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So when I was younger I was diagnosed with IBS. Last 5 months I have been terribly sick and I've ended up with a few infections, worst I've even been now I'm currently seeing a specialists for more tests/scans because my GP can't work out what it is. I've had my specialist consult yesterday and what I've gone through with her she said it doesn't sound like IBS so more tests are needed to rule out other things.

Has anyone had similar problems or bad diagnoses with their gut problems?


Crohn's is regarded as chronic and most of the time unmanageable. But I told a great neighbour to try acupuncture and she's over it now. Been in remission for 6 years but still needs to abstain from gluten & alpha gliadin foods.

IBS can also be caused by Yeast sensitivity which blood tests are notorious for giving off false +ves or false -ves. Dr William Crookes Questionnaire is better IMHO

Yea, It is a very common thing but a lot of the time it's misdiagnosed because if they can't find anything wrong with you they normally just diagnose it as IBS.

There are some things that can help the conditions but most of the time is managed with diet.

Crohn's is regarded as chronic and most of the time unmanageable. But I told a great neighbour to try acupuncture and she's over it now. Been in remission for 6 years but still needs to abstain from gluten & alpha gliadin foods.

IBS can also be caused by Yeast sensitivity which blood tests are notorious for giving off false +ves or false -ves. Dr William Crookes Questionnaire is better IMHO

Hey Terry, while I'm a beliver in acupuncture for pain this is more of an internal problem and I find it hard to believe that it can cure the syptoms of Crohn's.

One of the guys I work with has Crohn's and he has to have a injection like once a month to supress the syptoms. He's doing well so far but they are expensive.

I'd never say that Acupuncture would be the silver bullet for you, but it put my Vancouver uncle's MS into remission + my Acupuncturist partner (now 94 years old) was once tricked into disobeying a client's pulses and acceded into bringing on her period (as she said they were always late). Little did Tom know till a friend of hers came in 2 months later and said he'd succeeded in procuring an abortion for her.

It might be hit or miss; but there's that old NT Tourist Commission adage that says, "You'll never never know if you never ever go!". Personally I'd try it before they cut out part of your intestines/bowel eh?

Hahahaha.. That is just weird Terry.

I've had acupuncture work done before on my back because I often have muscle spasams and tightness from trying to support my spine.

I just highly doubt it would work for something like an immune disease.

Crohn's is regarded as chronic and most of the time unmanageable. But I told a great neighbour to try acupuncture and she's over it now. Been in remission for 6 years but still needs to abstain from gluten & alpha gliadin foods.

IBS can also be caused by Yeast sensitivity which blood tests are notorious for giving off false +ves or false -ves. Dr William Crookes Questionnaire is better IMHO

I spent over a year getting my mysterious gut illness diagnosed as IBS. This included 2 x colonoscopy's (camera up the you-know-what) and heaps of blood tests, etc.

Result? They couldn't find a thing and couldn't explain why I was feeling really bad, the considerable bleeding (From the you-know-what), and the inflamed short intestine. 2 doctors were involved in this investigation.

Long story short - In desparation I went to a Naturopath and was also treated by Chinese Medicine. Was treated for yeast infection (Chinese medicine) and learnt commonsense dieting (Naturopath and Chinese medicine - eg: milk wasn't good for me, smaller portions of 'natural' food and less coffee & alcohol).

Bleeding problem is gone. Discovered the inflamed short intestine was a tight Psoas muscle. Now I know how to better manage my dietary limitations.

Now I don't trust modern medicine... The key is a good practitioner.

My sister has Chrons and my brother has ulcerative colitis. Long story short my sister spend probably 12-18 months before she was diagnosed as most doctors thought she had anorexia because of her age. (18-19) She finally saw a specialist who has treated her for the last 8-9 years, and his associates are her doctors now she is in the uk. She has been quite well in most cases, but before her diagnosis she was quite honestly on deaths door. She still has the occasional flair up of ulcers, but it is for the most part managed. She has also been operated on three times now to remove portions of her small intestine and i think bowel also. This was f**ked, no way around it. I saw her at her worst after she was operated on and sent home only to have ruptures and scream in agony. This doesn't surprise most people, but this woman is the toughest person i know, and was still working 60 hour weeks at 18 years of age while her esophagus and bowel where lined with ulcers. (before diagnosis) She was constantly bleeding, and unable to eat properly, but still f**king worked a retail managers job and dealt with dream boats all day, so to hear her scream made me want to kill someone.

