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Vic Wasteland Thread


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thus my comment that it should be charged but exclusions for health card/pensioners.

every one of those senarios above would qualify for a health card.

but those of us earning a decent wage pay a bit more.

win win.


Those who can pay should & these low income earners etc who can afford smokes or alcohol (example) but not $7 I call bs. Yes there are needy and I'm not saying they should be denied but 98% of us can easily afford to pay to go to the doctor.

Again I was pretty sure it was capped at X amount of visits which is fair enough.

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If you can't scrape together $7 for your health then you have issues beyond your health that need more urgent attention than your health.

If you saved the $900 from that stimulus package, there's 128 doctor visits in that, but I'm tipping the kind of person who can't afford $7 isn't very good at saving.

All for helping out people in unfortunate situations with welfare but my unfortunate situation definition doesn't cover alcoholics, chain smokers, druggies and people who have 7 kids. Drop the unnecessary and excessive spending and I'll give you a helping hand to get back on track.

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If you can't scrape together $7 for your health then you have issues beyond your health that need more urgent attention than your health.

If you saved the $900 from that stimulus package, there's 128 doctor visits in that, but I'm tipping the kind of person who can't afford $7 isn't very good at saving.

All for helping out people in unfortunate situations with welfare but my unfortunate situation definition doesn't cover alcoholics, chain smokers, druggies and people who have 7 kids. Drop the unnecessary and excessive spending and I'll give you a helping hand to get back on track.

inb4 lynchmob calls you a judgemental prick.

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If you can't scrape together $7 for your health then you have issues beyond your health that need more urgent attention than your health.

If you saved the $900 from that stimulus package, there's 128 doctor visits in that, but I'm tipping the kind of person who can't afford $7 isn't very good at saving.

All for helping out people in unfortunate situations with welfare but my unfortunate situation definition doesn't cover alcoholics, chain smokers, druggies and people who have 7 kids. Drop the unnecessary and excessive spending and I'll give you a helping hand to get back on track.

just kill the undesireables.

adamof birdler 2K15

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If you can't scrape together $7 for your health then you have issues beyond your health that need more urgent attention than your health.

If you saved the $900 from that stimulus package, there's 128 doctor visits in that, but I'm tipping the kind of person who can't afford $7 isn't very good at saving.

All for helping out people in unfortunate situations with welfare but my unfortunate situation definition doesn't cover alcoholics, chain smokers, druggies and people who have 7 kids. Drop the unnecessary and excessive spending and I'll give you a helping hand to get back on track.

I went for a number of years with not having 7$ spare.

didn't have 7 kids, didn't smoke do drugs, had a beer maybe every 2-3 weeks if I could save the cash.

Hell my computer was pieced together from what I found in hard rubbish.

was a sacrifice I had to make to get an education and get a good job and not have to worry about anymore.

Didn't have the luxury of being able to live with parents or get Gov hand outs.

that 7$ would be more than my average daily food allowance.

sure there are some who rort the system, and there always are, but there are more who are genuine cases.

Exactly same as Victorian road laws.

a few people being idiots brought about averaging cameras, speed camera and hoon laws..

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Like I said

All for helping out people in unfortunate situations with welfare but my unfortunate situation definition doesn't cover alcoholics, chain smokers, druggies and people who have 7 kids. Drop the unnecessary and excessive spending and I'll give you a helping hand to get back on track.

If you don't fit into the above then you can have some monies, particularly if you actually want to do something about your shitty situation.

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Those who can pay should & these low income earners etc who can afford smokes or alcohol (example) but not $7 I call bs. Yes there are needy and I'm not saying they should be denied but 98% of us can easily afford to pay to go to the doctor.

Again I was pretty sure it was capped at X amount of visits which is fair enough.

im not on either side of the fence with this discussion, but just out of curiosity...

do you have private health insurance? do you chose to go to a private GP for doctor visits?

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hey ayayron.

I sold my evo after finding the redback. There's my answer

Ayayron can you roll my guards pls

There are spiders in the car, I promise

Yeh pm me. Extra for spiders

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Working but struggling to get by because of rent, child support, whatever... Gets sick, takes a day off work, gets required medication and treatment, back at work 2 days later once its cleared up.


Gets sick, takes a day off work, does not go to doctor because "It's just a cold / flu" and doesn't want to spend limited funds on paying for a doctors visit, decides to wait it out, 1.5 to 2 weeks off work because of no helping hand from medication. Lost income, lost income tax revenue to the government.

Also, aren't an arseload of people already paying like $1200+ / year to the government in the form of the Medicare Levy? Are these the same people who are complaining about a few dollars for a visit? or are the people complaining the ones which are spending $1200/year for their Private Health Insurance?

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Gets sick, takes a day off work, does not go to doctor because "It's just a cold / flu" and doesn't want to spend limited funds on paying for a doctors visit, decides to wait it out, 1.5 to 2 weeks off work because of no helping hand from medication. Lost income, lost income tax revenue to the government.

you missed made half office sick, who then reduced productivity further.

reason my work give free private healthcare, at the end of the day it cheaper to pay for that than have some-one off work longer.

eg I get billed out at 2500$ per day.

if I can be back one day sooner then they profit.

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