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Vic Wasteland Thread


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I can sorta speak/understand it plus Bengali but yeah writing and reading that...ain't nobody got time for dat!

haha! f**k even learning to write that! you need a cert in caligraphy or some shit!

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haha! f**k even learning to write that! you need a cert in caligraphy or some shit!

yeah exactly lol. :P if you needa learn how to speak it tho watch a hindi movie, all you'll need is at least 5 hours to sit down and watch bad acting, a lot of singing and dancing and you're set. >_<

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so do you think murdochs tactic is going to be his news companys trying to get as many of these minor parties people off-side as they can to make them want favorable coverage by dealing with the liberals?

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Think your really putting to much into it re Murdoch.

Yeh hamish the whole thing is a farce really, not just that guy, but the sports party, shooting party I mean far out should be some kind of standards to be allowed to run surely you must have to have some form of a policy?!

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Hamish, your point is valid its not only about money however they wouldn't be cutting it if things weren't in such bad shape courtesy of Labors terrific job of burning down the electorates houses with the genius batts idea, or the school building project which gave schools things they didn't even want!

also voting liberal is not voting abbot, you support the party not the person just like football.

Dezz - don't take this the wrong way but it would make sense the majority of your friends etc voted labor as they are likely similarly minded and employed as you are for the most part. Liberal voters are clearly less vocal as my Facebook had epic amounts of labor lovers which i refrained from commenting on as half of it was to stupid to argue with. My mates all voted liberal but none bothered to take to Facebook and have a meltdown.

Clearly i voted Liberal, always have always will i dare say, but this welfare country has to stop its beyond a joke. Its a bit rich to suggest liberal are leaving the mess when the facts would clearly point to it being the opposite.

anyway time will tell, but i for one am wrapped to have Liberals back in charge, sure as shit couldn't do worse than krudd / dullard.

I have something like 500+ friends on facebook, and I'd say the majority of them are not tradies, so not sure what your point is but ok.

You've said it yourself on here numerous times that you believe we're overpaid and that unions are the devil for protecting workers rights/stopping builders from risking our lives to save/make a buck.

But what about the 3 daughters, dayum.

Check this out, the media already all over the motoring enthusiasts:


People don't actually think they're attractive do they?

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Wasnt just referencing tradies Dezz, my fb is not compiled simply of tradies who voted labor however growing up in the west be it coincidence or not they all basically voted labor. Lalor has always been a safe labor seat and even with a 10% swing still they held the seat comfortably. You also can't deny the union / labor connection whether you want to admit it or not. I don't disagree with everything unions stand for either but ill happily debate the relevance of them these days. The majority of labor voters are of the employee mindset not the employer mindset.

On the flip side people I work with and that I associate with these days none would even contemplate voting labor,

Edited by alr33x
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Wasnt just referencing tradies Dezz, my fb is not compiled simply of tradies who voted labor however growing up in the west be it coincidence or not they all basically voted labor. Lalor has always been a safe labor seat and even with a 10% swing still they held the seat comfortably. You also can't deny the union / labor connection whether you want to admit it or not. I don't disagree with everything unions stand for either but ill happily debate the relevance of them these days. The majority of labor voters are of the employee mindset not the employer mindset.

On the flip side people I work with and that I associate with these days none would even contemplate voting labor,

Our union is no longer affiliated with the Labor party. Your mate Abbott will bring back his ABCC which will basically strip us of any rights and have the ability to charge/imprison individuals for daring to have their say against the almighty builders.

You'll happily debate the relevance of unions in an industry you know nothing about?

And your last statement only reinforces my point.

I won't waste my time replying again.

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My mine site is union free and is the most pro-safety workplace I've ever been.

Companies don't implement safety because of unions, its because they will get shut down by government/work safe if anyone gets injured.

Companies aren't pressured by unions for safe work practices, its because they know the consequences.

Small companies take risks because they don't know the consequences...

I reckon union plays the safe scare tactic to rally people and get union memberships. After all they are a business and have jobs to preserve...

That's my view only on safety & union only. Can't comment on other things unions do.

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saw this video again, constant regret in selling that car :(

Pop pop flamesss ! Need to reacquire monies, so I can acquire mods for mine to also do the same :P

Edit: How much power do you think you were making in that video bro?

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