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those cops are seriously retarded. even after all the stupid stop sticks and barriers and then a van and a bus he still nearly got away. they put the bus in front of him but the van was meters behind giving him a good run up which put his life and theirs in danger and if he'd been able to see which way to turn chances are he would ahve gotten out without a good launch in the right direction.

instead of fking about with all that crap all they had to do was put the van right on the rear bumper and the bus right on the front bumper then kick in the window and haul him out. but no, they'd much rather call in 20 cops, 5 vehicles and spend an hour or two pissing about.

I did like that typical japanese he's braking the law but still put his left indicator on to exit the curb... lol.


Mate dont know where you've been driving in Japan but I can tell you from vast experience Japanese rarely use their "winka" let alone watch the road or use their mirrors.

Its usually a great day of celebration when you get a Japanese driver signal where he/she intends to turn.

The one button they know how to operate extremely well is the Hazard light.

Personally I reckon old mate hit the indicator by accident in his panic to escape the keystones.

And this is classic example of the Japanese keystones at their finest.

I've seen so many classic examples of situations like this...you should see the fire brigade, way worse !!

Common sense would have seen them draw their guns which the cops all carry and shoot the bugger for committing vandalism on a GTR but no, the tv cameras are trained on them so its let should the nation how stupid we really are. The common man thinks that wow the cops are amazing.

On the other hand this is why the yaks are still laughing all the way to the bank.

what the f**k did i just watch?

Its a Japanese cop show and you watched Japanese finest at their absolute idiotic best.

ahhh shit not heard that one, used to love reading true crime novels about those guys, they really are a one of a kind criminal phenomenom. Basically the reason Japan got into WW2 if you believe some of the books, even more hilarious are the full on right wing black coats who rant about foreigners. Had one jostle me on a platform in Tokyo once, I was pretty drunk but resisted pounding him into seven shades of blue and just took off laughing.

always the best way to end a fight i find..

I found one of these sort of shows not long ago. but these were at the JZX100's

Its in 3 parts, they also use V35 sedans aswell.


Aww i wish there was some kind of instant babel fish subtitle thingy, i am understanding every other word and its really frustrating not getting the whole story.

It essentially just 'thats a bad guy' ...."hmmm lets not let him spot us aye"....."oh no he spotted us and is running, lets chase him"

am i rite?

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