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ok i did assume there would be a thread for this but after six pages of bang for buck and good value threads I just found a bunch of skyline vs Supra vs 180/S14/15 etc topics but nothing specifically about Skylines only in this price range.

Basically i have managed to squirrel away about 8k which i am very nervous about and dont want to blow it all on some barely noticeable mod for my almost stock R33 GTST.

Now having worked out a decent turbo and the necessary extras that would need would end up costing me most of that nest egg and with no idea on what sort of power difference it will make other than numbers (550RWHP or so) im curious about the value of waiting till i have a little more money and trading up to a GTR of some description.

I am aware other models like the silvias are lighter, that EVO's are probably faster and so on but i really want to stay in a Skyline so that is the only real sticking point..

looking at things like this


but hopefully will find one down the track that already has the big power mods, I know theres an inherent risk in doing that but once it got serious i would bring out a mechanic to have a look to make sure it wasnt two or three launches from detonating into a cloud of black smoke..

anyway is the assumption the best value trackable skyline right now a GTR33 about right?

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a GTR with 3 years warranty...really?? :unsure:

just track you gtst..buy some really good tyres, strip out all the crap you dont need and go....I'd think 8k will get you mods good enough to keep up with an average GTR..and if you smash it another gtst is only 3-4000$..

have you raced before , personally I dont think a GTR is a learners track car..lol..GTSTs on the other hand are cheap and readily available, keep your 33 nice for street..*8k will buy you a another shitter 33 you can flog at a racetrack and not care if it breaks..much more fun that way :yes:

as an added bonus you have spare parts readily available should you need them..

yeah thanks guys, only have one car space (as Xalmon found out the hard way :( so as much as i would love to have a dual car household its just not feasible. I do have a bit of experience on the track, im no Schumacher or the like but can keep up with cars worth a lot more than mine and do 1.13s around Wakefield without a lot of effort which seems to be a decent feat for the shit box i drive :P

Just think im ready to go to the next level and not sure if the potential a GTsT has is anything near that of an all wheel drive Rb26..stripping it out would help but i would only go as far as racing seats as i do sometimes need the creature comforts passengers crave (including a kid once he is allowed in my car again..).

8k is mostly the tax return lol so couldnt rack up same every few months but another year or so should see me with enough for a decent 33GTR..a 34 would be amazing but i cant see them dropping down to near 30k anytime soon..

ah..i didnt know you tracked..i know lots about your relationship,dietry and financial status but didnt know that...:laugh:

Speaking of which i thought you claim for bankruptcy, doesnt that mean you cant own an expensive car??

reckon you'd be better off with an evo or wrx really, getting kids in the back of the skyline is a pain. :whistling:

ah..i didnt know you tracked..i know lots about your relationship,dietry and financial status but didnt know that...:laugh:

Speaking of which i thought you claim for bankruptcy, doesnt that mean you cant own an expensive car??

reckon you'd be better off with an evo or wrx really, getting kids in the back of the skyline is a pain. :whistling:

LOL at me turning SAU into a personal shrink/substitute for local pub..

yeah the bankruptcy thing means no car worth over 7k redbook, so if i ended up graduating to a nicer ride before the trustee is done with me (2014) i would need to put it in my brothers name or something like that. of course admitting this on a public forum isnt too smart but at this stage its purely 'hypothetical' so not too worried.

As for kids, i have experience with both sedans, wagons and coupes and IMHO i find it easier to flip the passenger sit and access him through the giant space you suddenly have than contorting yourself into the back of a small 4 cylinder sedan.

I remember others coming to a similar conclusion in a thread on here about dealing with babyseats, the right car for rugrats etc., you really would be shocked at what i can fit in the back of my 2 door coupe. :miner:

10 4

33 GTR with BUILT MOTOR for track

EXACTLY what i had in mind..

yeah i have fit some amazing stuff in my car, including a 4 foot high stereo cabinet with stereo and speakers...and a rather large coffee table....those big doors do come in handy...

GTR it is then..is a r32 GTR with 20k worth of mods worth over 7k redbook :unsure:

gts-t with money WELL spent will beat a relatively stock GTR. you have to remember that the AWD of the GTR will only help out of the slower corners. once traction is no longer an issue it is just extra weight.

moral of the story, if you spent 8k on your GTS-t and didn't notice the difference then you did it wrong.

Bankruptcy is in the equation.

Yet you are considering buying an R33 GTR.

The aforementioned bankruptcy makes sense now. :P.

LOL will take that on the chin, never claimed to be good with money. I'm like the veritable dutch boy sticking his fingers in the dyke to try and stem the flow, as soon as one hole is blocked another suddenly appears, and its also me punching holes in the thing..hmm that metaphor needs work.

Anyway yeah GTR32 redbook...

4WD 5sp Manual Unleaded Turbo 6cyl 2.6 2568cc Average Private Price+ $26,900 - $32,400 Trade In Price Guide+ $21,900 - $27,400

so yeah not much chance of owning one of them under my name while on the skids...let alone an R33, plenty of time to ponder though.

oh and Marc, wasnt planning on having a stock GTR, wouldnt their potential with tuning, even just engine wise be much greater than the humble RB25's? or is the extra money merely spent on the badge?

Those prices are for the Aussie delivered model, the import is a lot lower and a 33 Gtr can be had for hi teens- low 20s. But it will be a little ruff, personally if i was buying now I'd buy one with a stuffed engine and do a rebuild

Because I am borderline psycho and because I like you, hamiltonau, I have made the following graphical representations of Carsales.com.au data.




You can quite easily see the pricing trends with the three models of car, it's a shame there wasn't more samples for the R33's as the graphs look a little patchy, but you can still see a nice trend. It will be one of my biggest regrets that I didn't have time to insert a nice bell-shaped-curve on the first graph. Would have fit really well, perfect data grouping, anywhoo, you can see that the redbook valuation is a bit bullshit. Remember, in this market you can always budget on knocking a further $1500-$2000 from the asking price.


:wub: had no idea you liked me Maxima, no homo but thats really pretty awesome of you to do the bar graph thingies, curiously there seems to be more V specs than normal 33 GTR's. Would love a 34 graph just for kicks, seen some of them drop as low as 39k


thinking now just to throw in a Hypergeared turbo (1k or so) and get Toshi to do a one off remap (600bucks) plus of course some injectors (650or so) which should see me with about 260KW plus, this is more enough for the street and just enough on the track to keep me going till i can afford the overpriced but must have R34 N1 V-spec!

might even keep the R33 as i know i would never get the money back on the mods and leave the GTR relatively unmolested..It will be pretty hard to resist doing something to the engine though..so much potential..

also with those stats im assuming ur search was nation wide not just NSW?

Have you driven a 32 gtr (or 33) and compared it to your gtst Hamilton? They are night and day.

The gtr even just sitting in it in your garage is miles better, it immediately gives you the feeling that it is designed fast and wants to go fast and you can notice it instantly when driving even at regular speeds.

gtst = red rattler

gtr = tangara

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