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Vic Wasteland Thread


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I can't see Bishop getting up. She doesn't have the left wing cred that Turnbull has for some reason (probably his favorable appearances on "The Project" :P )

Although she is being very vocal on saving the Bali 2 at the moment, which will certainly resonate will with the left.

Turnbull is the safe bet at the moment. I don't think he will be all that different policy wise, barring climate change acceptance... but he'll sure as hell sell it better

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Cos Turnbull worked so well last time. His policies are bad and he should feel bad.

Only lefties (like you, lulz) want him in, which is no surprise given how left he is. The last election was won by a party / leader with conservative policies. Many Liberal voters don't want him regardless of his (admittedly good) salesmanship

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That's what erked me about Howard getting kicked out

Whenever I asked people why they were gonna vote for Rudd pre-election, all I heard was ridiculous emotional logic like "Howard is too old, we need some younger blood" or "I can't stand his eyebrows" or "He doesn't look like a leader".

Not saying they aren't out there, but there were hardly any Labor voters encountered by myself who voted based on policies and reasoned for the greater good of the country. Those who actually gave me a reason that wasn't out of dislike for Howard's personality were almost always "I'm $10 a week better off under Labor" or "work choices scare me because my boss might sack me, cause bosses love doing that for fun and I'm not that great at my job"; reasons affecting the self and only the self. You know, the kind of people who can't see two feet in front of themselves. I did not encounter anyone who said I'm voting for Labor because they have a real vision for a better Australia nationwide, they're really going to take us places. Now both parties have their evils and both parties have voters out for their own hip pocket, all but the most extreme partisans can agree on that, but f**k me the Labor party has masses of these voters and the party knows it, hence hand out and tax cut is a staple of Labor policy - their own party knows the selfishness and stupidity of many of their voters and play into it. And I don't blame them for it, voting is entirely their choice and some people do believe they should vote for their own interests. Conversely, Liberal staple is a new tax or a budget cut - this may or may not necessarily be a good thing to do, but this is a party appealing to those voters who are more likely to be thinking of a nation's interest as a whole, because you can't really be thinking of yourself if you're accepting a new tax or a budget cut and voting for this party.

So let's forget what he parties actually do for a second and focus on stereotypical voter rationale...ask ourselves which voter is more likely to produce a result for the betterment of a nation as a whole, and which is likely to take a bribe to hand over the reigns, based on their rationale...

I usually vote liberal in case you didn't cop the hint.

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I didn't have a problem with Costello myself, I thought he was a great treasurer and would have made a great leader...very good with words. Didn't he consistently deny wanting to take the reigns at any point though? I think the AWAs were Howard's major demise...well the LNP admitted that themselves...the ALP and union scare campaigns clung to them like shit to a shovel (even 3 years later at the next election), cause there wasn't much else that bad going on in Howard's final term...maybe refugees overboard lol?

I cringe everytime Abbott speaks in public; he's not a good talker and I agree with Alex, I don't think a party should be voted based on it's leader but unfortunately the masses like to put a face to a name and his shithouse skills do the LNP no good.

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Domestic sparky (at the cheaper end of the scale) $70 call out + $70 an hour.

Construction EBA, ~$44 an hour with a few other allowances.

Bloody unions extorting the poor, poor builders and destroying the country.

Masseuse, $60 an hour minimum, does 50 minutes of actual work in that hour.

PT $60 an hour minimum, does an 8 week course to be a fitness expert.

I wonder how many PT's and massage therapists died at work last year.

I wonder how many of the companies they work for cut corners to save a buck while putting their lives at risk.

I wonder how dangerous their workplace is on a daily basis.

courier/taxi driver, roads more,dangerous than your average war zone...20$ an hour on a good day, no super, no holidays, no every second Friday holiday...a shitty old 400,000km + company car

Dont give me your sob story

Edited by ARTZ
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courier/taxi driver, roads more,dangerous than your average war zone...20$ an hour on a good day, no super, no holidays, no every second Friday holiday...a shitty old 400,000km + company car

Dont give me your sob story

Artz used Rekt

It's super effective!

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Qualified line cook

4 year apprenticeship


Working nights and weekends

But the worst part is that troubling thought in the back of your mind that you just cant get over. That constant stomach churning and deetp sadness you feel for those poor electricians.

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Hows the irony, first job I get this morning is out of Middys electrical...lol


Dont get me wrong Dez, I do like sparkys, they look after us..Middys , AWM, Ideal...all give us plenty of work and pay well....

But I deliver stuff to all your houses and you all got lots of money, big v8s and boats...

. Just riding a wave of the technological age, but its supply and demand, its not rocket science..

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I didn't have a problem with Costello myself, I thought he was a great treasurer and would have made a great leader...very good with words. Didn't he consistently deny wanting to take the reigns at any point though? I think the AWAs were Howard's major demise...well the LNP admitted that themselves...the ALP and union scare campaigns clung to them like shit to a shovel (even 3 years later at the next election), cause there wasn't much else that bad going on in Howard's final term...maybe refugees overboard lol?

I cringe everytime Abbott speaks in public; he's not a good talker and I agree with Alex, I don't think a party should be voted based on it's leader but unfortunately the masses like to put a face to a name and his shithouse skills do the LNP no good.

Lol in case you haven't been paying attention to Australian politics for the last 2 decades I'll let you in on a little secret. Australia doesn't like parties that change leaders.

It was definitely the AWA's that killed the LNP. Should have been obzvious enough to then not to implement. A plan that removed job security from the majority of a nation was never going to bode well with the majority of the voting populous lel.

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