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Vic Wasteland Thread


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>After posts like these you can't see why people say you are a lefty? Farkin lol

Nowhere am I singing Labor's praises.
I'm simply stating that the LNP exaggerate the issue as an election tactic, and LNP fanboi's eat it up like fine-ass foie gras.
FWIW I even chose not to be a member of the FSU...

>Let's just blindly spend more cos it's exclusively external factors that influence our budget position hey? Hey guys at least we aren't Greece

I never said exclusively.. but hey, GFC gon' FC and recession gon' recess

>Budget concerns are no worse a 'scare tactic' than dezz's mates' union bullshit

this is correct. Both sides employ equally childish scare tactics and always will...

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Turns out the desalination plant has been sitting idle for 3 years, government still has to pay yearly fee as part of contract.

Forgot all about that white elephant. haha

lol no one asked here so i thought no one cared...

you have no idea how much it costs that thing to run...

...and so far its only been run once. during a testing period. ran for 28 days or something as per contract. cost some where in the figure of $30,000 in chemicals and $70,000 in power to run. per day. (and thats wholesale price). its ludacris. whoever thought it was a good design/idea and who approved it must not give a fark. oh wait, theyre politicians. once their time ends, they piss off.

That job was a clusterf**k too. because a) union site. b) chinese equipment/staff c) people getting paid stooooopid money to work there. and now a number of those people are in QLD working for Santos on stoooopid money. but at least its not taxpayer money... because santos is doing great at the moment :P

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lol no one asked here so i thought no one cared...

you have no idea how much it costs that thing to run...

...and so far its only been run once. during a testing period. ran for 28 days or something as per contract. cost some where in the figure of $30,000 in chemicals and $70,000 in power to run. per day. (and thats wholesale price). its ludacris. whoever thought it was a good design/idea and who approved it must not give a fark. oh wait, theyre politicians. once their time ends, they piss off.

That job was a clusterf**k too. because a) union site. b) chinese equipment/staff c) people getting paid stooooopid money to work there. and now a number of those people are in QLD working for Santos on stoooopid money. but at least its not taxpayer money... because santos is doing great at the moment :P

labor. who else?

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Now lets overlay that with a graph of the economy acceleration / deceleration and it won't be so much of a Liberal Skewed Infographic

You can't really assume that economic changes influence government policy and spending/saving without the vice versa happening too

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The east/west debacle?

I don't really get what was up with that. I think at this point he had seen what brown promises have done to Abbott and is refusing to go down that path.

What I don't get is that he didn't need to make the promise to win the election in the first place.

I spose it's just another example of party (b) ditching policy (x) in favor of policy (y) because party (a) came up with it. :/

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The east/west debacle?

I don't really get what was up with that. I think at this point he had seen what brown promises have done to Abbott and is refusing to go down that path.

What I don't get is that he didn't need to make the promise to win the election in the first place.

I spose it's just another example of party (b) ditching policy (x) in favor of policy (y) because party (a) came up with it. :/

Nah although I do think the east west link is vital infrastructure anyone in the western suburbs can tell you how needed it is.

I meant about him looking after his mates no need at all to do this who is anyone to block traffic or disrupt people going about their business?


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I'm 101% down with that.

That law was nothing more than a gag on free speech that was only going to be abused.

It gives government carte blanche to pick and choose what protests are allowed, which is a power no government should ever have.

There are things worth protesting. Monsanto being one current major one that comes to mind.

Look what protests did for the U.S. troops in Vietnam, black rights in the 60's and the Berlin Wall for example.

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I'm 101% down with that.

That law was nothing more than a gag on free speech that was only going to be abused.

It gives government carte blanche to pick and choose what protests are allowed, which is a power no government should ever have.

There are things worth protesting. Monsanto being one current major one that comes to mind.

Look what protests did for the U.S. troops in Vietnam, black rights in the 60's and the Berlin Wall for example.

It doesn't stifle free speech at all its targeted at unlawful protests and gatherings ie the emporium protests that caused havoc for thousands and wasted numerous police resources and millions of taxpayer dollars.

It has no impact on legal lawful protests and freedom of speech just allows police to intervene when necessary.

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"All of those protests can be inconvenient to government or to other people, but we have a right to protest in this state and we don’t think it’s necessary to have move-on powers, where people have their names recorded, simply because you may obstruct traffic or you may obstruct someone from entering a building,” Pakula told 3AW. “It’s the price you pay for living in a democracy.”

The price I pay for living in democracy is to have some assholes decide to block traffic or stop me entering a building? Is it not my free democratic right to go where I want when I want?

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As someone that has driven a modified car i find it laughable that you don't think laws that rely on police "discretion" to determine if the officer "thinks" there may be a chance of violence occurring won't be abused.

The laws could perhaps have been reworked, but as they stand give police the power to end any protest at any time for any reason, and enforce this if the protestor refuses.

We assume these powers won't be abused but look at the hoon laws.

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And we also assume governments won't abuse these powers but think back to that hillbilly Joh Bjelke-Petersen. He ran QLD like a dictator for many years including stifling protests via police power and changing electoral boundaries to sure up the number of seats his party held.

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