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Vic Wasteland Thread


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went and got a coffee at tempy shops and i drove past a guy who is using whipper snipper on his lawn.. f**king rock come through my open window and hit me in neck :(

what are the chances :( thought i had been shot or something =/

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Why hatin on Tomic just coz you weren't driving a $100k+ m3 on your P's doesn't make him a spoiled little shit...

+1. his mrs is a hotty too. damnnnnnnn

Why hate on Tomic? Good on him I say, can hardly expect the bloke to be rollin in an S-pack

hey! whats wrong with spacks? :P

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yeh i wouldnt consider him spoilt given he had to work for it and 'earn' it..

but his its my race/background call etc is a bit spoilt brat maturity, clearly he was chuckin laps like a mad knt and got pinged for it be a man about it

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Lol you boys are blinded by his pubes in your eyes. Get your mouth off his rod for a minute and you'll see why people aren't happy about it

The fact that he gets an exemption just cos he's a sports star/rich f**k is the issue. Of course you're gonna drive a decent car when you've got that kind of money but to tear up when the cops do u is f**ked. Fact is there's no reason for him to be exempt. If he wants to drive a car he's not supposed to he should man up and cop what he gets.

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hes driving it under the same exemption i drove the R32. to and from work and for any work trips.

i only took it out a couple times for un work related things though. meh.

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fellow skyline owners and others that arent who are still here anyways roman, adam etc lol please donate to the greatest shave for me as i will be shaving my head in support as last year my father was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer so to say thanks to all those doctors and nurses for there help and support towards my dad i am raising money for the cause please donate as much or as little as possible as it all counts. not a huge poster on this site but i need all the help i can get my goal is $1,000 so i hope some of you maybe able to help me on my way to reaching that goal.

cheers in advance



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It's still bullshit that he got the exemption but that aside, laps with his mates breaches the exemption. So he should pipe the f**k down and cop it.

Anyone who thinks it's not silver spooning is dreaming

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Lol you boys are blinded by his pubes in your eyes. Get your mouth off his rod for a minute and you'll see why people aren't happy about it

The fact that he gets an exemption just cos he's a sports star/rich f**k is the issue. Of course you're gonna drive a decent car when you've got that kind of money but to tear up when the cops do u is f**ked. Fact is there's no reason for him to be exempt. If he wants to drive a car he's not supposed to he should man up and cop what he gets.

Too right, f**k him. When I drive over seas I have to abide by that countries roads laws. Fine the cvnt and impound his car just like you would someone else's. I may not agree with all laws but it's the principal.

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what makes you think he's the one talking shit and not the cops pulling him over?

He's young, loaded and aparently doing something illegal, which is every coppers' dream....

Each to their own.

He was quoted as saying he was just having some fun with his mates........ So yeah, he's not denying anything, which just adds more weight to the argument that he's a spoiled f**k that thinks it's his right to drive the M3 whenever and wherever he wants.

Don't be confused, I don't really give a f**k that he's driving it, I broke the same law on my P's and without an exemption, but if I got done for it I wouldn't have a cry and threaten legal action...Ironic that he wants to use the law to help him out of the situation, when he's the one breaking it in the first place..

Just so there's no confusion here, if I had the money when on my P's, I'd be driving a 458 or 599 Fez, without any exemption, and would just pay the church change fines when I got them.

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The issue with Tomic is I don't were jelly with his ride. As with Dezz if I had monies I'd probably do the same thing. Getting a $300 fine isn't going to worry him too much :D

It's his attitude and the way his going about it.

But then again he pulled over 3 times in the one day and quote as saying 'It's like I've killed somebody'. I'm sure we've all felt like that before...

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