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not to mention... a chef worth his salt will buy entire cuts and break them down himself which means he has a wide variety of choices to give you

take a ribeye for example.

so you clean up the whole thing and portion it. as the you go along the rib the steaks get progressively tougher and leaner.

so what happens is the shitty fat free tough as old boots ones get put in their own special pile for well done steaks and rude customer (or those that come in at close) then the chef has his little collections of the remainder with varying marbling, sinews etc.

you order the correct doneness and he will get one of the better ones.

you tell the waiter to "just let the chef cook it" they will go straight to the "piece de resistance"

Because ultimately, "rare" is subjective.

The guy doesn't know you, he only knows the 99% of other people that have come through and asked for "rare"

The only way you could ever really get it right, is if you go to a place and either

a) Luck out
b) go there enough times that you know what a baseline is for how they cook their meat

Same applies to "spicy" too

easy. bring me a steak. make it rare.

simple. could be f**king 4 inch thick or half inch. i want it rare. simple as fark.

every other flamin mongrel in the world at top restaurants can do it. why is it so hard in australia.

because a rare ribeye / scotch fillet for example is pure shit. it has fat that hasn't broken down and tastes like ass

a rare eye fillet is great on the other hand

Because ultimately, "rare" is subjective.

The guy doesn't know you, he only knows the 99% of other people that have come through and asked for "rare"

The only way you could ever really get it right, is if you go to a place and either

a) Luck out

b) go there enough times that you know what a baseline is for how they cook their meat

Same applies to "spicy" too

It's really not. See chart below


Sure there are in betweens, but you're not gonna whinge about a shade lighter or darker as long as it's closer to what you want.

should have been more specific there.




chicken pork beef snail horse pigeon rabbit human.

rare. because thats what i asked for. and because your job is to cook food for me how i ask for it.

(i seem to have some hang ups about the quality of chef in this country hamish, this in way states i think your shite, im sure your a lovely chef, and that you trained at the fluer del loo de laeeuriruf french word and you meat is magnificent)

however of the 100 plus steaks ive eaten in this country about 2 have been cooked rare... and most have been shite. sure 90% of these restraunts where not "hipster class" but still give the people what they ask for man.

rant over.

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