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Vic Wasteland Thread


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im not on either side of the fence with this discussion, but just out of curiosity...

do you have private health insurance? do you chose to go to a private GP for doctor visits?

Despite my accountants pleas I don't have private health cover and I truly should my Medicare levy is about triple the standard due to my income but I'm lazy and personally find the forced private health cover bs i find it offensive that because of either my income or age I am penalized for not having something that the majority of the population aren't forced to have.

My silent protest costs me thousands so yeh I'm the idiot.

I'm with birds if you can't find $7 for your health i call bs. It's like two cups of coffee! And $2 is for the gp & $5 for a research fund to try find cures for horrible illness so I can't understand the issue

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I've very on the fence about it all...

I strongly feel that people needing to pay for it would actually make things go backwards over time, without free (and preventitive / early) healthcare the average health level will drop, leading to a sicker country, less productivity which hurts the economy, more people becoming seriously sick which requires hospital care, more people who can't work and request health related government handouts... and it'll snowball like the USA...

But at the same time, I'm also coming from a middle class family who has never been close to being in the position of needing to stretch my wage just to by able to put food on the table... So to me $7 a few times a year is nothing (hell I'm paying $90/month for Private) but still just go into the local bulk bill clinic when I get sick... I do understand that for some people it is a lot ($7 x 4 kids + single parent on welfare x increased sickness frequency in lower income families), the numbers can add up enough that they'll avoid the "unnecessary expense" so they can all eat instead...

Honestly I would have thought that a $7 payment ($2 to the gp) would be absorbed pretty quickly by the additional overheads (time, bank runs, registers, eftpos, etc) that comes with dealing with money in the practice...

It's a very complex matter, and a lot of people aren't happy about it... Just seems very weird that there wasn't even consolation with medical boards to see if it would actually work, before the cost cutting measures were announced.

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lol there is no medication for the common cold, which is why it's f**king irritating when people clog up doctors waiting rooms thinking they'll find some magic cure there this time around. I'm against medical certificates anyway, so take as much time off work as you are entitled to, the $7 visit isn't going to change how much time they choose to take off work because there is no cure for a cold except time and rest. If you can't afford $7 what are you gonna do with the antibiotic prescription the doc gives you.

Show me these people who can't afford $7 and I'll show you where they can save or earn it upon closer inspection of their life, I guarantee. Go weed someone's garden for 20 minutes. Everyone is a charity case but how many will do what they have to to get it done?

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So to put it on the other foot, less fk wits in the waiting room making everyone else sick, get in and out of your appointment for something legitimate in half an hour = don't have to take 3 hours out of work just to see a doctor bexause your doctor has double booked all his coughing cold patients chasing antis = more workplace productivity.

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I'm not talking about the common cold, I'm talking about the flu, or a chest infection, or similar.

$7 for a visit
$12 for some antibiotics

Back at work a few days later, suckin dicks fo cash

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I'm with birds if you can't find $7 for your health i call bs. It's like two cups of coffee! And $2 is for the gp & $5 for a research fund to try find cures for horrible illness so I can't understand the issue

then you are very lucky,

you prob also got to live at home till you were established.

Till you experience it it's hard to imagine, even looking back on it I'm thinking nah surely it was not like that.

but at the end of a day for me it was a choice, I could stay at home work on the farm (there not much else going on there)

had plenty of spending money when I was young

or sacrifice 3-4 years of living on next to nothing to now earn 2-3 times the max my dad ever did.

but without things like bulk billing (and free BBQ lunches at uni now an then) I prob would not have made it.

and the government would be earning far far less tax...

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Despite my accountants pleas I don't have private health cover and I truly should my Medicare levy is about triple the standard due to my income but I'm lazy and personally find the forced private health cover bs i find it offensive that because of either my income or age I am penalized for not having something that the majority of the population aren't forced to have.

My silent protest costs me thousands so yeh I'm the idiot.

I'm with birds if you can't find $7 for your health i call bs. It's like two cups of coffee! And $2 is for the gp & $5 for a research fund to try find cures for horrible illness so I can't understand the issue

da fark is wrong wit chu?

What happens if you get sick? like proper sick?

Also if you and Danielle have a baby are you really willing to go public? might as well get private now as virtually all funds have a 12 month wait for Obstetrics

It's not about being forced to have it, yes you get penalised for not having it but that's a call you can make.

it's about getting the best care if shit goes down.

and CBF is not even close to an excuse, you pick a major fund, and call them. done

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Show me these people who can't afford $7 and I'll show you where they can save or earn it upon closer inspection of their life, I guarantee. Go weed someone's garden for 20 minutes. Everyone is a charity case but how many will do what they have to to get it done?

So much this.


Just to be clear I don't come from a rich family by any measure and have worked since forever heck as far back as washing cars for $2 when I was 10. I'm sure I sound harsh to a lot of people but I strongly believe in Australia the opportunities are there for everyone it's 90% laziness or poor decision making that leads to there crap situation and I don't think it's taxpayers responsibility to hand out money left and right.

Pensioners, disabled etc obviously fine I just hate plebs

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da fark is wrong wit chu?

What happens if you get sick? like proper sick?

Also if you and Danielle have a baby are you really willing to go public? might as well get private now as virtually all funds have a 12 month wait for Obstetrics

and CBF is not even close to an excuse, you pick a major fund, and call them. done

As I said I've really got no excuse and 100% no way would I go public for anything I have to get it im closing in on 30 anyways so I will .. I like to think I'm bullet proof! Failing that cash reserves would have to fill the gaps..

I just hate the whole setup of being forced into having it

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As I said I've really got no excuse and 100% no way would I go public for anything I have to get it im closing in on 30 anyways so I will .. I like to think I'm bullet proof! Failing that cash reserves would have to fill the gaps..

I just hate the whole setup of being forced into having it

I have the absolute top cover... I can tell you it's worth it.

I nearly died in the public system... and my medical bills were HUUUUUGE after a few weeks in private.

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I can't understand why people get comprehensive car insurance but won't get effectively the same thing for their own life.

NIB customer for 6 years...ain't much I can't claim. Started it when I started playing sport cause I think you're insane to play any sport without it.

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