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good call.

leaving an upper-decker was gonna burn some bridges.

women who come out of long-term relationships and can do nothing but think of the previous relationship until the current one becomes long-term... ill drink to that.

My mrs being away from home for 8 months? i'd say thats a long term break. she wants to remain together and do long-distance... I want open relationship. and she doesnt like that idea very much.

good call.

leaving an upper-decker was gonna burn some bridges.

women who come out of long-term relationships and can do nothing but think of the previous relationship until the current one becomes long-term... ill drink to that.

My mrs being away from home for 8 months? i'd say thats a long term break. she wants to remain together and do long-distance... I want open relationship. and she doesnt like that idea very much.

i'm in an LDR, i'm only coping because i'm so busy though.

8 years is a long time. I hope you're aware that she wil most probably never get over him.

lol. back to reality.

If making your own beer, I recommend going to U-Brew-It, good fun going with a bunch of friends to mix and make the beer for a few hours while drinking other beer... Then you go back a few weeks later when its done and bottle it. Quality controlled and it's guaranteed to be good, less pissing around getting your home setup right and producing piss for the first 6 months/$1000 worth of attempts.

I should also add, that the beer I made at U-Brew-It was an Asahi Super Dry replica and it tasted amazeballs... It didn't have any preservatives in it, so you could get drunk as fuark (I think mine ended up being 5.5%) and wake up the next morning without a headache or serious hangover because it doesn't have the chemicals in it... But due to this, it needs to be kept cold or it'll start fermenting again...

I made 6 cases worth, 144 bottles of beer on the wall, and they all had to fit in the fridge... Luckily at home we've got a dedicated booze fridge in the garage. /strayaflamin mongrel

Think the total cost for the 6 cases was approx $200? = $1.40/bottle (vs Pure Blonde (or real Asahi Super Dry) is $44/slab = $1.83/bottle)

So technically, all the fun and beer you drink when brewing it there with your mates is free... and you still come out on top :)

good call.

leaving an upper-decker was gonna burn some bridges.

women who come out of long-term relationships and can do nothing but think of the previous relationship until the current one becomes long-term... ill drink to that.

My mrs being away from home for 8 months? i'd say thats a long term break. she wants to remain together and do long-distance... I want open relationship. and she doesnt like that idea very much.

Toilet seat is a bit loose, so I don't want to risk standing on it to upper deck, falling, and having to explain what I was doing up there.

I pissed in the shower this morning. Does that count?

Long distance... I don't know how people do that... I guess its a bit easier now with technology helping out... back in the days of STD phone calls and no video chat, that would be even more painful.

8 years is a long time. I hope you're aware that she wil most probably never get over him.

Strong aware... I've been putting up with it for months already, trying to ween her off him and making her realise that there are better things in life (like me)

Trying to ween her off it? You shouldn't need to try get her over her ex. If she isn't over him she isn't ready for a new relo.

I can understand that you would like to make it work and trying everything you can, but you're only going to end up hurt, or constantly frustrated angry. It ends up changing you as a person and heavily effects the more important people around you.

I've been in the same situation man and its really not good. I only realized how f**ked it was when I got out of it and saw it from the outside as a whole.

Trust me, I think you have dodged a bullet.

I darno mang

The fact that she has feelings for her ex and there is still contact being made is alarms bells all round.

Best to end it Simon, it's only going to end in tears.

If she still can't get over him a year after the breakup then your sir are in for a bad time

You probably were just the rebound, sorry brah

Trying to ween her off it? You shouldn't need to try get her over her ex. If she isn't over him she isn't ready for a new relo.

I can understand that you would like to make it work and trying everything you can, but you're only going to end up hurt, or constantly frustrated angry. It ends up changing you as a person and heavily effects the more important people around you.

I've been in the same situation man and its really not good. I only realized how f**ked it was when I got out of it and saw it from the outside as a whole.

Trust me, I think you have dodged a bullet.

Hit the nail on the head

Don't continue it Simon

If you have already gone through months of it. F*ck that shit

A females opinion is always going to be very different to a males

Well I'm speaking from personal experience, was in a relationship for 9 years.

Long distance... I don't know how people do that... I guess its a bit easier now with technology helping out... back in the days of STD phone calls and no video chat, that would be even more painful.

saaaa hard, but you just gotta think it's all going to be worth it in the end, hey Birds <3

Well I'm speaking from personal experience, was in a relationship for 9 years.

saaaa hard, but you just gotta think it's all going to be worth it in the end, hey Birds <3

And I said most probably, not 10 times out of 10.. Lol

And to add, you are probably not an attention seeking whore, like some of the people I know

making your own gnocci is rewarding and delicious



yeah i thinks its a placebo effect....you spend so long making it you telll yourself its fantastic.....its like my home made beer

nope... real gnocci is great, store bought stuff is anus

<3 Leesh

My WL brahs are correct. The issue here is that Simon's female is still in contact with her ex. This isn't an issue if exes know for certain that they don't have feelings anymore and both parties have moved on with different partners. In this case, they haven't. Ex is still contacting her and is obviously still single. Out of sight = out of mind. For as long as she stays in contact, like Borci realised, how is she supposed to get over him. She obviously went too soon from a long term relationship into a new one and like I said, it was most likely to make her ex jealous or to attempt to move on.

Sorry Simon, but there's a strong likelihood that, if you stay with this girl, she's going to cheat on you, if that hasn't already happened. The beta thing isn't to beg for her, the beta thing is hanging around...you've basically validated her behaviour with your willingness to continue the relationship. It will continue, but only because she's too weak to properly tell you she's doesn't want you. The alpha thing in this case is to completely push her out of your life, no talking at all...or tell her gooby pls.

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