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i never said 300kw isnt awesome..must of been someone else bro...

i would love 300kw just for the bragging rights.. :D

It is pretty much useless on the street, but its good to have then you can always turn the boost down for daily driving..thus is the beauty of the turbo engine

Yeah i worked it out, Hanaldo said that.

oh and love your work mlr, you took the words right out of my mouth!

LOL at Wori turning up out of nowhere, go back to PForums with that knee-jerk reaction to shit you dont about you will be right at home with all those frustrated high school bullies who get their jollies wielding their almighty keyboards of doom. .

oh and yeah i took the time to have a look at your ONE other post on this forum, its an obvious troll is obvious attack on Eastes re the 40k over fine, an immediate response from another member (trozzle) was this

I don't think you had to explain yourself to that moron buddy. His rant doesn't deserve your time, given if it isn't clear to him by now that you actually regret doing something wrong, there's no hope.

Also applies here i believe.


Having declared bankruptcy recently and deciding to spend the small pissy amount of money you have wormed together on your car. (which if you had any brains you would have sold) ....... smart move!

Bragging about your ex wife doing all the hard parts of raising your child, ...... what a man you are!

Thinking that you will be able to afford "the car of your dreams" in a few years (pissing more money away), you really must be a dumb shit, especially in the position you have put yourself in.

Do you not have any responsiblities? if not for yourself what about your son..? poor little guy

You really seem to be one pathetic stupid little looser of a man. :no:

If you feel differently you are wrong.

lol, you signed up just to say that?????


EDIT : Sorry wori, i thought you had signed up just to troll patrick, but i was wrong. You signed up to troll, full stop.


xAlmon - , I signed up originally to express my thoughts on the State vs Eastes thread that is correct. :yes: I couldn't believe that the majority of the forum was supporting his illegal wrong-doing hence wanted to add my opinion to the thread.

Same goes with this thread. :D

Patrick / hamiltonau has an obvious problem. He has put his own selfish unnecessary wants(not needs) before his child. I'm sure his son will enjoy all the benefits of having a bankrupt father at birthday and Christmas times......

Not intentionally having a go at him, all I have done is state facts.

If you have no money, you don't drive around in a petrol guzzler and you certainly don't buy upgrades for said petrol guzzler.

not really rocket science is it ... ?

hamiltonau - , I now have 5 posts , not ONE .. :thumbsup::whistling:

Edited by wori

xAlmon - , I signed up originally to express my thoughts on the State vs Eastes thread that is correct. :yes: I couldn't believe that the majority of the forum was supporting his illegal wrong-doing hence wanted to add my opinion to the thread.

Same goes with this thread. :D

Patrick / hamiltonau has an obvious problem. He has put his own selfish unnecessary wants(not needs) before his child. I'm sure his son will enjoy all the benefits of having a bankrupt father at birthday and Christmas times......

Not intentionally having a go at him, all I have done is state facts.

If you have no money, you don't drive around in a petrol guzzler and you certainly don't buy upgrades for said petrol guzzler.

not really rocket science is it ... ?

hamiltonau - , I now have 5 posts , not ONE .. :thumbsup::whistling:


Yeah my natural inclination to carry on ranting and refute every single point is so strong im about to explode with rage/indignation.

Hope your at least happy with successfully trolling me to that point, but rather than let a self important dick like you derail a thread in a SKYLINE forum about modifying SKYLINES and not coming up with the best way to raise a child which I'm pretty sure would be on a completely different forum altogether I will happily move on with the business at hand..

Was told last night my GTR fuel pump might not quite be enough to keep up with the 800plus cc injectors im waiting for so its off to JustJap again, apparently the OEM version is under a hundred bucks so it will be worth it for the peace of mind. Wondering now if i should advertise the soon to be discarded fuel pump and standard injectors in the private sales section..?

edit- Yeah Artz i gotta admit i do turn off my boost controller now and then, pretty much when im low on petrol and needing to just make it one or two more km's. Drops from 1bar to 0.5 so the difference is pretty noticeable.

^^ who invited this know it all..


ED* Pat that was meant for the guy above u obviously you posted before i did....

ED2** not alvin the other guy..lol i should read the next [page for i post

And JFR..i never turn my boost down either, actually I have a 18psi gate and no controller..lol

i dont have 300kw though :(

i was just saying it is possible if you are that way inclined..

xAlmon - , I signed up originally to express my thoughts on the State vs Eastes thread that is correct. :yes: I couldn't believe that the majority of the forum was supporting his illegal wrong-doing hence wanted to add my opinion to the thread.

Same goes with this thread. :D

Patrick / hamiltonau has an obvious problem. He has put his own selfish unnecessary wants(not needs) before his child. I'm sure his son will enjoy all the benefits of having a bankrupt father at birthday and Christmas times......

Not intentionally having a go at him, all I have done is state facts.

If you have no money, you don't drive around in a petrol guzzler and you certainly don't buy upgrades for said petrol guzzler.

not really rocket science is it ... ?

hamiltonau - , I now have 5 posts , not ONE .. :thumbsup::whistling:

lol your an idiot, but please continue sharing your opinion because the reactions are great :)

What he said is a bit.. 'insensitive' but you have to admit given the (incomplete?) facts it is a seemingly pretty valid concern.

It is, after all, a car. There's quite a few things that need to come first in life instead of a car. If all those things are actually appropriately managed then by all means mod away :P

Alright f**k it, it seems thread is derailed no matter what i do so here are the FACTS in no particular order..

