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Just haven't changed the brake pads as I am not confident in doing them myself. I have seen it done a fair few times just don't have the confidence to do it atm. Hopefully the current pads will last the punishment. There is about half life left in the pads up front and same for the rear. I have a brand new set of QFM A1RM's with me that I will be bring out to the track and hopefully someone can lend me a hand in changing the pads if need be :D Also hoping that 3 jerry cans will be enough.

Looking forward to this track day :D

Bring the pads I can help you change them out there if needed.

After heraing Munros 33 in the wayville pavillion today at full noise and having everyone run over. I cant wait to see it on the track :thumbsup:

Well I am all good to go. Just have to fill the car up and 3 Jerry cans tomorrow morning.

I will be at the meet spot :D

Just haven't changed the brake pads as I am not confident in doing them myself. I have seen it done a fair few times just don't have the confidence to do it atm. Hopefully the current pads will last the punishment. There is about half life left in the pads up front and same for the rear. I have a brand new set of QFM A1RM's with me that I will be bring out to the track and hopefully someone can lend me a hand in changing the pads if need be :D Also hoping that 3 jerry cans will be enough.

Looking forward to this track day :D

i can help you change pads if you want, i've got a decent enough bleeder that i'll have with me.

just need a car jack, pliers, screwdriver and something to undo the bleed valve if you want to bleed fluid?

you can change the pads without bleeding.

should onl'y take 5mins per wheel.

i've changed out my pads so many times now, piece of piss

Is there any particular time in the morning that we have to be there? judging by Andrew's comment about the meet point, I should aim to be there at 8:15/8:30am?

Gates open at 8am, so plan to be there then.

Mallala is only about half an hour from Caltex, and Clem is often a few minutes late getting the gates open :)

Cheers guys. Well lets hope that someone brings a jack :P

It should be alright but you never know. The pad is on about half the of what a new one would be, so still plenty of meat left on it. Just had a spare set that was mean't to go in once the current pads had seen enough lol. I had no idea that you could change pads without bleeding the fluid system :D

^^^ helps a LOT if you have one of these handy (my brother-in-law David has one)


Otherwise it is a royal pita to release the pistons enough to get the new pad in. You can just loosen the bleed nipple a tad and squeeze the pistons open though.

Either way it is an easy job Krish!

Yeah it is going to be an awesome day ..... Munro's race car will be a highlight, but the big highlight for me will be Daniel's Radical SR8 (powered by 2 Hyabusa engines strapped together to make a V8) - one of the fastest cars EVER around the Nurbugring - just the sound of it idling is insane, let alone when it hits its 11,000-odd rpm redline :D :D :D

Best to fill before you leave or at Bolivar Caltex depending on what your brew of choice is.

There is a servo in town, whether or not it carries a suitable octane fuel remains to be seen.

Both cameras are charged and ready to go, though my external mic and camera mount didn't arrive in time. :(

Fun day. Really looking forward to getting back out there.

Spent most of the day running around with an alien camera and alien lens, most of my photos suck. A couple fresh off the gun, so to speak that I kinda like.






I'll get more up whenever I can be bothered doing post.

What a great day today was, thanks SAU:SA for the great day. Only bad point was when I got home my dipstick had popped out and oil was spat everywhere.

:mellow: this is not good

nice to meet you today Fliggy, thanks for the hand pushing too :thumbsup:

Also thanks to All that gave me a hand with things an those i had a good chat with










Unfortunate my day got cut short (AGAIN!!!) but i have wonderful plans :whistling::banana:

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