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Don't be ridiculous I told you I'll happily take a labor government but given that they haven't delivered a surplus in longer than your existence on this planet it's clear to blind Freddy they have no idea how to run the country and the budget so that single damning fact alone says they are incompetent without getting started on the other glaring flaws.

Actually, the last Labor surplus was delivered by Paul Keating when I was well and truly ailve.

It came a few budgets after a recession (which I also remember as being quite scary,) and it was ended by another recession from which it took howard a few budgets to recover.

After that were a few good years, fiscally speaking, followed by the GFC which crushed the budget and would have doe so whether ALP or LNP were running the show.

This idea that Laabor can't handle budgets is absolutely retarded, do you think they get their treasurers from the footy club? They are just as capable as LNP. Fact is external factors play a bigger role in countries returning a surplus than any other single factor.

Considering australia has never lost it's AAA credit rating, I don't see that we are in the imminent danger that the LNP have used as an electiob scare tactic.

I'm not a Labor supporter by any means. I just hate this current government and people assume that for some reason means i must be "a lefty".

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Turns out the desalination plant has been sitting idle for 3 years, government still has to pay yearly fee as part of contract.

Forgot all about that white elephant. haha

Well, that is not really anything to do with the federal budget lol

But yes, it was an epic clusterf**k

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Actually, the last Labor surplus was delivered by Paul Keating when I was well and truly ailve.

It came a few budgets after a recession (which I also remember as being quite scary,) and it was ended by another recession from which it took howard a few budgets to recover.

After that were a few good years, fiscally speaking, followed by the GFC which crushed the budget and would have doe so whether ALP or LNP were running the show.

This idea that Laabor can't handle budgets is absolutely retarded, do you think they get their treasurers from the footy club? They are just as capable as LNP. Fact is external factors play a bigger role in countries returning a surplus than any other single factor.

Considering australia has never lost it's AAA credit rating, I don't see that we are in the imminent danger that the LNP have used as an electiob scare tactic.

I'm not a Labor supporter by any means. I just hate this current government and people assume that for some reason means i must be "a lefty".

Labor are hopeless and debt has always increased under labor leadership as shown here - so while external factors certainly play a role, so does poor management. $900 handouts, insulation debacle, school building joke? need i go on.. all under just ONE labor gov mind you.. if you dont think that going the same way we are now is going to lead to huge problems you got your head firmly in greens propaganda. AO-Chart1-160514.png

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I never said we should go and spend all the money on shit because budget's don't matter, what I said was it isn't as bad as LNP propaganda would lead you to believe.

Of course we need to work towards a surplus eventually but it doesn't need to be via extreme harsh measures and done by the next budget.

As I said a few pages back we need to look at it as a longer term proposition, not just an election tactic.

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The proposed measures labelled extreme are about $15 billion worth which is nowhere near enough to get back to surplus so if people think these measure are bad wait and see what will come in the future when it's well past the current deficit

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Actually, the last Labor surplus was delivered by Paul Keating when I was well and truly ailve.

It came a few budgets after a recession (which I also remember as being quite scary,) and it was ended by another recession from which it took howard a few budgets to recover.

After that were a few good years, fiscally speaking, followed by the GFC which crushed the budget and would have doe so whether ALP or LNP were running the show.

This idea that Laabor can't handle budgets is absolutely retarded, do you think they get their treasurers from the footy club? They are just as capable as LNP. Fact is external factors play a bigger role in countries returning a surplus than any other single factor.

Considering australia has never lost it's AAA credit rating, I don't see that we are in the imminent danger that the LNP have used as an electiob scare tactic.

I'm not a Labor supporter by any means. I just hate this current government and people assume that for some reason means i must be "a lefty".

>After posts like these you can't see why people say you are a lefty? Farkin lol

>Let's just blindly spend more cos it's exclusively external factors that influence our budget position hey? Hey guys at least we aren't Greece

>Budget concerns are no worse a 'scare tactic' than dezz's mates' union bullshit

>Are you still taking the piss or nah?

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All I'm seeing that graphic show is that even when we're in deficit, the world doesn't end, because it happens over and over again.

So why now are the LNP jumping up and down that Labor are destroying the country? When it's a recurring cycle which hasn't killed us at all, we still continue to prosper and haven't financially imploded.

Economic Stimulus means projects, projects cost money, projects mean jobs, jobs mean economic rotation...

The circle jerk continues for another term in office.

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