A) For the first 2 years of my sons life i was there every day changing nappies, driving him to and from childcare and bringing his mother whatever supplies were created, the above joke about avoiding the hard labour was in the spirit of the conversation and was just that. A Joke.

If it is slightly more accurate now is out of my hands, a half baked police investigation into a computer at my ex wife's address that was used by persons unknown led to no prosecution at all of anyone other than an AVO being forced on me by the police as they couldn't prove who downloaded the kiddypron. It certainly wasn't me as I didn't live at the address and would only pop in to pick up my son, plus it was a shitty 5 yr old desktop that barely worked and by then i had a stupidly fast laptop.

If I was going to dig for anything online other than hot co-eds in bikinis it would be on that thing...or probably one of my dozen or so external hard drives, or maybe one of my 600ish CDs/DVDs..but it wasnt, all that stuff was kept for six months and thoroughly forensically swept and whaddya know...a complete and utter waste of time.

Yet still the end result is that for the next 2 and a bit years i can only see him through an expensive contact service for 2 hours a week and every other day he is crying out and pestering his mother about where the F#$% I am.

Yeah what an irresponsible "loooser" i am.

btw Wori if your going to insult someone you might want to at least get your spelling right.

You self important twat.

B) As for bankruptcy thing, I never claimed to be good with money, it is probably one of my greatess weaknesses, as much as I try and look for the 'best deal' or a 'great bargain' I have always spent more than i had and it finally caught up with me recently. Therefore i elected to change things and no longer have access to credit nor will i allow myself it again in the future other than phone plans and possibly a house if i ever stop buying shit for my car.

My income now is higher than it was for the 3 or so years leading up to the bankruptcy as now im not ploughing every last cent of my disposable income into paying the bloody things off (and most of that was interest anyway...stuck in a loop hence the reach for the emergency brakes). All the money im now spending on the car is money i have earned and saved, as immoral as it may seem to some it is up to ME what i do with it not some jumped up troll whose only posts are to start shit like this.

I am still putting 200 a week into the trustees account so its not like the banks get nothing back, sure not the whole whack but with all the interest i paid over the years they still made a nice fat healthy profit on the back of my financial stupidity.

My son still gets his 175 a week in child support other than when his mother borrows a huge amount for rental bonds and things like that, usually after a few weeks she is back in the black and they start right back up. He is never without food, housing, clothes, swimming lessons, education, Gymbaroo or whatever the f**k its called. He has about 4 million toys and i dont begrudge him one single hot wheels car.

Im not sure what else i should be putting aside for, its not the USA where he needs a 50k college fund..or a 3rd world country where he needs 10-15k to bribe his way into a job. .am i expected to build some kind of huge financial empire that i can pass onto him like Rupert did for James et al? As nice and (possibly character destroying) as that would be for him i cant see it being a conceivable possibility unless someone can find me those pills from the movie 'limitless'.


thought not.

So yeah next time your about to thoughtlessly leap into the fray throwing accusations left right and centre just step back, take stock. Slowly take your hand off your cock, wrap it around the handle of a kitchen knife and stab yourself in the neck. Repeatedly.

That is all.


edit- Yeah Artz i gotta admit i do turn off my boost controller now and then, pretty much when im low on petrol and needing to just make it one or two more km's. Drops from 1bar to 0.5 so the difference is pretty noticeable.

Dont understand that, if your low on petrol you shouldnt be hitting boost at all, so the boost controller wouldnt come into it.

Like your explanation above, you needed to do it.

Also like your plan to mod the gts-t, 3-4k makes a huge difference on the RB25!

Respect +1

Admiration +1

Edit: as long as you're taking care of your kid, and keeping your head above water, what's wrong with splurging a little on your car?

It may not be top priority for some, but for others the cars what makes our lives fun.

Also, drive your kid to school in your 33. He'll feel like the coolest kid in the school :)

GTST's are cheap; you own one, if oyu have 8k, buy a new turbo, fmic, 3" exhaust and apexi. You'll be hitting 280rwkw easy.

Edited by SKITTLES

Dont understand that, if your low on petrol you shouldnt be hitting boost at all, so the boost controller wouldnt come into it.

Like your explanation above, you needed to do it.

Also like your plan to mod the gts-t, 3-4k makes a huge difference on the RB25!

Thanks for the support guys, im a sensitive little sod so it means a lot, as for the boost controller..um i will take a quick photo/video of what i mean over the wknd but essentially if i switch it off im not making as much boost so im assuming the power level drops and hence petrol consumption? Have i being doing it wrong all this time?

Im not being a smart arse i simply dont know lol.

Anyway looking forward to seeing the difference a few grand makes, Skittles the only things i dont have in that list are the turbo and apexi computer thing but i apparently won't need the latter as Toshi will do the tune so i just went out and got the AFM and plug so he can work his magic, keeping things as budget as possible and other than doing the install myself i think im doing ok so far.

Cant wait to put down my right foot for the first time once its all set up..its like waiting for xmas when your 5!

Dont understand that, if your low on petrol you shouldnt be hitting boost at all, so the boost controller wouldnt come into it.

Like your explanation above, you needed to do it.

Also like your plan to mod the gts-t, 3-4k makes a huge difference on the RB25!

+1.. With all that happened, it would seem poor old Pat doesn't have alot else to live for atm and plenty of men have killed themselves for less

Anything is better than that, so if it keeps you smiling, I say mod away buddy... :thumbsup:

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