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SAU:NSW Members Karting Dayaboutus.jpg

SAU has purchased 10 vouchers during a special deal

You get 3 x 10 minute sessions for $34!

How will it work? Book your spot and pay $34 to SAU just like any other event. This will guarantee you a voucher. We cannot book ahead due to the extreme discounting on the vouchers. SAU will call ahead to ensure the facility hasn't been rented out on our day.

If we cannot get in on our day, then we will reset another day a few weeks out. If you cannot attend you will get your voucher and you can go any time you like.

Event: SAUNSW GoKarting Day!

License: KartAtak does require you to have one of their special annual licenses. Available for $9 direct from them. IF YOU NEED A LICENSE, SHOW UP EARLY.

Location: KartAtak Villawood

Date/Time: 9th Oct 12 PM (Note Time Change)

What is it: Indoor Go Karts on a purpose built track!

KartAtak rules and details can be found here. We are representing SAU at a public facility. Good behavior, judgement and compliance to their rules is expected.

Payment and details:

PM me(Pezhead) your mobile number after you've made payment. If we have to reschedule I'll directly SMS you.

SAUNSW bank details:

Bank - NAB

Branch - Marrickville

Account name - Skylines Australia NSW

BSB - 082 356

Account number - 546 393 766

Please put your FULL NAME in the description, eg "Karting JOE SMITH"

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I've got a friend coming and I think AggroDave is coming with a couple of his mates too if they can make it. Should be good fun and hey, there will be extra vouchers if you want to buy them and go for another round of sessions. Am I right!

Of course I'm usually knackered after 30 minutes of running (Weak!)

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