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What the hell happened to SAU?? Used to be interesting stuff posted in the SA forum every day... now its all about how someones car got stolen n people ganging up on em for insurance/alarm or stuff that should be in other sections posted here... and the same old threads dragging on.

Getting too old people, doesn't anyone have anything new to talk about!!!


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I'm hearing you, it's almost as bad as reading threads that are nothing more than a whinge about bad content while adding absolutely nothing to the sau landscape themselves.

Far out indeed..

haha dinner would be a good excuse to catch up, i havent been active on the forums or around events in ages due to work commitments but i do browse through it almost daily... everything gone so quiet in the last year or so!!

its real dead in SA...lol

oh you meant the forums..lol .......except the stolen cars , we need a new sticky section just for those ?

come on , we still get 400 animated gifs a day from damo..lol always nice on a iphone on slowdownloads by the way.

not sure why failbook is the go over the forum, or is it just the SAUSA club is happening that much ? you shouldnt have to join failbook

Coopers for dinner, yum but didnt a skyline get stolen from in front of there ?

the other cities sau clubs do so much more is that because adelaide blows or the lack of race tracks , police harrasment ?

we could use a garage cafe, that would be wicked

people dont even pos t" local "car show events on sau anymore, if they do its the last day when they do ? IMO

we could use a garage cafe, that would be wicked

Now THAT is an idea...

There is a few threads up on the up and coming events in the Members section :D

Yeah but some of us have been saying we were gonna join the club years ago and are too f**ken lazy to send fk all money over for a whole lotta shit.


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