB20DET Manual FR 23710-04U00 MEC-R106 27C256

R32-GTSt RB20DET Manual FR 23710-04U01 MEC-R126 27C256 (#22)

R32-GtSt RB20DET Manual M FR 23710-04U02 MEC-R132 27C256

R32-GtS RB20DE Manual M FR 23710-11U00 MEC-R212 B 3603 (#BH)

R32-GtS RB20DE Manual M FR 23710-11U10 MEC-RZ17 B 1Z17 (#BJ) (ASB)

R32 Type-M Manual 2371M 04U02 MEC-R132R 3613

R33 GTS RB20DE?? Auto FR 23710-15U10 27C256

R33 GTS25 RB25DE Auto FR 23710-17U11 MEC-R511 H8 534

R33 GTS25 RB25DE Manual FR 23710-17U00 H8/534

R33 GTS25 RB25DE AUTO 2371M-17U15 MEC-R515R (9903)

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Auto 4WD 23710-21U70 MEC-R630 H8 534

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Auto 2WD 23710-08U11 MEC-R233 1X25 (#BB)

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Series 1 Manual FR 23710-21U00 MEC-R520B H8 534

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Series 1 Auto 23710-21U11 MEC-R531 A1 3Y24 (#TK)

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Series 2 Auto? 23710-21U11 MEC-R531 A1 3904

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Series 2 Auto? 23710-21U11 MEC-R531 A1 3X08 (#TK)

R33 GTS25 RB25DE Series 2 Manual 4WD 23710-21U60 MEC-R620 A3 5830 (#CC)

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Series 2 Manual RWD 23710 13U01 MEC-R721 A1 6913

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Series 2 Manual RWD 23710 13U01 MEC-R721 A1 7207 (#G8)

R33 GTS25t RB25DET Auto RWD 23710 13U10 (#G9)

