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Bayview Vandal


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I parked my car in Bayview today to go out and do a spot of fishing, about 1.5 hours later I get a call from my brother in law saying both of my wing mirrors have been broken off their mounts and both of my antennas (AM/FM radio and a two way radio antenna) have been bent over and destroyed. What's fortunate is my brother in law saw the woman break my drivers side mirror, and then go into her house (my car was on the public space outside her house). We've since worked out between us that she feels that spot is "hers" - the street is notoriously difficult to find parking spots on, although today all afternoon there was HEAPS available. She must have already been in a foul mood to vandalise a car that's never parked there before. Unfortunately, the police spoke to her and she denies everything. They want to fingerprint the car tomorrow to see if they can lift any prints off the mirrors which unfortunately means I'm going to miss the September Texi. She has even volunteered to be fingerprinted so I'm sure she pulled her sleeves over her hands when doing the damage, and most likely I'll be out of pocket and miss a motorkhana day. However, that kind of vindictive damage is not something I can let pass so I want to see her be held accountable for it and letting the police do their fingerprinting is the best way at this stage to achieve that.

So as far as the car damage goes shit happens, 2 mirrors and 2 antennas can be replaced. What has me angry is her attitude to the whole thing, she was caught in the act and now she's denying everything. The police have already said if they can't get prints off it then they won't have enough evidence to proceed further. The only comfort at this stage is that to do that at the drop of a hat she must be a petty, unhappy person in life and aside from this event I have had one of the best fortnights in recent memory so there's certainly a lot else in life to be thankful for.

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my brother in law saw the woman break my drivers side mirror, and then go into her house

Can I assume that your insurance company can use this ^ ^ ^ information + the police report?

I empathise with you Geoff; but so too should your insurance company claims dept who have access to their own legal experts perhaps?

Corinne will know...

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I should point out that the premise someone is too stupid to drive a manual doesn't mean that everyone who drives an automatic is stupid.. the rest of you are just lazy or crippled :D

fixed :P

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Hi Terry,

Thanks for the advice, I certainly plan to speak with my insurance company (Corinne and Chubbs are both quite familiar with the one I use) but I'll wait until later tomorrow when I have more information about the situation.

The physical damage sucks but it's easily fixed. What really gets to me is the attitude of the person who did it - the lack of respect for other peoples' property and the brazen nature of it is just staggering.



edit - lol, touche :D

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thanks for the offer Cass, I'll see how the chips fall tomorrow. In my book if you cause damage to someone's property you should A) own up to it and B) make it better but since A isn't happening I don't think B will be an easy task..

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Hmm, very interesting, usually some people will take justice into their own hands after knowing who did the crime and where they live. Bravo on not going ape shit. Although I'd just torment the bitch via childishly sending pizza orders every now and again buy a trailer and happily leave it parked in the same spot 24/7, 7 days a week and pay the registation happily and finaly chuck in a few prank calls every know and again from a pay phone at the early hours of the morning.

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That blows Geoff, I cannot stand vandals or for that matter anyone that takes pleasure in destroying the property of others.

As others said, well done on remaining level headed about the whole thing - It would have been a totally different story if she did it to my car!

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Hmm, very interesting, usually some people will take justice into their own hands after knowing who did the crime and where they live. Bravo on not going ape shit. Although I'd just torment the bitch via childishly sending pizza orders every now and again buy a trailer and happily leave it parked in the same spot 24/7, 7 days a week and pay the registation happily and finaly chuck in a few prank calls every know and again from a pay phone at the early hours of the morning.

+1 to this, takeaway would be comming form all diffrent directions

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At least they are fixable and that you can still drive it. Imagine if you were in an area known to just set fire to vehicles out of anger or just boredom.

Kudos to you for not losing your cool.

If the insurance doesn't go to well, just follow the steps:

Step 1: buy some illegal substance

Step 2: put this illegal substance in their mailbox/slip it under their door/throw it into their backyard

Step 3: tip off the police that she is either a known user/dealer

Step 4: giggle your mother f**king ass off

Step 5: ???

Step 6: PROFIT!!

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Can I assume that your insurance company can use this ^ ^ ^ information + the police report?

I empathise with you Geoff; but so too should your insurance company claims dept who have access to their own legal experts perhaps?

Corinne will know...

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unless the cops can nail it too her your shit out of luck on this one :(

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