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With these cameras we can see from 700m away who is distracted and who is not concentrating.

We can see them before they can see us.

We dont need to actually see them holding their mobile phone for them to be breaching the road rules.

Evidence? We don't need no stinking evidence

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lol we don't need to catch them with their mobile phone...what are you charging them for?

Fk we really need higher standards for entry into the police force, some of these people appear to have failed grade 6.

So I finally got a reply back from the person who hit my car, and how's this for a response:

"I've spoken to our repairer and in his opinion, the damage to your car looks to be preexisting and not being a result from xxx car. I will be going through our insurance and will be asking for an assessor to view your car to determine the extent of the claim. asking for my details etc....."

Seriously, what the f**k? Not only is the damage to my car clearly done by them, but I had a full inspection by state roads done to my car to confirm it was in 100% order when I purchased it a few months ago, and with the damage it's simply not possible at all that it could be there before.

What action should I take? I'm furious at the moment, combined with such a stressful week at Uni I simply don't have the capacity to deal with this...

lol would you believe me if I told you that I saw that coming

It doesn't matter even if the damage was already there, that's his bad luck; if he hit you he has to get it repaired.

The fact you have his licence details (I hope) suggests an accident occurred and he has admitted to you in writing that he hit you so it should be pretty straight forward...

he ran into the back of you yeah? then they always at fault. just speak to your insurance as recommended before. hopefully they will be happy to deal with it and chase his insurance, they can all crush his dreams of choice of repairer.

Yeah he's just full of shit, thinking I'm an easy target somehow. I have their details, pictures, license plate etc. so everything is there.

I only have 3rd party insurance, and they are hopeless when chasing up claims. There is no way I'm using their preferred repairer or using their assessor. This accident is their fault, so it's my choice.

If they said they are going through their insurance you don't have to do any chasing up, you just deal with their insurance company. Tell them to make the claim with insurance and that you want to hear from their insurance company within a week or you will start getting legal.

what birds said.

let them know to either give you a claim number.

or agree to pay your bill.

they have admitted hitting you from behind.

there is damage

it that simple.

What he said. Just ask for a claim number.

Lol @ repairers opinion, sounds like a fake opinion to me. Why should a repairer care about a photo of your car??

And I am pretty sure he can legally do it too...

Just like if he didn't have insurance at all you would have to get your car fixed at a price deemed as one he could afford..

You could bitch and moan about not being happy with the job afterwards, but if it is fixed to a reasonable and safe standard there is nothing you can do..

He's just trying it on, trying to pay as little as possible to get out of a shit situation.

If he didn't have insurance, it wouldn't be based on what he could afford, viper would call his insurance and make a no insurance claim (up to 3k of damage with JCI third party), so then it's up to the insurance company to repair the car (up to 3k) and get the money out of the douchebag. As viper has the other party's details, he doesn't pay an excess for this. Said douchebag then has the option of disputing the cost of repairs with insurance company through VCAT.

If neither party had insurance, it would be repaired at what the law sees as a reasonable cost...this can be disputed by either party at VCAT where VCAT get their own contracted accident assessor to deem whether the repair costs are reasonable or not. As the party not at fault, you have every right to challenge repairs in VCAT if they are not satisfactory.

Open and shut case, Johnson. Apparently this nigger broke in and hung up pictures of his family.

Are you sure JCI will fix his car based on a 3rd party policy? I've never heard of that.

As per above comment I don't think you have a choice to refuse his insurances assessor / repairer looking at your car and potentially doing the job as it's a claim through his policy not yours. Whoever fixes it should do nothin less than a satisfactory job.

Out of curiosity how bad is said damage?

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