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The discussion from the track day thread reminded me I was going to put up some information on lap timers after the Marulan Track Day......

well the problem there was I tried 3 different apps on my phone and had a 100% failure rate trying to set up the track to do timing. User error no doubt....anyway.....

I use this lap timer in the race car


Name: Intercomp lap timer

Price: ~$500 (ouch)

Features: Stores single lap times based on a beacon on the side of the track. Displays last and best lap times. Stores data to check later.

Good Points: Easy to setup. You can adjust the IR sensitivity

Bad Points: Batteries always bloody flat. Very basic, no real logging, track maps, corner speeds etc etc. No external inputs for other data.

So.....others who use lap timers, post up what you've used with the same format.

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Other types of timers I can think of:

Track based timing (eg Dorian)

Phone based GPS

High frequency GPS (phone frequency is slooow)

Full race dash/loggers

Look up the time on an incar video

Stopwatch outside the car

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OK, so thinking further....I obviously use track based timers at race meets too....so here's my thoughts on Dorian timing


Name: Dorian Timer

Price: $can't bloody remember for the car (at least $400), + $000s for the track. Eastern Creek and Wakefield have Dorian installed. Or Rented by the organising club about $500 for the day for 50 timers.

Features: Sends a signal to the track loop each time you pass the start line

Good Points: Results end up on the internet for everyone to see (www.natsoft.com.au). Very accurante (1/1000th second)

Bad Points: Results end up on the internet for everyone to see. Need to charge beforehand. No in car display so you have to check after the session. No more detailed data/gps/logging inputs etc

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Dependant on use. It would be quite easy to setup a light beam system (for stuff like texi runs etc) where only 1 car is operating at a time with store baught electronics and a laptop.

totally agree...I was thinking full circuit/multi car in this case.

But getting easy and accurate timing for texis is no doubt also on the committee's to do list....I reckon a boring old IR beam like in a shop would be a good starting point

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A few of you have heard me talk about my QStarz GPS logger in use a laptimer. The unit is smaller than a phone and is a selfcontained 5 hz (that's 5 times per second) GPS logger. The logger function starts saving GPS data as soon as it has sync'd up with the satellites.

It comes with several pieces of software including QRacing which does Rally stages, Drag Race and Circuit times.

I've found that the lap timing is very good - probably to within around 0.1 seconds when compared to Natsoft timing. The drag times are very close too - within a few hundreths, but I did notice that the 60 foot times were about 0.2 off. This might be because it starts timing from the moment you move which is being tracked at 0.2 second intervals.

I did try it at the Texi and well, it didn't do so well there. The tight spaces are a bit to confined for the accuracy of GPS.

The unit has to be connected to a computer with the software to download and process the GPS data. But once there you can assign sector split times (you set the sectors of the route / track) and you can view individual or compared laps to see what your entry/exit speed and times are. This is VERY handy when trying to understand if you are losing top end speed by scrubbing too hard around a corner.

The unit runs around $175-200 but you will need to bring a laptop if you want to view the data at the track.

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My friend has the 10hz QStarz and uses it with the Race Chrono Software. He's loaded this onto his mobile phone and it's a pretty handy little unit. He has a nice mount for his phone and it can both control the unit and view the data from it without the need for a laptop at the track.

I've only tested it with drags and as Eric says it's not too far off. I personally didn't like the software overly and it kinda annoyed me that I couldn't use it with my iPhone or on my Mac but I guess that'll be an issue with most of them.

They are pretty cheap on ebay though and great value for what you pay. Pretty sure this is the model he has:


I was looking at getting myself one of the Performance Boxes, can anyone share some experiences on those?

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I have been thinking about this myself recently- thinking of buying one of these and testing it out;


For that price, if it doesn't work - who cares!

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I should also add that the new contour GPS and Plus (is HD and GPS) have integrated action camera and GPS in one. Add $50 software "DashWare" and you are easily doing those telemetry style videos with overlay of speed, time and lap position. It can event do G-force too!

I'll be upgrading to one of those soon as my current method for video required import/export from 4 programs and then manually sync up - a real pain in the bum.

Benm just got one so hopefully he can post up a review here soon.

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I used to work somewhere that sold the Intercomp timers. Great quality, heavy duty unit. These days though they're a bit cheaper if you shop around, i.e. http://www.summitracing.com/parts/ICP-360050/

Like GTRKat, I'm looking at the Performance Boxes, as it appears they're a lot more versatile for club level motorsport, because you can use it as a lap timer or 1/4 mile timer. It can also give you a lot more information on your car, which I thought might be useful for a couple of projects we're working on.

