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Yeah man you're getting private insurance mixed up with compulsory third party insurance (registration)

Two different things.

If it was an accident like, an ACTUAL MISTAKE....

and he's not insured with a company... And ROB isn't insured. Then it's settled. Tell the guy to

A) fk off

B) suck a dick

If he has a problem then just call up three of your black friends to go run a train on his ass and turn his body into a playground. Simple!

If you were to go for a cash settlement, remember to prepare a written, better to be typed out agreement/contract that that's the end of the payment and there WILL NOT be any more compensations or payments thereafter for whatever reasons (to prevent extortion and stuff).

Black and white > verbal

But I would prefer to go the insurance way... I would end up be paying a premium anyway so it works out to be around the same... PLUS him driving his ute unrego'd will not go unnoticed. Ok, but that is IF Rob has comprehensive insurance.... else it's back to paying to settle privately.

Edited by E3lipse

what part of "both drivers were uninsured" didnt you guys get?

At the risk of agreeing with spremy (Mr Eps) if the other guy was unrego'ed then tell him to suck a dick, and if he doesnt like it, tell him to file a report with the police. Because of the lack of rego, the other car is immediately at fault for simply being on the road.

what part of "both drivers were uninsured" didnt you guys get?

At the risk of agreeing with spremy (Mr Eps) if the other guy was unrego'ed then tell him to suck a dick, and if he doesnt like it, tell him to file a report with the police. Because of the lack of rego, the other car is immediately at fault for simply being on the road.

100% agree - tell the guy to file a report against you as he should not have been on the road... he wont dob himself in

Hey officer i was driving an un rego car and had a crash can you help.... duh no brainer really...

what part of "both drivers were uninsured" didnt you guys get?

At the risk of agreeing with spremy (Mr Eps)

Dale you realize this is like the 7th time that you have agreed with me....



fk him, dont pay him a cent,

Car is unlicensed.. shouldnt be on the road

Does he have his license also??

So on that basis anyone who, say, runs into a technically unroadworthy Nissan Skyline should tell the driver to:

A) fk off

B) suck a dick

Just asking.

So on that basis anyone who, say, runs into a technically unroadworthy Nissan Skyline should tell the driver to:

A) fk off

B) suck a dick

Just asking.

That is so completely different, I don't even know where to start :/

Still waiting for him to report it,

Funnily enough, he has now rego'd his car this morning.

He did say, that he was "able" to drive the car between the dates of 5th of Aug to the 28th of Aug, But even that doesn't make sense as the 15 day "grace" period for insurance cover over here would cut off on the 20th, and the crash happened 2 days after that.

if the other guys car wasnt regoed at the time of the crash then he hasnt got a legal leg to stand on and you SHOULDNT have to give him a bent cent. . .talk to the DPI and the coppers before any money changes hands

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