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He would fit the criteria with his prior offences but in general we don't impound vehicle that isn't owned/normally driven by the offender. That's pretty much the first question the Senior Sergeant asks is whether the car is owned by the offender.

I guess it would kinda punish a good driver if their only mistake was to lend their car to a bad driver, such as the guy in question... ...But it would guarantee that no one that knows him would lend him their car if he got someone else's impounded for a month or two...

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Typical Victoria (Australian Police in general). Why is so much emphasis put on driving related "crime". Last year there was something like 1300 deaths on our roads in total (falling in real terms year on year if you account for population growth) while there are many more preventable deaths that take place in society like suicide that can be addressed. Once a week minimum someone throws them self in front of a train but its never reported.

With the police they are sort of lazy (not their fault) they just want to quote statistics so it looks like they are doing something. How many times have you heard "we breath tested 5000 people last night" etc etc. We as a society demand value for money so cops go for the easy target, speed/drink driving enforcement. They can parade around that they stopped a repeat offender (like above) which makes them feel warm and fuzzy but if they helped say a young person with low self esteem who wanted to commit suicide there is no praise in that because the number of people they prevent from committing suicide doesn't sound as good as "Stopping that soccer mum driving 50 in a 40 zone with kids around".

Getting back to the original OP, of course they did a great job stopping someone who puts everyone else on the road at risk, its just the emphasis on this country on road related "crime" is f**king ridiculous.

Typical Victoria (Australian Police in general). Why is so much emphasis put on driving related "crime". Last year there was something like 1300 deaths on our roads in total (falling in real terms year on year if you account for population growth) while there are many more preventable deaths that take place in society like suicide that can be addressed. Once a week minimum someone throws them self in front of a train but its never reported.

With the police they are sort of lazy (not their fault) they just want to quote statistics so it looks like they are doing something. How many times have you heard "we breath tested 5000 people last night" etc etc. We as a society demand value for money so cops go for the easy target, speed/drink driving enforcement. They can parade around that they stopped a repeat offender (like above) which makes them feel warm and fuzzy but if they helped say a young person with low self esteem who wanted to commit suicide there is no praise in that because the number of people they prevent from committing suicide doesn't sound as good as "Stopping that soccer mum driving 50 in a 40 zone with kids around".

Getting back to the original OP, of course they did a great job stopping someone who puts everyone else on the road at risk, its just the emphasis on this country on road related "crime" is f**king ridiculous.

Agree 100%

Jawrgy, I deal with suicidal people almost everyday. I have taken that many suicidal people to the hospital for assessment that I know almost every staff member at the local hospitals. It's not a police roll to prevent suicide. How about looking at the mental health system, CAT team and Councelling that are failing these people.

My station has taken one person to hospital over 200 times in last year for suicidal threats, drug overdoses and attempted hanging and she gets released by the hospital wihtin few hours EVERY time.

I thought this was a car related forum so I mentioned about this offender. Maybe I should mention that I arrested 3 offenders with drugs and weapons last week, a repeat shoplifter, caught a burglar, locked up a drunk causing problems and helped a woman who had been seriously assaulted by her boyfriend. Charging him and arranging for an intervention order for her. Also helped DHS with taking a child away from a heavily drug affected mother.

Yes, it was a very busy week for me. That's the job I do almost everyweek and get little to no praise or thanks for it.

It is sad that he had 6 drink driving offenses. Road laws don't need changing, the courts need fixing.

Agreed with Peter..

What ever happened to the whole second offense from drink driving there is mandatory jail sentence?

Doesn't seem so mandatory there.

Jawrgy, I deal with suicidal people almost everyday. I have taken that many suicidal people to the hospital for assessment that I know almost every staff member at the local hospitals. It's not a police roll to prevent suicide. How about looking at the mental health system, CAT team and Councelling that are failing these people.

My station has taken one person to hospital over 200 times in last year for suicidal threats, drug overdoses and attempted hanging and she gets released by the hospital wihtin few hours EVERY time.

I thought this was a car related forum so I mentioned about this offender. Maybe I should mention that I arrested 3 offenders with drugs and weapons last week, a repeat shoplifter, caught a burglar, locked up a drunk causing problems and helped a woman who had been seriously assaulted by her boyfriend. Charging him and arranging for an intervention order for her. Also helped DHS with taking a child away from a heavily drug affected mother.

