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Can we agree on a couple of things here??

OP is 183cm tall and 66kg.

He needs to gain weight.

He needs to train for maximal results.

Why are people really advising that he does split routines or 5-6 days a week or forearm curls for the nice burn etc etc?

seriously, the guy could eat a bowl of lard 5 times a day for 12 weeks and still look skinny.

does anyone here really disagree that this is the perfect scenario for 5x5 of squats/bench/dead/overhead press/chins/rows and nothing more?

also, what ever diet he posts, each of the 3-6 meals he has per day should have about 500ml of full cream milk to wash it down.

6ft tall and 66kg.

I know a guy that had an eating disorder.

He became anorexic.

once he got his mind straight, he did 5x5 for a year and ate everything.

went from 43kg at 6ft to 100kg.

his current lifts are

squat 180

bench 140

dead 230

now he's taking some time off from 5x5 to do some BB type stuff to give his joints a break to recover etc.

but the point is, size comes from heaps of food and big movements.

3 times week is perfect.

OP - if you do splits and time wasting lifts like forearm curls or tricep kick backs etc, you will be 66kg and 6ft when you are 24 too.

Must have skimmed over the 6ft part, but I've got mates that are 6ft-6ft 3, what I'd call malnourished skinny, and they're still 70-75+kg, so the only time this guy should not be eating is when he's cooking his next meal, and even then he should be snacking on a big mac.

We have been doing the full body workouts as a bit of a break from the usual, Chest/triceps, back/biceps and shoulder/legs. Has been interesting with mixed results I guess. In some aspects I feel that I have grown (especially in the biceps) where in others I feel that I have gotten weaker (squats).

Diet is something like this:

7:00am Breakfest: 3-4 eggs, orange juice and my pill stack which consists of: Multi Vitamen, Fish Oil, Testosterone and Acai Berry

10:00am Snack: either a protein shake or a tuna and cheese melt

12 or 1pm Lunch: whatever I can get my hands on, today I have a cup of white rice and a chicken fillet.

3pm Snack: the opposite of what I had in the morning

Whenever Dinner is: whatever the old lady cooks I try to devour.

I am going to add another couple of shakes into the mix. Ill probably firm up the morning snack to the melt, and have the afternoon one as a shake because I get to gym around 5:30-6pm. After Gym I will start to have a shake waiting in my car to drink on the way home. Last shake will probably be a hour or so before bed, and more of a smoothie with fruit and yogurt and what have you, just to bump up the calories.

During my workout I am starting a cycle of BCAA, which the guy at supplement wharehouse recommended to help the protein hit the muscles faster and stay longer. See if it makes a difference. I have been on createin before but never really noticed anything, so I have gone off it over the past couple of months. I should probably get back on it.


We have been doing the full body workouts as a bit of a break from the usual, Chest/triceps, back/biceps and shoulder/legs. Has been interesting with mixed results I guess. In some aspects I feel that I have grown (especially in the biceps) where in others I feel that I have gotten weaker (squats).

Diet is something like this:

7:00am Breakfest: 3-4 eggs, orange juice and my pill stack which consists of: Multi Vitamen, Fish Oil, Testosterone and Acai Berry

10:00am Snack: either a protein shake or a tuna and cheese melt

12 or 1pm Lunch: whatever I can get my hands on, today I have a cup of white rice and a chicken fillet.

3pm Snack: the opposite of what I had in the morning

Whenever Dinner is: whatever the old lady cooks I try to devour.

I am going to add another couple of shakes into the mix. Ill probably firm up the morning snack to the melt, and have the afternoon one as a shake because I get to gym around 5:30-6pm. After Gym I will start to have a shake waiting in my car to drink on the way home. Last shake will probably be a hour or so before bed, and more of a smoothie with fruit and yogurt and what have you, just to bump up the calories.

During my workout I am starting a cycle of BCAA, which the guy at supplement wharehouse recommended to help the protein hit the muscles faster and stay longer. See if it makes a difference. I have been on createin before but never really noticed anything, so I have gone off it over the past couple of months. I should probably get back on it.


Hey mate, don't take this the wrong way but that diet will not help you gain size. You should be eating around 3500 calories or more a day to get results. If your stuck on what sort of foods you can eat to make up 3500 calories then check out bodybuilding.com

yeah, look im not stupid, so i dont take things the wrong way. I realise that Im not going to pack on the pounds and what have you. My biggest issue is actually eating.

I have been on 3500 calorie diets before with no gain, reason why? I was on the toilet shitting and spewing all day long. Pretty much have to increase the size of my stomach slowly as I go. Also looking at my family and the way my father and brother put on weight, I should start seeing gains quicker now as my metabolism will probably start slowing down around 23.

Please dont see this as an excuse, I have tried it all before. I cant even stomach the massive calorie shakes like Steroid mass and what not and Ive tried them all.

just downloaded the Jefit app to my phone. Basically tracks your workouts and what you're lifting etc etc.

seems easy enough to use, I just need to configure it properly.

website is http://www.jefit.com/ if anyone else is interested.

Eat like I do. I've gained like 5kg in the last two months or so from ~63kg to ~68kg.

Breakfast is the most important meal, eat up. Bacon and eggs is great, with toast and a huge glass of milk. In fact, aim to drink a 2L bottle of full cream milk a day.

Eat lots and lots of nuts. I love my almonds although they are expensive. I spend about $20-30 a week on them.

Beans, rice and pasta are great too. Just make sure you have a decent amount of protein (30-40g) with each meal. You should be having a meal every 2-3hours.

Second most important meal is the one you eat straight after you workout. I always get a double quarter pounder from Maccas on the way home from the gym. I starving by the time I get out of the gym and those suckers have like 48g of protein and a ton of energy, plus they taste awesome.

Best advice I can give is to prepare your meals the day before. Eating constantly it hard, especially if you're preparing each meal individually. Make a big batch of pasta and mince sauce. Make like 6 bowls and put them in the fridge. Each them constantly the next day. Cook a large amount of chicken breast, rice and salad. Portion them into 4-5 tuperware containers and eat one on each break at work.

You should never feel hungry, eating should not be enjoyable, it has now become a chore.

yea, I am trying to drink more milk and juice for extra calories. Fat shake at night etc.

Update on the Jefit program. Looks good, calculates what your 1max rep should be (providing you are lifting properly and struggling).

Set up goals, takes all of your measurements yadda yadda. Even shows graphs for your progress from the look of things.

Careful with the food stuffing guys, especially with the wrong types of food...I did that and most of my gains were just fat. Now that I've trimmed down again, I much happier than when I had the extra weight. You will gain weight with lifting alone, you just need to keep upping the weight of your lifts and supply enough energy/protein to get through workouts and recover. This will in turn make you eat more and grow the proper way rather than putting on fat. Looks much better when a thin guy has bulked up with muscle than a fat guy trying to cut.

Sarcasm doesn't portay well on the forum...

Show pony, What are u on about?

1RM is a true measurement of strength and a standard in which athletes can measure and compare power...

Why do we have dyno hp comps for our skylines... To measure and compare

Doing a 1RM test isn't gonna make you any stronger.. not only that but it's a great way to injure yourself. Either way, if you're talking about measuring and comparing, it's more of a power lifting statistic, so if you are a power lifter than I take back my comment.

People generally injure themselves cause they don't know how to lift properly, or go too hard before they know what they re doin

U say 1RM is useful only to power lifters,

I say it's a pretty good indicator of whether ur getting stronger or not

"Everybody wants to be a powerbuilder, don't nobody want to lift no heavy-ass weights" Ronnie Coleman

You wanna get big? U gotta lift big

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