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So ive jus put some sard 650 into my rb20, went in ok, now gotta do wiring to suit the new connector,

Done some searching and found dat the injectors dont have polarity, is this true?

Can i jus wire it in any way and keep it the same for all six?

Jus wanna confirm this before i start cutting the loom.

Any tips would be great too!


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The injectors came with its own connector, pins, seals etc.

They are meant to be for rb20, the injectors fit ok but they dont connect to factory loom, so i thought its just a matter of cut, crimp and plug in.

75coupe...Wat do u mean by replaced the plugs without cutting ?

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you can actually pull the plugs apart and remove the metal connector thats inside the plug and then install that terminal in the new plugs, saves having to cut wires and recrimp the terminals on....

then you also have the original plugs that you can reuse later if you want and also new connectors if you ever need them....

it just takes some figuring out with a small screwdriver on how to disassemble the plugs they come apart in a few pieces...

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Yeah i kno wat ur sayin now, i actually did try doing that, i was using a tiny flat screwdriver to try and unclip the pin it self but cudnt get it., might try it again.

Any1 know about injector polarity, if were to rewire it can i jus do it anyway???

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