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Hi guys,

It's only been a couple hundred km's since i've added the Roil Gold, but i can already say a few things.

I can sit in 5th gear going up a hill at a lower speed and put the pedal down and it will pick up in speed. Not bog down like it used to.

And sitting on the highway at 100km/h, the engines rpm will sit noticably lower.

I haven't noticed much in the way of boost responsivness, as it's a bit hard to tell exactly as boost comes on in such a rush...lol



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Hi guys,

And sitting on the highway at 100km/h, the engines rpm will sit noticably lower.


What the???

I would like to know how the oil additive is changing your gear ratios? (Unless ROIL has somehow recut the gears in your box)

I doubt even the marketing department would be brave enough to make a claim like that.

Got me buggered....

JimX, thanks budy....

Cyrice, provided you've done 800-1000k's since adding it, you'll be fine...

Some ppl, not me personally, add 50mL after an oil change to top it up... I've found its not necessary and so I don't do it or proclaim that it needs to be done... Its not that Roil's lost in the oil change, its just wears off, so ussually if after the second oil change it starts to feel a bit thin, then do a retop of say only 100mL's...

Anyways thanks everyone who's tested and reported on Roil... its been good, and I appreciate everyone who's dared to try something different... 4 more bottles and the forum gets $50...

Thanks again guys...



I think what MM2death is trying to say is that less weight on the pedal is required to keep it at 100km/h. I've done about 400km since Roil went in and this is something I have just begun to notice. There is certainly no way in hell that its reving lower tho.

Good point... I put it in my 1994 Charade (don't laugh, its the tax-deductable bitch), and 5th was a no-no unless on the highway... now it takes hills quite easily without the foot to the floor, just the same as most other people said... feel that 1.3L grunt.... lol

I would like to know how the oil additive is changing your gear ratios? (Unless ROIL has somehow recut the gears in your box)
Less friction on the engine so less power required to make it output the same speed/rpm? I dunno...

His car might be auto, ever thought of that? LOL Altho the auto doesnt have 5th...

But one thing, if he has a manual and he notices the revs are lower, then its a sure sign that probably the other things he noticed are just "coincidental" too.. No offence or anything.

Ok, I trialled Roil for Jet Pilot about 1.5 months ago. Straight away I noticed alot of differences, however I didnt post the results as I was waiting to get my car dynoed for back to back dynos to see if it showed any differences.

Start: Added about 350mL of Roil to my cars oil which had already 1000kms on it (Castrol Synthetic R 5-30W)

At that time the car was running absoultely shit house, i had a really bad tune on my car which had resulted in it running really really bad, the car would rev and not make any power at all. So consequently i didnt push it in fear of breaking something. Also at this time i noted my Oil pressure reading of 4 at cruising speed once warm, Boost reading of 11psi at 2800rpm.

Week 1: 400kms ran in. The first thing I noticed was that the car would cold start alot easier. Previously the car would start then hover around 600rpm, then almost stall until i applied some throttle where it would rev to 2000rpm and slowly settle around 1200rpm. After installing Roil, the cold start problems where gone, and the car would instantly rev to 1200rpm, then once warm operate at its normal 800-900rpm at idle. This was the first thing I noticed.

Week 2: approxiametly 700kms ran in. Since i was not pushin my car much, i was not able to comment on the lessened spoolup time everyone else had been experiencing. I noticed that I was now gettin fuel economy a lot better then ever before. Previously I would get 430-460kms MAX to a tank of 63L. Week 2 showed 508 kms to a tank, then I filled 60L into it.

Week 3: 1200Kms in. Fuel economy was even better then previous. 538Kms to a tank, then filled in 62L. WOW i was happy as. One day driving home from work, an idiot in a WRX was being an idiot trying to race everyone. Then he started pissin me off trying to get me into a race. I knew my car was not runnin very well due to my aftermarket ECU being crap house, but this guy really annoied me. So I gunned it and to my amazment, the car felt good. No where near what the car used to be like (When it had a good tune) but it seemed to rev alot cleaner then without ROIL and the bad tune. Some how Roil had helped the engine in allowin it to rev alot better then before. I wasted the WRX and was happy as, even thou the car had alot of potential left in it. I also noticed that 11psi was appearing 200rpm before it used to (hence 2600rpm not 2800 rpm). It is obviously hard to notice this whilst driving so I had a passenger confirm this with me.

Week 4-8: Car was still running so bad, so I disconnect my aftermarked ECU and plugged in stock ECU and reset it. WOW the car felt excellent, far better then it used to. Cold start was excellent still. Boost was now at 2500rpm at 11psi :P And the engine felt fast as from seat of the pants feeling.

So in conclusion, I really do believe that ROIL is an excellent product. I only trialled it in my engine, and I will continue to use it. Id like to thank JETPILOT for the FREE SAMPLE without any problems, hesitations or anything. He has truely been an excellent person to deal with and i commend him for puttin up with the bs alot of people have been spinning. So finally, I felt better boost spoolup, Alot better fuel econonmy, corrected my cold start problem, and believe it has increased the performance of my engine.


That's unreall!!! Roil was primarily designed to protect engines, rather than any outright performance gains... and this is awesome proof of that!!! I'd like to thank Enrico for giving it ago and for taking the time to document and give us a report... cheers budy....

Thank's for all your input guys, and also to you Enrico Iglesios :) for your report, but I have a Q. As tempted as I am to put in my GTR, I am a little concerned about any after effects later down the track. I remember hearing stories about oil additives that break up and leave deposits in the motor later down the track. I'm mean even simple additives like Octone booster have there after effects aswell... and then their was that big kefuffle about the Wynn's products etc etc.. I know I sound negative, but my intention is not flame the product, like I said I do want use, but have my doubts, that's all.

That's kind of the way I was thinking too but then I thought about two things:

Truckies use it to prolong engine life not get extra performance.

It wears off.

But yeah dunno about deposits after it wears off. My oil looks like it's still in the bottle now so I'm loath **** with something that works.

As tempted as I am to put in my GTR, I am a little concerned about any after effects later down the track. I remember hearing stories about oil additives that break up and leave deposits in the motor later down the track. I'm mean even simple additives like Octone booster have there after effects aswell...

Have you seen what colour the oil is after an oil change? Certainly doesnt look resemble how it went in. I figure as long as my rings etc hold up, the deposits (if any) are just going to wash around with the rest of the shit in there...

Benefits of this stuff are proving to be worth every cent... my report later in the week :)

mesh mesh, ill be changine my oil soon, maybe a week or so, so i will tell u guys how the oil looks in colour, etc compared to when it was new. obviously if there are any deposits, would the oil filter pick these up? Im sure there are alot worse things that can go wrong when u start thinkin of all the little things? Correct?

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