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hey guys,im puting my new cooler in soon and i need some pics of some engine bays where the pipeing goes back over the engine to get to the cooler, cause as some of u know its a bitch to get the rb20 pipeing back over,i was thinking of just going infront of the engine between the engine and fan, but it looks very long,so i was thinking of haveing it come out of the turbo,across the engine into the cooler THEN into the engine,as this would have alot less heat and it doesent have to go asfar,

and ideas guys?

i will be putting on a custom plenum when i get around to it,so itll be only like this for probably 6 months

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You could just get the stock plenum modified to move the throttle body to the front, this is not to difficult to do as I have done it with mine I just havent put it on yet. Only takes a couple of hours a cutting then it just need to be tig welded and a new throttle cable.

thanks guys,but im gonna get it done in stainless,i can tig weld a little so im just gonna tack it then take it to a local guy and get it fully welded. And the throttle body idea,i think it was in zoom they put it at the front,but that little block of ally that sits at the front of the plenum?with 2 hoses going into it and the airbleeder thing for the radiator, do u really need that? cause in zoom they just cut it off and drilled a hole, cause if its easy ill do that too

oh and heres a pic of my new cooler


Thats just a bleed, im just going to use a t piece and put a small screw for the bleed. Its not very hard to modify if you are game, just cut the block off and weld a 2.5'' pipe to it with a plate for the throttle body. Hopefully it should work well, i will put mine on at the end of the year.

I was thinking of doiin clints idea of getting a custom plenum or modding it so the intake is down below or on the other side.

I researched about it doin it & the news wasnt to great, since the intake is on the middle of the plenum the air feed is giving all the cylinders/throttle body evenly where if you mod it so the pipe connects to the bottom of the plenum it will give more air 2 one of the cylinders/throttle body then to the rest of them, hence not a good idea.

It was engineered that way for a reason.

Custom plenum is a good way 2 go but it all depends on if you plan to run crazy amout of boost or not, & it wont be cheap either.

So do what BOOSTMEISTER did its nice!

BOOSTMEISTER: what did you do with the hose thats connects to each other on top of the rocker cover where your U shape curve goes, reconnected with a longer hose?...


Yeah i have thought about that aswell, but most manifolds enter at one end, if you think about it the two cylinders directly in front of the throttle body will get more air than the two one either end with it in the stock location. Its under pressure so i think it is less important than on a n/a engine.

There have been plenty who have had them modified so i guess i will fing out if it works when i put it on.


I cut off the two small outlets on the cam cover tubes and welded them up then I ran two long hoses off the big ones to a oil catch can. You can see them in this pic


You are right about the plenum, I was going to do the front mount idea as well till I spoke a an engineer who does a lot of carbon work for rally and indy cars and who also makes carbon throttle bodies and ram tubes and he had a look at my plenum when it was off the car. He said that the internals were designed to spread the air flow out when it comes in from the side and because it doesn't taper off toward the back then the 2.3.4 cylinders will run rich and 1.5.6 will be lean. Unless you are running 15psi + this may or may not be a good idea to mod the plenum. Clint, I am very keen to see your results. I am working on my own custom plenum at the mo which I hope to be able to offer you guys at a good price but I haven't the cash right now to get stuck into it.

erm.. I have a bit of a daggy pic but here it is...

it is a thick bugger.. I'll have to take a pic of the top..

Yer well with the turbo I have to build up the money again.. I upgraded the comp 2 weeks ago to a new AMD system.... 512 Corsiar XMS3200 DDR400, GF4 Ti4200 etc etc..

Cost up around the $1100 mark so well thats pretty much all of the turbo money.. But it doesn't matter.. :D

I'm getting a few dyno runs done tomorrow.

Before I go on.. Sorry for changing the subject :)


one with stock no fuel pressure bleed stock timing @ 15psi

then one with AF's right up top end to see max power with max timing

and if it is leaning out in the mid then one with the af's not running lean in the mid but running a little rich up top..

Maybe 170rwkw.. But more realistically probably 165rwkw.

Turbo.. hrmmm not sure Have to find a hks 2530.. and I want to see how Clints To4e goes.. that could be another Cheaper option..

did you cut the front bar only because u wanted to or was the intercooler in the way

when i mounted my intercooler on it sliped stright on the bar with no problems what so ever (i have a r33 gtr intercooler)

im gonna air saw it off 2 put on some mesh but atm i couldnt care less, as i got more things 2 worry about *cough* GTR INJECTORS *cough* :D

I got my hks T04e for $400, but that was cheap and I will probably get it recod to be safe, then you will need an external gate, i found a brend new turbosmart one for $470. For the manifold i made a block that got welded to the original to mount the turbo and wastegate to, cost $200 just to have it welded and the manifold need to be faced so it is flat when you bolt it to the block. So far it has cost me under $1100 which will hopefully put out 230rwkw when it all goes on at the end of the year, i will post some pics of the manifold when i have time to figure out how to do it.

Originally posted by Joe

did you cut the front bar only because u wanted to or was the intercooler in the way

when i mounted my intercooler on it sliped stright on the bar with no problems what so ever (i have a r33 gtr intercooler)

im gonna air saw it off 2 put on some mesh but atm i couldnt care less, as i got more things 2 worry about *cough* GTR INJECTORS *cough* :D

Joe, what management have you got? GTR injectors will not work on standard management.

Yeah i found out that the GTR injectors wont work on the GTST because of the high & low impendence.

Im planning to find me a Power FC (AP) for the R32 GTST to run the injectors, Im quite sure that you CANNOT remap the ecu to run them as its is in the driver itself not the software.

What i have found out is that, Link sells a Resistor pack to bring the impendence up so you can run them, i think there called Link Ballistic pack or something of that nature.

Im not sure if it will work or not, but its bloody interesting...


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