Anyway, she has been very healthy and managed since her last op (2006) and the fistfulls of steroids she takes every day seem to have it under control.

My brother (ulcerative collitis) seems to have had an easier run. He has had some flair ups, but since he was diagnosed after my sister, his illness did not quite get as severe as it was suspected initially by doctors. I know his drugs seem to give him a hard time every now and again, but his health has been very consistent.

Long story short- whenever i see these names pop up, it makes me sick. I feel sorry for anyone that has to endure this type of shit, and good luck with it whether it is chrons, ulcerative collitis or ibs.

Oh and i forgot to mention that both of my siblings are very selective of their diets and also very fit. I can speak for them both that the dairy and gluten intake is low or nil (not completely certain)

But i know for a fact my brother has been much healthier since trying a low sucrose diet (I THINK) I have to double check that is what it is, but off the top of my head it is low sucrose. I will post back again when i am 100% that is what it is.

Have you checked out the GAPS diet and related information?

I just had a quick look at it. A lot of those foods I can't eat. I hate diets I can't stand the thought of not eating what my body craves.. lol all in moderation of course.

I spent over a year getting my mysterious gut illness diagnosed as IBS. This included 2 x colonoscopy's (camera up the you-know-what) and heaps of blood tests, etc.

Result? They couldn't find a thing and couldn't explain why I was feeling really bad, the considerable bleeding (From the you-know-what), and the inflamed short intestine. 2 doctors were involved in this investigation.

Long story short - In desparation I went to a Naturopath and was also treated by Chinese Medicine. Was treated for yeast infection (Chinese medicine) and learnt commonsense dieting (Naturopath and Chinese medicine - eg: milk wasn't good for me, smaller portions of 'natural' food and less coffee & alcohol).

Bleeding problem is gone. Discovered the inflamed short intestine was a tight Psoas muscle. Now I know how to better manage my dietary limitations.

Now I don't trust modern medicine... The key is a good practitioner.

I've just had some more CT scans on Friday, results get sent into my specialist today. Sounds as though we have similar problems. I'm glad you've found something that works for you, I really do know how you feel at the moment. I'm just hoping this specialist finds something they can diagnosed. Otherwise I may have to turn to something like alternatives.

My sister has Chrons and my brother has ulcerative colitis. Long story short my sister spend probably 12-18 months before she was diagnosed as most doctors thought she had anorexia because of her age. (18-19) She finally saw a specialist who has treated her for the last 8-9 years, and his associates are her doctors now she is in the uk. She has been quite well in most cases, but before her diagnosis she was quite honestly on deaths door. She still has the occasional flair up of ulcers, but it is for the most part managed. She has also been operated on three times now to remove portions of her small intestine and i think bowel also. This was f**ked, no way around it. I saw her at her worst after she was operated on and sent home only to have ruptures and scream in agony. This doesn't surprise most people, but this woman is the toughest person i know, and was still working 60 hour weeks at 18 years of age while her esophagus and bowel where lined with ulcers. (before diagnosis) She was constantly bleeding, and unable to eat properly, but still f**king worked a retail managers job and dealt with dream boats all day, so to hear her scream made me want to kill someone.

Anyway, she has been very healthy and managed since her last op (2006) and the fistfulls of steroids she takes every day seem to have it under control.

My brother (ulcerative collitis) seems to have had an easier run. He has had some flair ups, but since he was diagnosed after my sister, his illness did not quite get as severe as it was suspected initially by doctors. I know his drugs seem to give him a hard time every now and again, but his health has been very consistent.

Long story short- whenever i see these names pop up, it makes me sick. I feel sorry for anyone that has to endure this type of shit, and good luck with it whether it is chrons, ulcerative collitis or ibs.

Oh and i forgot to mention that both of my siblings are very selective of their diets and also very fit. I can speak for them both that the dairy and gluten intake is low or nil (not completely certain)

But i know for a fact my brother has been much healthier since trying a low sucrose diet (I THINK) I have to double check that is what it is, but off the top of my head it is low sucrose. I will post back again when i am 100% that is what it is.

Oh that sounds horrible, I have a GF who has Crohn's and she's currently pregnant. I can only imagine half of the stuff that she has to put up with but having a baby pushing everywhere too that would just be horrible.