They're readily available in Aus for $650, and about the same price to import, so not cheap. I haven't read anything that's made me make a decision one way or the other.

G-TECH Pro looks like a similar thing slightly cheaper: http://www.summitracing.com/search/Brand/G-TECH-Pro/?keyword=g+tech

If anyone has any experience with these kinds of things it'd be great.

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If you are happy to pay the $650 then performance box is awesome, dont know why you would bother with a unit that requires a transponder.

-Logs on SD card

-Can do performance testing and lap timing

-Logs g-force

-Overlay laps/driving on google maps

-Overlay data over video

-Runs off 12v car power

-Can fit external GPS antenna or even run off batteries if needed

Ive noticed performance box (or driftbox) is used by all the big magazines and press for timing nowdays all around the world, I dont question its accuracy.

I dont believe anything comes close apart from logging integrated into the ECU or race dash.

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I should also add that the new contour GPS and Plus (is HD and GPS) have integrated action camera and GPS in one. Add $50 software "DashWare" and you are easily doing those telemetry style videos with overlay of speed, time and lap position. It can event do G-force too!

I'll be upgrading to one of those soon as my current method for video required import/export from 4 programs and then manually sync up - a real pain in the bum.

Benm just got one so hopefully he can post up a review here soon.

Contour GPS is pimp as is Dashware. I will post more detail later for those interested.

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well the problem there was I tried 3 different apps on my phone and had a 100% failure rate trying to set up the track to do timing. User error no doubt....anyway.....

nokia + bluetooth gps + racechrono = win

iphone + tomtom cradle + harry's lap timer = win

iphone using the built in gps = fail

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I've been using a PerformanceBox for around 2 years now, because I wanted realtime info whilst im on the track rather than waiting until the following day to see natsuck times.

I like the Qstar that Eric uses, the software looks brilliant and very easy to use and get information out of but the problem is thats 15mins after you did the laps and what did you do different on your fastest lap compared to the other dozen laps for that session? None of us are F1 drivers, you won't remember if you approached a corner with 5km more speed or braked 10m later or used a different entry line it simply won't happen. But using the split times from the PerformanceBox, or even better the predictive lap timing all live infront of your eyes as you are out on the track really makes a difference. I glance at split 1 and 2 and then the total laptime every single lap, I can then brake later into 1 corner and immediately see if my split is faster or slower and adjust accordingly.

The software is very informative but I find I have to watch the tutorial videos each time I use the software to remember how use the data properly. I also find that matching the data up with video to get a data overlay like you see on YouTube video's quite difficult. But this is likely just me not knowing how to use the software properly, or more so, only using it once every 6 weeks.

To combat the data overlay issue I recently bought a Contour+ (HD+GPS for about $600 with accessories) so that I get instant data overlay with Dashware software. I used it last weekend but unfortunately being my first use of the actual camera I had the lens set to 90deg instead of 0deg meaning my hour of video was a complete waste of time. Rotating the video in VLC doesn't fix the aspect ratio and no matter what I do it just can't be fixed so i'll have to test it at the next track day.

I video every session for 2 reasons. So that my family can watch what I do and also because watching your sessions back helps you realize what you are doing right and wrong by having the laptime and speed data on screen next to you.

Despite having both these pieces of equipment im still not a fast driver but I do have a massive amount of fun and that is the reason I attend 8+ trackdays a year.

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Heya all :)

Sorry for the dig, but felt I'd throw my $0.02 in after recently buying a GPS timer.

I went for a RaceChrono Pro unit from http://racechrono.com.au/

It was $550 delivered and I'm more than happy with it!!

I've found it great on track being able to see differences lap by lap (even split to split) by giving the opportunity to adjust driving style on-the-fly rather than session by session at a trackday.

It's also awesome to setup a 'track' anywhere you like. So living in the mountains I have a few roads I regularly time myself on whistling.gif

I sold it to myself by saying it'd make my track time more productive and hopefully allowing me to improve a little faster.

Also great for private practice days at the creek ;) Just rock up, chuck down your $135, start the timer and rip skidz!!

No mess, no fuss!!

I'm happy to show anyone what this thing is capable of if you're considering buying one :D


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