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If it was there for you? Easier to get hold of it than weed IMO...even at family gyms, you get to know some of the big regulars and you'll soon find yourself onto a source.

I've never been interested in them. Happy to put in the hard yards to get where I want to be, but I reckon when you start injecting yourself with things you're going a bit too serious regardless of the hobby/sport. That's just me though, people can do what they like and it doesn't bother me at all. But I do love to compare how far I've come without the assistance of them and very little in the way of supplementation on the whole.

Which brings me to a good point here...my diet is terrible on the whole...it's all meat, very little vegetables and no salad or fruit. I eat chocolate whenever I feel like it and never go on diets. If you saw what I eat, you probably wouldn't believe my lifts or how low my BF% is. But I go to the gym on a 40 degree day...I get home from the gym and do more exercise...I refuse to stay at a hotel that doesn't have a gym room. More important than any supplementation, diet or roids is actually getting into the gym and putting in the hard yards...keep at it Figgy, nothing worth having comes easy :)

In all seriousness though, at our level there's no need for it unless u want super fast growth,

I highly doubt anyone here is anywhere close to their full potential

Edited by GTR_JOEY

depending on the juice, the cycle and some other factors, you can keep most of the size not all of it.

thats too my knowledge, have only briefly looked into it

wasn't I reading another post of yours when you said you were taking Testosterone? not judging, its just T and roids are pretty similar and usually taken together in a stack etc

I'm with you Birds, you have to get in there and train... not stand around talking and doing the odd set either, like all the young guys I see... you should be farked afterwards... and if you don't have any sweat on you you weren't working hard enough... sometimes I have trouble getting in the car after gym lol

I always drew the line at sticking myself with a needle with recreational drugs... same applies to PEDs... I know you can take them orally but I want to be strong all year round, not just when your on a cycle etc

they differ

oral steroids are real bad for your liver, apparently much healthier to inject.

its been an avenue that I have thought about going down because I get frustrated to be honest but not something that I have tried or even know anyone who has tried.

GTR the only reason id get on em is for the fast growth not because i want to get dressed in spandex, stink to high heaven of fake bronze tan and enter a competition.

Eh, stay away from roids. What's the point? You've still got tons of gains left in you naturally.

If you're still lifting in 10 years, sure go a head, but I think its stupid for amateurs to jump straight on it.

Agree with these guys^, get to your full potential naturally before you take something to put yourself on the next level. You may have the potential to reach your goals naturally without resorting to PEDs, therefore no need to put your body at risk.

Take it from everyone who's been going for years: you might like what you see, you may even jerk off to your own reflection a couple of times, but you will never be 100% happy with the man in the mirror. Always a muscle that could be bigger, more defined. People fall under the notion they'll get to their goals faster with roids...doesn't really happen, they just create new goals...distorted versions of what their original goals were.

  • 2 weeks later...

could just be something brewing in my stomach or it could be some size, but I weighed in at 68.4kg this morning before breakfest.

just thought I would share.

We have also gone off the full body workouts onto a more bulking style of approach. I will vary slightly from my spotter and go heavy heavy heavy as he is still cutting weight though.

  • 2 weeks later...

OP, IMO, from my experience, your body has no reason to want to eat more food.

You aren't training hard enough.

You need to give your body a reason to grow.

When I don't train hard I find it extremely hard to eat more than needed, but when I've trained hard and hurting it's easy to eat.

5x5 is a good template to work around provided you are moving heavy enough weight to stimulate growth. IMO when you are weak you can't generate enough force to stimulate growth from the weight you are using doing only 5 reps (in 5x5 for example), so you need to either do a lot more volume, i.e. 10 sets of 5 reps (instead of just 5 sets), or you need to do more reps, i.e. 10-20 reps for 5 sets. What this does is start to condition your body and get it used to doing 'work'. From there you start building a 'base' and then you have a foundation to start getting stronger from.

Have a browse through my training log. You'll notice I only do a handful of exercises, but my sessions go for 60-90mins and sometimes I do 20-30 sets, (generally 10-15). I can do this because they're compound movements, working my whole body, not one muscle. What this means is I can pretty much guarentee although I might not train a particular exercise or movement, I'm probably stronger/faster/better at it then you are, simply because I've been training my whole body as a unit and in turn the unit gets stronger everywhere.

At the end of the day everyone has different ideas, and everything works for someone, you just need to find what works for you.

There's a saying that goes something like this, the worst program done with the most effort gives more results than the best program doen with the least effort. The key here is effort.

Edited by GHOSTrun

Well dont know if I'm not trainning hard enough, I push out the most weight I can to get to 8-10 reps of struggle. Not one exercise or set do I do easy except for a couple isolation.

Not claiming to be strong but since the operation earlier this year and getting back in the gym I have doubled what I was lifting pretty much accross the board.

With the increase of effort has come an additional 5kgs this year, so I must be doing something right.

I agree that there isnt any perfect workout, but as long as you work hard you will see results which I am starting to see.

Thanks for the advice have looked at your logs some impressive lifts...

also thought i might post the new workout

Monday Chest/Shoulders:



Dip Machine

Machine Flys (I go light weight here so I can really squeeze my chest and feel it)

Dumbell Shoulder Press

Side Lateral Raises

Reverse Flys

Wednesday Back:



Cable Seated Row (I go light weight here so I can really squeeze my back and feel it)

V Bar Pull Down (I go light weight here so I can really squeeze my back and feel it)

Dumbell Shoulder Shrugs

Friday Legs/Biceps/Triceps:



Leg Press

Lying Leg Curls

Standing Calf Raises

Dumbell Alt Bicep Curl

Hammer Curls

Machine Tricep Ext

Tricep Dumbell Kickback

I like it when someone tells you that you don't train hard enough even though they've never seen you train/don't even know you :rolleyes:

Mitch that routine has too much volume/exercises in it, there's no need to do 4 chest exercises on one day as a beginner. Just stick to the big movements and throw some isolations in if you need to fill in the gaps.

first thing id be doin mate is getting rid of the iscolation exercises for ur arms

to get good good sized arms u need to do compound exercise

ie for tris do

dips/weighted dips and really focus on ur tris not ur chest

scull crushers with a bar

tri extensions with a dumbell behind ur head

for bis do

standing barbell curls

undergrasp chinups, focus on the bis

hammer curls are also good for building thickness

personally i think u need to give urself another day or two of training cause ur days are jam packed

for ur back instead of v bar pull down swap it for either bent over rows or... bent over v bar pulls ie

might also want to note, to gain an inch on your arms you need to gain 15pounds of body mass, and the most efficient way to do that is compound lifts (squat,bench,deadlift,push press, etc) and eat 4g protein/kg bodyweight every 3hrs. When you weigh 90kg and have 18" arms then you can start doing isolation exercises.

Edited by GHOSTrun

to an extent that is true but generally when u first start out u will put mass on ur arms a lot easier

at the start of last year i wieghed in at 82kg and had 13 inch arms, im now 93kg and have a bit over 16 inch arms

so ive put on around 24 pounds and put on 3 inces to my arms,

in agreeance with ur statement i would have to say ive definatly put on a fair bit of weight to get that last inch

Edited by GTR_JOEY

Yeah, if we look at my fried kwan I posted about in the other thread, he is natural and best gentics I've seen with my own eyes, he stepped on stage weighing 70kg and had 16" arms

So it's possible for your buddy to have good genetics that give him the ability to build a body that looks a certain way, but anyone that says they don't have the genetics to achieve a particular goal are just making excuses right?

Keep digging, whilst trying to post credible info

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