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Vic Wasteland Thread


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I would imagine it is also part of a stewardess' - that's fkn right I said stewardess' - job to ensure people are not overly intoxicated. This would be pretty much more difficult with a bunch of bogans trying to take advantage of free piss and out drink each other.

How an individual copes with alcohol comes down to the individual themselves, not by the generalisation of a group of people be it by race, gender or employment situation.

I'm sure there are plenty of sleezy salespeople who take advantage of the system just as much as your fifo tradie.

Im fighting a lost cause anyways, thanks to the previous governments effective campaign on turning Australia against the mining/fifo industry.

Perhaps the below could be an interesting discussion next time you bump across your Flight attendent friend?

Published by the Tourism Research Australia

4.4 Mining boom benefits for air services

Between 2004–05 and 2011–12, domestic aviation capacity grew robustly both between the capital cities and to regional Australia.

In Australia, aviation seats (as measured by revenue seats available and passenger movements)

have increased at over 4 per cent per year over the seven-year period to 2011–12.

From 40,429,000 passenger movements to 54,985,000 = 36% increase

I wonder how many extra staff were hired to cope with that increase?

Edit: and just to make it clear; not justifying rude behaviour but the overall stereotype/resentment towards "FIFO" tradies

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Lol don't try to blame the government .

What a ridiculous retort.

Stereotypes exist for a reason

lol and how many fifo people have you encountered to prove your stereotype is valid?

Somehow the whole east coast has a negative view on fifo yet have barely met one...

Sterotypes exist because media & stories have been twisted to convey whatever (political) purpose it may hide. Be it hoon laws, immigration or our own indigineous people.

I may as well jump on the bandwagon & say all bankers are evil/greedy but im sure this doesnt apply to you.

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lol and how many fifo people have you encountered to prove your stereotype is valid?

Somehow the whole east coast has a negative view on fifo yet have barely met one...

Sterotypes exist because media & stories have been twisted to convey whatever (political) purpose it may hide. Be it hoon laws, immigration or our own indigineous people.

I may as well jump on the bandwagon & say all bankers are evil/greedy but im sure this doesnt apply to you.

Narh mate I've met plenty of tradies, I'm comfortable with the stereo type being 80% accurate

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I have some questions, discuss amongst yourselves.

Why are we spending so much money on the MH370 search? (A$90m dollars currently budgeted towards it, not to mention the input from other countries who are much more involved with the situation than we are)

What happens when we find it?
What will change in the airline industry to stop this happening again?

Does anyone actually care that much anymore? It happened months ago, yet any update is still breaking news.

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I have some questions, discuss amongst yourselves.

Why are we spending so much money on the MH370 search? (A$90m dollars currently budgeted towards it, not to mention the input from other countries who are much more involved with the situation than we are)

What happens when we find it?

What will change in the airline industry to stop this happening again?

Does anyone actually care that much anymore? It happened months ago, yet any update is still breaking news.

Stop telling the government how to spend other people's money

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youd probably care if you had a family or relative on it

or if the next flight you catch overseas goes through the same potentially avoidable event

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lol and how many fifo people have you encountered to prove your stereotype is valid?

Somehow the whole east coast has a negative view on fifo yet have barely met one...

Sterotypes exist because media & stories have been twisted to convey whatever (political) purpose it may hide. Be it hoon laws, immigration or our own indigineous people.

I may as well jump on the bandwagon & say all bankers are evil/greedy but im sure this doesnt apply to you.


I actually have met plenty of tradies in my time (as have most people) and as al said, this would be 80% of them.

I also have a couple of mates that work FIFO in the W.A. mines and guess what...

They are both 101% Strayan

They both drive heavily modified V8 utes

They only holiday in Thailand/Bali where they only eat white people food, get full sleeve tatts and absorb 0% culture.

They rock cheap shit +11ty offset rims

They only drink Australian beer.

They listen to nothing but JJJ all day every day

They watch every sporting event known to man


They get wasted on EVERY... SINGLE... FLIGHT...

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See my Sister and husband are FIFO.

hyundai I30 and a stock Golf GTI

last holidays were Bora Bora and Japan...

prob drink less than any-one else in my family

so they not all like that.

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