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I want to get rid of my chicken legs this year. Never been able to get decent definition in my legs for whatever reason, this years goal is to get them bigger.

Also, something was off in my food last year, whatever i was eating gained lots of fat, I had a disgusting little gut on me, looked like a teenage girl who is from some shit hole who got up the duff. This year, I dont want that dumb gut. Not saying I want to gain weight and have a 6 pack, I just want to do it a bit cleaner is all. Chicken and steak for breakfest lunch and dinner or something.

meat, eggs, veg, oats

squats, squats and more squats... try for 3 times a week.

Try one session for 20 reps, the next session for 10 reps with more weight, and the other session for 5 reps with even more reps.

got everything covered that way.

You want size on those wheels do Olympic style squats.

that is high bar, feet inside shoulder width, full depth squats.

If you got a gut, then either you ate shit, or you ate more than you used up and didn't squat enough.


Ok well at the expensive of sounding like a massive dick, you can't claim to have gained 15kg of lean mass then lol.

You gained 15kg of mass.

Nonetheless that is still a solid result.

I gained 20kg in just over a year, but it wasn't all lean.

How old are you out of curiosity?

Sounds like you've been training for around 10 years now.

I actually gained 17.2 kgs in mass, according to my doc it was 15kg of lean muscle and something like 1.9 kgs of fat and 0.3kg water. From what i remember. But the 15kgs of lean muscle is 100% right.

And i dont think you sound like a massive dick, you just sound like someone who is sceptical, and if it didnt happen to me personaly, i would probably think the same as well. Just letting FIGJAM know what worked for me.

I am 30 years old now, trained a little (not seriously) in highschool. Started training seriously somewhere between 21 and 22, so yeah around 9 years of solid hard training.

Now i have increased my weight from 62 to about 99kg (with a little extra body fat but im not worried), and every extra little bit that i put on gets harder and harder to achieve. And i never claim to be lean as i know im currently at about 15%bf which is fairly average.

meat, eggs, veg, oats

squats, squats and more squats... try for 3 times a week.

Try one session for 20 reps, the next session for 10 reps with more weight, and the other session for 5 reps with even more reps.

got everything covered that way.

You want size on those wheels do Olympic style squats.

that is high bar, feet inside shoulder width, full depth squats.

If you got a gut, then either you ate shit, or you ate more than you used up and didn't squat enough.


Thats the truth right there!!!

Want BIG legs...... Shut up and SQUAT!!!

meat, eggs, veg, oats

squats, squats and more squats... try for 3 times a week.

Try one session for 20 reps, the next session for 10 reps with more weight, and the other session for 5 reps with even more reps.

got everything covered that way.

You want size on those wheels do Olympic style squats.

that is high bar, feet inside shoulder width, full depth squats.

If you got a gut, then either you ate shit, or you ate more than you used up and didn't squat enough.


yep, quick question. Doing the same workout 3x times a week as previously mentioned, do you think I should do different rep ranges to hit the different fibers???



All i can suggest is do a couple of warm up set to get the blood pumping and get in your groove, then pile the weight on and squat like your life depends on it. Even if you want to try and go a bit heavier than you normally would, squat till your legs are parallel and then come back up. Get yourself used to the weight and slowly start to increase the depth of your rep.

I found this to be an amazing way to build strength. And if you can lift more, you will grow more.

I only do light weight and high reps maybe once every month just to shock the legs and pump them until your legs feel like they are full of battery acid!!! Usually its something like 4 sets of 100kg squats for 20 reps, or 300kg leg press @ 4 sets of 40.

  • 2 months later...

well ive been doing the Strong Lifts workout for awhile now. Not 100% to his directions but very similar. I have got slightly stronger since starting the program, but I did go nearly to the start and just use the bar for the workout.

Current stats:

Squat: 80kg x 5 reps

Standing Military Press: 30kg x 5 reps (still heaps of room to improve here)

Deadlifts: 80kg x 5 reps (again heaps of room here, I think I should up it to 90kg on my next attempt but I'd like to maintain good form)

Bench: 65kg x 5 reps

Seated Row: 60kg x 5 reps (this should be bent over rows but whenever I do them I get real bad pain in my wrist joints could have something to do with being double jointed in my wrists or just plain shit form, not sure)

weight I'd say hasnt changed. Floating around the 70kg mark.

diet is still shit, cant seem to eat these days. Have been literally spewing after small meals. See the dr they ran some tests no major issues, say im just a spewer/reflux etc etc.

dont take any supplements currently.

when you try bent over row..

try holding the bar without the thumb under it..

like this but in a row position..


So thumb on the same side as the rest of your fingers.

See if that stops the wrist hurting.

Tried this last night, no pain, will increase the weight and see how I go.

I was really off my game last night felt weaker then normal I think it was because my diet was so bad. Going to the gym hungry is never a good thing.


Squats: 65kg x 5, 65kg x 5, 80kg x 5, 80kg x 5 and 85kg x 5

Bench (sucked balls at this last night): 60kg x 5, 60kg x 5, 60kg x 5, 65kg x 5 and 70kg x 1

Bent over Row (first time I have done this in i dont know how long): 40kg x 5, 40kg x 5, 40kg x 5, 40kg x 5 and 45kg x 5

Next squat session will probably be 2x uncounted warm ups, 2 sets at 80kg, 2 sets at 85kg and 1 set at 90kg

Bench will probably follow the same format as the above unless I find it to easy then I may try a extra set at 65kg

Bent over will probably follow a similar set except with 1 set being 50kg.


  • 2 months later...

havent updated this in awhile. Sitting round the 70kg mark, no chance of increasing or decreasing at this stage.

Work and uni is killing me i get to the gym 2-3 times a week if im lucky and that's wed-friday

  • 2 months later...

well has taken a good long while but I am finally back to where i was on bench last year.

50kg x 12

60kg x 8

60kg x 8

next week should bring up 60 by 10 and hopefully 65 by 6-8

60kg has for some reason been my wall, getting to it and beyond it has seemed like the impossible for some time.

  • 3 weeks later...

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