Yes, it was a very busy week for me. That's the job I do almost everyweek and get little to no praise or thanks for it.

dude, you should start a blog with some of the stories you hear, see and end up getting dragged into!

car forum or not im sure plenty here would love to hear about some of the seedier characters you run into, albeit we are at a safe distance and not hearing any names it would still be a fascinating insight into life on the beat.

As far as i know these are pretty rare though i have read a few books detailing the glory days of the seventies, eights and a little of the nineties those were different times and theres no sense of immediacy or drama when you know it all happened too long ago to be relevant to current laws and people we 'may' know.

whether you do keep sharing your successes or not, thanks for posting about this idiot. Its good to know that amongst all the confetti given out for 5 over that this guy got what he deserved...though as mentioned, Jail time would be the icing on the cake.

Great work Graeme!! I know a couple of people with a similar disregard for road safety and I still don't understand why they aren't behind bars. The courts need a fixeruppa.

On another note, despite the attitude of the police officer and as long as you haven't done anything extremely stupid, if you're nice to them, then you usually get let off if it's miniscule i.e. tyre screech.

Is this something that happens with you Graeme? Sometimes, you do a random check but because the driver was a douche, it led to him/her copping a fine that they otherwise may not have received?

Yes, attitude is a big thing that affects my decision. If the person has done something minor wrong but is nice and friendly then I would warn them. I Have pulled over cars for random checks with driver's with bad attitudes and they ended up with fines and NOU on car.

I just finished up dealing with seige tonight with "crazy" man who had arguement with wife and when we arrived was in rear yard armed with pitchfork and wanted us to shoot him. We had to get CIRT team and negotiators out to scene and luckily after couple of hours matter was resolved with him getting oc sprayed and arrested. No injuries to him, police or neighbours that were involved. He absolutley HATED police as he recently received NOU on his car and that was enough to push him over the edge.

These threads entertain me,

A copper gets a shitcnt off the road,

Many flame him for abuses of power he has no control over,

But don't write to your MP. Don't do anything that could fix or improve the situation. Keep bitching on forums. Continue achieving nothing.

im confused, are we reading the same thread? from what i can see most have applauded his actions with a few just wishing more were like him..


Police officers who shares these kind of stories on a forum like this are far in between.

Always nice to hear from officers rather than mainstream media.

These threads entertain me,

A copper gets a shitcnt off the road,

Many flame him for abuses of power he has no control over,

But don't write to your MP. Don't do anything that could fix or improve the situation. Keep bitching on forums. Continue achieving nothing.

Isn't that what you're doing?


I would like to see some laws they have in states brought in here, like if you and another person go to some ones house to rob them and you mate kills them bad luck, you were there, you participated and you did nothing to stop the whole situation so you get charged with murder as well, same as drink driving, i know a few people who dont mind getting in a car with someone who they think may be over the limit, if thats the case you get the same as the drivier, maybe next time the passenger might think twice and talk his mate into taken a cab.

Jawrgy, I deal with suicidal people almost everyday. I have taken that many suicidal people to the hospital for assessment that I know almost every staff member at the local hospitals. It's not a police roll to prevent suicide. How about looking at the mental health system, CAT team and Councelling that are failing these people.

Stopping suicide isnt always that easy, the people who threaten to do it and tell people and usually just making a cry for help and possibly would never do it, the people who really want to kill them selves are not going to tell any one because they dont want to be stopped.

Yes, attitude is a big thing that affects my decision. If the person has done something minor wrong but is nice and friendly then I would warn them. I Have pulled over cars for random checks with driver's with bad attitudes and they ended up with fines and NOU on car.

I have only been pulled over twice in my skyline, the first time was o princes hwy(yes on a friday night) doing nothing wrong and hadnt done any thing wrong, he asked for my license then walked around the front of my car and had a look for an intercooler (im guessing the black paint hid it) then went to the back, measured height (when the car wasnt on a flat surface) and then proceeded to dick me for too low and bald rear tyres (they were), i didnt say a word to him he was just looking for a defect.

The second time was going through a round about i gave the car shit, he pulled me over asked me if i knew why he pulled me over i said yes and i know im going to get dicked for it, his instant reply was maybe not you passed the attitude test, he then came back handed me my license back and told me not to do stupid shit the car draws enough attention with out.

So basically nex time im going to toss a coin before he comes to my window and see if lady luck is on my side.

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