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Leewah Gtr For Sale!

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your name suits you mate...you definately have a 'wreckedhead' if think you can make a laughable offer on one of the best GTR's in aus! LMAO 35k...your dreaming mate. He's been waiting ages as if he's gonna give it up for 1/2 price after all thats been done to it...this aint the discount warehouse haha

good luck mr leewah, bumpity bump for a sik ride!!!

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yeah i agree , anyone that has $100k plus to sink into a car plus the $65k that leewah probably paid for this baby a few years back, would definately in my book not be short of a quid! therefore rediculous offers like that, he'd probably just keep it! cleanest most powerful r33 gtr in oz i say and if i had the money id buy it for $60k ! worth the money all day!!!

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If its worth 60k why hasnt anyone bought it, If its the bargain of the century at 60kwhy hasnt anyone bought it, if he spent 100k on top of what he paid for the car many years ago, it still wouldnt be worth 60k.

At the end of the day its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, sorry but at this point its only worth $35k.

you can ask what ever you want for your car nobody really cares but what you get at the end wont be close to 60k i know this for a fact, your not the only one trying to sell a high performance car

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wreckedhead, mate do your self a favour. If you are genuinely interested in this car, dont post your measly 35 k offer up on the forum. If you are turly genuine, call the guy up or PM, instead of making yourself looking like a tool in front of everyone. I understand you only have 35 k or whatever you think its worth, but you dont have to wreck someone elses desire to recoupe their hardwork and money. FFS, stop being a tosser and posting here and PM him or call him if you have a serious offer

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Im only posting what i would pay for it, no need for people to get all offendid a shayt, if he takes it he takes it, if not, move on.

Ive known people to take a big cut on what they want when they arnt in a good financial position, maybe he is maybe he isnt, we'll just have to wait and see.

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I'm not willing to take a big hit on the price and I have turned down the offer of 35k. Let's all just move on.

It's not that people haven't wanted to buy the car. It's just the people who have wanted to buy it try to finance 80% of the car price and banks will turn them down because of what it is. Whoever buys this car will have the expendible income to buy the car with minimal if not 0 finance.

Wreckedhead, once again, thank you for you offers but I still find a 35k offer offensive and nowhere near what I want for it. 35k maybe what you value it at but I value it a lot more than that and as I'm not in any real need of money, I kindly must say no to the offer.

Now if anyone is willing to make a reasonable offer closer to the advertised price, I am willing to consider it and a spotter's fee is still in place for anyone who can refer a buyer my way.

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  • 1 month later...

Tough car mate!!! I used to have an R33GTR, but not as insane as this. Its good to see people having fun whilst learning and building some very nice pieces of machinery. Im not far off an R34GTR (6months) and i cant wait to start playing the mod game either.........probably nite quite this far thuogh. But well done on your project mate it deserves top points.


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its not that people dont have money, its merely the problem of an "old" car modified to high heaven having to compete with cheaper models and cheap newer models, the 35R coming out has people saving and watching the market. Thats why no one has paid the money. Right now is a volatile time for selling, its a buyers market....

Good Luck mate, hope you can get rid of it at the money you want.

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  • 10 months later...
This car is still for sale but has had some major modifications made to it. The entire turbo setup is now different and rims have been changed over.

If you are interested in discussing further, PM me your details and I'll get in contact with you.

just wanted to know if the price is the same, or has it changed with the mods.

im looking to get a project car at the end of the year

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