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I have the same problem Nay Nay, I had a CT scan done on my head and besides my nose being crooked I have like beaks growing on the inside of my left. Anyways the only way I can fix my problem is with plastic surgery.. :(

My Bro smashed his beak (it's fairly large) a couple of years ago, and had no end of sinus trouble due to deviated septum.

Did everything he could to avoid surgery, but it was effecting his quality of life so badly (almost lost great paying exec job due to excessive sick leave) no sport; he was miserable. Found a great ENT who recommended surgery, had the surgery; never looked back.

He now wishes he'd done it straight away, and not suffered just because he was a little frightened. 20/20 hindsight.:whistling:

But definitely get off the fags; at least long enough to see if the situation improves.

You might have pollyps in your nose...I have them and I can't breathe that well through my nose. One nostril always seems to be blocked and it swaps between the two? I also have a lot of trouble with my sinuses - they are the first place to get sore when I catch a cold. Best to see an ENT doctor and find out what's really going on up there...

Can you really get your sinuses removed without trouble? Sounds good to me...

Not sure if I have polyps (never had a scan to look for them), but my nose has been like that all my life. I'm a non smoker, btw. One side of my nose is ALWAYS blocked, or running so much that it may as well be blocked, once it's blown it needs to be blown again. When I get a cold, I get sore under my eyes where the sinuses block up.

I used to see a chiropractor when I was a kid because I had a scoliosis. He used to do this thing where he would use this thumbs on each side of my nose and press REALLY hard. It would almost feel like my nose was breaking. When he first did it, he said "in about 24 hours, your nose will run and you'll be unblocked", he was right. It was crazy! I do it to myself from time to time, with varying degrees of success. Every time he did it though, it would work.

If you get your sinuses removes, does it leave you open to infection?

  • 2 weeks later...

It's sad to see others suffer from nose problems, it seriously affects our quality of life.

I've had nasal issues since very young, younger than 10 yo from memory and to date have had 3 operations on my nose. I'm 27 now but haven't had an operation since highschool i think. Bit of background i don't drink at all (hardly ever and only 1 or 2 max when i do) and don't smoke. Don't drink coffee either.

I had the full tests done and was not allergic to anything, saw various ENT specialists and it basically comes down to polyps and infection from me. Almost my whole life, i've blown green mucus from my nose (too much info?) even when i'm perfectly fit and healthy. The colour doesn't even change when i have a cold or flu lol.

For all the operations i've had to remove polyps and tidy up, they have eventually grown back. I hope this doesn't happen to any of you guys who are going to get the operation :(

So pointers from me with your nasal/blocked annoying nose..

-Nasal irrigation! Do it everyday like a religion, it has helped many people and some people have been able to stop prescription medicine completely thanks to nasal irrigation. Basically, you flush out your nose with a ph balanced clean water. You can buy kits that it a lot easier and come with lots of satchels to mix in your filtered/clean water to make it Ph balanced so you don't sting the crap outta your nose. I use a kit made my NeilMed, available at some pharmacies and it's really helped me. The one i have is a neti pot that relies on gravity to push the water in one hole and out the other. They also have a pressurised pump system which works better - i'm going to get this when i pass the pharmacy i got the neti pot kit from. To the people who constantly blow out a lot of crap from their nose, while doing the nasal cleaning try and blow your nose with your head tilted 90 degrees sideways. This allows A LOT more crap to be blown out.. sometimes more than 1 tissue can hold that's folded over once... yeah it's disgusting sorry.

-You can buy nasal spray cleanse/pump thingos that basically lubricant a dry nose and allow you to clear out the dust and crap inside plus blow it all out. FESS is a well known one. These are mostly a saline solution non addictive type so you can use it as many times as you want. It's just Ph balanced water like the above kit so once your FESS runs out, just make your own solution and refill :)

If you don't even want to buy the refill satchels to make the solution with the above NeilMed kits, you can botch it up with water, salt and soda from memory.

-When your nose is really blocked and you can feel your polyps or sinus whatever clogging up and putting pressure on various parts of your face/head, i think it's worth using over the counter nasal spray to give you upto 12hours of perfect clear open nose. You avoid a lot of headaches and migraines this way and can also feel how nice it is to be normal.

Otrivin and Drixine are the two i use. These are supposed to be used only up to 3 days or so consecutively. What i do is once in awhile change which one i use so i don't overdo the Otrivin or Drixine - they have slightly different active chemicals. I also use less than what they recommend so am using a smaller amount of the stuff e.g. the drixine box says adult upto 3 pumps per nostril but i only ever use 1 pump and even use a tissue straight after sometimes to quickly absorb some of the med.

-Some people have reported after several weeks of not eating anything dairy, their blocked nose went away. I haven't tried this one..

-Exercise sometimes clears my noise temporarily. You can also take this chance to perform nasal irrigation as the water will actually have a pathway to flow and do it's thing.

-If you feel your nasal lining etc is getting raw/damaged from meds/sprays, you can get aloe vera sprays for your nasal passages/lining.

-Steriodal nasal sprays: I've been on rhinocourt and the stuff helps my nose stay mostly clear up until bedtime. There's a newer one that other people have had more success with called Nasonex. Try both and see which works better for you.

I hope this helps at least one person.

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