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My Story Lol Thought Id Share


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ok well thought id share this story of mine iknow its long but i cut unwanted details. was fkn soo pissed off when this all happend but it all turned out in my favour in the end

after months of red tape with complaince bs and heads i had to put up with, FINALLY was dropin my gtr at mech for rwc legit.. i needed fuel so went to closest mobile, was 830 am and was so bizy with traffic on the main road.. so i took a small short cut through watergardens shoping centre (skip all traffic as mobil is pritty much in watergardens) just my luck as i was almost at the servo i police car was goin opposite direction saw me and made the best effort he could to speed to the next round about and no joke chase me and pull me over.... i had no plates at this time so i knew i was gona get pulled over... i just chilled and waited. iv been pulled over so much since i got this car but never had dramas as i alwasy had a cover note..

this cop got out the car and does the usual song and dance... but was so cocky! proceeded to check my details and every thing was legit but he hated me or something and got so technical with the terms of the cover note and argued that i WASNT goin DIRECTLY to the mechanics..

i was like soz but yea i need fuel.

he mention u passed 2 caltex servos to get to this mobile why are u comin all this way to mobile??

i said i only used mobile.

he said "dont talk to me like im am idiot!! been doin this job for 25 yearsssssss!! ect ect usual lecture..

he slapped me with a un reg fine of $611!!! OH MY i was raging !!

befor he left i mentioned to him im almost a qualifed mechanical engineer and how i know whats best for my car blah blah (i really am btw) and ill be writing a letter!!

he laughed and said good luck and he just took off..probs mirin my gtr lol but i was pissed man so unfair :(

this cop forgot to do a breath test on me..fail

so i got my fuel and made my way but 5 mins later was pulled over AGAIN!! nice effort to pull me over also, but diff cop this time...i had no dramas i also had a chat with him and told me i shouldnt of got the fine if had cover note ect and that a breat test is STANDARD PROCEDURE when getting pulled over!! all cops when they pull u over must do a breath test...

so pulled over 2 times in one morning but only 1 fine... load of bullshit.

more bullshit was i recieved the fine the next morning!!! i bet it was pernonally delivered by the tit who pulled me over, it wasnt even a legit infringement. it wasnt an exact duplicate.. some of the the details were added after the time of infringment. so he filled in the blanks so to speak afterwards in pen and not in the grey graphite lookin stuf....so half of my fine was normal grey writing and rest was in pen... so i raged more

SO un-professional!! so i wrote a letter... f**k paying $611

i wrote the best letter i have ever written and even got some off the literature/english people at my uni to go over it!! man no joke was a masterpiece. took copies of alll my evidence lol petrol reciepts and covernote and my TAMPERD with fine too!! and kissed it for good luck and sent it of!

this all was well over a month ago and yesterday i received a response !! they withdrew the imfringement YESSSS!! was FKN WRAPT!! almost went into the kielor police station just to show the officer the letter HAHAH and tell him to suck ma bawls...lol

so yea i got an official warning coz of my good driving record.... pfft they made a mistake and dont want to admit it.

in conlusion i fkn won!! i beat he system!! didnt even have to go to court hahah

anyway thought id share :) the end. and if any one else has stories like mine share..

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Spelling or not, it's refreshing to see this happen. I loathe that infringement penalty notices don't even suggest writing to have it reviewed, they make it sound like your only option is to take it to court. Yeah that's a good idea, let's clog up the system and make people feel like it's not worth contesting fines that may have been improperly issued.

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Spelling or not, it's refreshing to see this happen. I loathe that infringement penalty notices don't even suggest writing to have it reviewed, they make it sound like your only option is to take it to court. Yeah that's a good idea, let's clog up the system and make people feel like it's not worth contesting fines that may have been improperly issued.

And this kids, is how revenue is raised! In today's lesson:speed cameras.....

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i love it when i hear these stories, i really do, but you didnt beat the system, you beat a so called cheater of the system, the system if full of them and justice has provailed here, wich is mighty rare in the car scene so good on you.

i on the other hand, have beat the system, and i only done it as justice didnt provail for me,

my mother :) was driving my car in a side street with a limit of 50km and got done doing 55km so i got done for 3km i think it was , so i sent their infringement back with her details and they sent it back 3 times saying i didnt fill it out properly 3 times and i got another letter saying they do not except my form and i will be receiving the point, with that point i had a choice of either losing my license for 3 months or 1 point in 12 months, well i took the one point as i needed to work.

a month later on the way to the country for work, where talking about 3 hours into the trip of 110km, i cross a side highway to get on another, i made sure i was on 110 as i wanted to drive perfect knowing about the 1 point,

anyway,car goes past, turns around, lights on, in the middle of god damn nowhere, nothing i mean a 50km stretch of nothing and i get pulled over,

yes officer whats the problem i know i wasnt speeding, yes you were he says. the limit here is 100. i said what where is the sign, he says in between the 3 and 4km peg, we where at the17km peg... i said youv got to be kidding me, so you obviously book people here on a regular basis because there is only 1 measily sign which you can miss if you scratch your balls.

he was one of those country coppers that was wrapped to give me a ticket, just a cocky person who loved to book blokes.

anyway told him i was taking it to court and he said youll lose and took off with a smile on his face.

i knew id lose but i had to because if they processed this new fine... bang, i would have lost my lisence for six months.

planning my attack the rest of the drive, the whole week and on the way home, i got back home and got straight on the phone with civic compliance, after speaking to 12 different departments and writing numerouse letters ect ectr they finally put the 5km over fine under investigation, finally after 2 weeks they revoked the 5km fine, i got some points back and they took me off the 1 point in 12 months as the fine that got me there in the first place was revoked as it wasnt even me. :)

anyway, i did end up going to court for the 10km over fine on the highway and lost,

i told them that it was unfair as the sign is hardly visible and i was driving with caution as i was under the one point in 12 months option :(, the judge then proceded to say that then with this matter of speeding you have lost your licence for 6 months, what a witch she was, till i showed her the certificate of my fine being revoked and my points going back to normal, there was a pause, the gaurd grabbed my letter, the judge read... haha, then i said what about the sign, she said take it up with vicroads, $220, 1 point, court egerned :):):):):)::

, coped the fine, kept my licence, and after being screwed over by the system a thousand times, im overseas, sippin a scotch and coke, racking my points back up.

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thanks guys, its a great feeling.

M.C ren nice story haha good out come too :P what car where u in btw ?

i dont care what people say theres a small stereo type on imports.

for future refrence "Penalty Review Board Civic Compliance Victoria GPO Box 1916. Melbourne 3001" thats the joint we spam

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nice, I got flashed for the first time a few months ago. contested it waited about a month, had a very unlucky weekend and copped 4 points all up for speeding at this point i thought my licence was gone, but the next day i got the letter saying my first fine was withdrawn. sooo lucky

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