R33 GTR V-Spec RB26DETT 23710 24U01 MEC-R581 A1 8625

RS13 180SX CA18DET AT FR 23710-36F15 MEC-D017 27C128 27C128

RS13 180SX CA18DET MT FR 23710-36F05 MEC-D016 ?? 27C128 27C128

S12 CA18DET AT FR 23710-31F10 G121BDA2 ?? 27C128 27C128

S12 CA18DET MT FR 23710-30F01 MEC-451 ?? 27C128 27C128

S12 CA18ET MT FR 23710-05F04 ?? 27C64 27C64

S12 CA18ET MT FR 23710-31F00 G121BDM2 ?? 27C128 27C128

S12 FJ20E FR 23710-R2011 ?? 8K 8K

S13 180SX SR20DET MT SR 23710-50F05 K170SDM3 ?????? 27C256 M6M7256

S13 CA18DE AT FR 23710-35F11 MEC-D014 ?? 27C128 27C128

S13 CA18DE MT FR 23710-35F00 MEC-D001 ?? 27C128 27C128

S13 CA18DET AT FR 23710-36F11 MEC-D015 27C128 27C128

S13 CA18DET MT FR 23710-36F00 MEC-D003 ?? 27C128 27C128

S13 SR20DE AT FR 23710-52F10 K078PDA7 ?????? 27C256 M5M7256

S13 SR20DE MT FR 23710-52F00 K078PDM7 ?????? 27C256 M5M7256

S13 SR20DET AT FR 23710-50F10 K078ODA8 ?????? 27C256 M5M7256

S13 SR20DET MT FR 23710-50F00 K078ODM8 ?????? 27C256 M5M7256

S14 SR20DE MT FR 23710-65F00 ??????? 27C256 37791E

S14 SR20DET AT FR 23710-69F10 K134XDA8 ??????? 27C256 M5M7512

S14 SR20DET MT FR 23710-69F00 ??????? 27C256 M5M7256

SR18DE AT FF 23710-58Y12 S069PDA1 ?? 27C256 27C256

SR18DE MT FF 23710-58Y01 S069PDM9 ?? 27C256 27C256

SR20DE MT FF 23710-78N00 W077HDM5 ?????? 27C256 27C256

SR20DET 23710-95N11 W184LXDZ5 ?????? 27C256 M6M7256

Y30 VG30ET AT FR 23710-V7514 MEC-V13 ?? 27C128 27C128

Y30 VG30ET AT FR 23710-V7516 MEC-V19R ?? 27C128 27C128

Y31 VG30DET AT FR 23710-45V71 MEC-E09 ?? 27C128 27C128

Y31 VG30DET AT FR 23710-45V72 MEC-E14 ?? 27C128 27C128

Y31 VG30DET AT FR 23710-71V70 MEC-E102 ?? 27C256 27C256

Y31 VG30DET AT FR 23710-71V72 MEC-E108 ?? 27C256 27C256

Y31 VG30E AT FR 23710-64V11 MEC-V106 ?? 27C256 27C256

Y32 VG30DE AT FR 23710-OP510 MEC-E207 ?? 27C256 27C256

Y32 VH41DE AT FR 23710-1P122 8XD1112J ?? 27C256 27C256

Z31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-20P60 MEC-R60C ?? 27C128 27C128

Z31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-20P61 MEC-R62 ?? 27C128 27C128

Z31 VG20ET AT FR 23710-12P11 20A3 ?? 8K 8K

Z31 VG20ET AT FR 23710-12P11 20A4 ?? 8K 8K

Z31 VG20ET MT FR 23710-12P01 20M3 ?? 8K 8K

Z31 VG20ET MT FR 23710-12P01 20M4 ?? 8K 8K

Z31 VG30DE MT FR 23710-22P01 MEC-E12 ?? 27C128 27C128

Z31 VG30ET AT FR 23710-15P10 ?? 8K 8K

Z31 VG30ET AT FR 23710-22P72 M156DDA4 ?? 27C128 27C128

Z31 VG30ET AT FR 23710-V5312 V5312-1 ?? 8K 8K

Z31 VG30ET MT FR 23710-15P00 4302 ?? 8K 8K

Z31 RB20DET MT FR 23710-20P01 MEC-R15E ?? 27C128 27C128

Z32 VG30DE AT FR 23710-40P11 M157BDA4 ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DE MT FR 23710-40P00 M157BDM3 ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DE MT FR 23710-40P01 8AB9119J ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DETT AT FR 23710-41P12 M105ADA5 ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DETT AT FR 23710-41P13 M105ADA6 ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DETT AT FR 23710-48P76

Z32 VG30DETT MT FR 23710-41P00 M105ADM4 ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DETT MT FR 23710-41P01 M105ADM5 ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DETT MT FR 23710-41P03 M105ADM6 ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DETT MT FR 23710-41P04 8AB9121J ?? 27C256 27C256

Z32 VG30DETT MT FR 23710-51P60 6AK8915J1 ??????? 27C256 M5M

I planned on doing that to mine before i sold it , i have pics of one painted , looks mint imo , i'll stick the pic up in the cef/lolo pics thread when i get home :)

hey dude you end up findin that pic of the solid colour laurel?

hey guys,

ive been offered a pair of gtr front seats at a very good price.

now im just wonderin will they lower the stock seating position at all?

i mean the laurel seats are wicked comfy and all but i kinda want somethin a bit more supportive and also feel that the seatin position is to high.

im only 5"8' and my head just about hits the roof.

would running gtr seats lower me at all?

i have a pair of recaro rails as i was plannin on runny recaros but i missed out on the pair i was gonna buy and havent been able to find another set the same for less then $1500 and really cbf spending that much money on a pair of seats haha. would rather spend that on go fast bits.

Nice write up dude car looks good with the new wheels.

Have a gtr passenger in mine and think it sits a bit lower, is a smaller seat, thinkness wise, compared to a standard seat.

Much more comfy than standard :)

Cheers mate.

i try to keep it up to date with as little rubbish as possible haha.

coz lets face it.. all you guys really wonna see is shinny new bits and lots of money spent.

dont we all haha..

i found out last night that these seats are actually out of a wrx.

how ever the rails to very similar and worst case i believe wrx seats are recaro yes? so in theory i could just bolt them up to my c33 recaro rails..

will find out later today anyways.

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