When I was first diagnosed I went and saw a dietician to control symptoms so over the years I have been able to control it. But within the last five months I can hardly eat anything because it just makes me so sick.

Oh well, enough of my whining and back to work for me. :(

Oh that sounds horrible, I have a GF who has Crohn's and she's currently pregnant. I can only imagine half of the stuff that she has to put up with but having a baby pushing everywhere too that would just be horrible.

When I was first diagnosed I went and saw a dietician to control symptoms so over the years I have been able to control it. But within the last five months I can hardly eat anything because it just makes me so sick.

Oh well, enough of my whining and back to work for me. :(

Being pregnant although it sounds like torture, im sure she is probably considered lucky to carry children with such a disease. I gotta think that for most young women it is a big blow to their body image too. My sister has spent plenty of time looking borderline anorexic, and now has what would be a 20cm odd scar up her belly from the operations. Luckily in her case she is very confident and not too concerned. It just makes me think.. if that was my wife, a scar like that would have shattered her. Not to mention it most likely wont be the last.

After seeking treatment from Naturopathic and Chinese medicine, I wondered why I didn't consider it earlier.

The principles for both diciplines are really similar in approach (not the same). They are simple, and make such sense that I just shook my head in disbelief. I actually got better without even realising it - weeks later I was able to keep food down, not run to the dunny and had energy. I had forgotten about my illnesses.

The treatments (eg:Chinese medicine) are simple and include activities such as cupping, massage, acupuncture and herbal remedies (which sometimes taste like crap). That, with changing your diet (eg: try an alternative diet, or stop eating/drinking something) is as simple as it gets.

You need to find a decent practitioner. there are always people out there to rip you off too, so the practitioner needs to be good (possibly by referral). Having said that, my current local Chinese medicine doctor studied in China in traditional medicine and also a western hospital before returning to work here (she's an Aussie).

If someone is in desparate need, or at a loss - why wouldn't you try it? You are the only person that cares about you (except for possibly your parents or a partner). So invest in yourself and leave no stone unturned.

The worst case is you end up taking stuff that tastes like crap and/or you walk around with cup-marks on your back for a couple of days....

  • 1 month later...

oh, i just past by this. im not a huge internet chat guy, but so sorry to hear you have this, some ibs is worse than others and drs cannot understand it.. ive have my p/t degree and nutrition degree and studied these deseases for like 10 years.. ive got inflamed bowel deseases and its crazy.. only thing i can say is. be so strict on what you eat, excersize to keep the bodies motions and keep everything on a time frame so the body can run easier.. sorry i cannot give more, but so hate typing hey, always training , so my wrists always hurt abit after to long.. ive had like so many crashes that have takin me from like 80kgs down to 55kngs in like 3 months, and no eating for about as long.. its crzy as hell.. push the body with so much health and meds "if you take any" can effect the illness as well.. everything has a side effect.. i so advise going into some fitness routine that is 3/4 days aweek, helps with pain as well, also your red / white blood cell count, and if your white cells are up, it can cause inflamation..

i crashed 3 months ago to 56kgs.. but busting my ass, with training and martial arts, helps.. but doing it for 10 years and knowing every cheat and way around helps abit, but always learing, now learing science to try and mkae life easier :). but have any crazy questions, pm me. i know weird crap living with this and never stoping.. oh, had some bowel collapse as well, thats how nutty its got.. as yiou can see from my pic, the illness keeps me cut but i bulk and push with weights and fitness... i use to gain fat easy, but over the years body has changed and doesent like fat and cannot eat muc of it, or sauces and so on.. but hey, you can do it.. just have to learn alot and it gets easier as knowledge links up.. the3y told me i cant train or run around and i need my bowel out, sorta prooving them wrong. and hey >> ppl with these issues normaly have higher pain tolerance, so use that, its handy :)

oh magnetism helps alot, stops spasms, and glutimine..


oh crap, while its on my mind.. drs in aus dont know very much about cut issues... most of the issues came from overseas and not from aussies.. mainly euro area ..so dont go crazy if your gp cant help. ive had so many gps and after a while when you learn, most cannot answer the hard questions. thus why they sit there and refer to professionals ;) .. so you will know more than a dr about gastro over time.. i had so many wrong diagnoses they nearlly drove me crazy.. seriuosly. and know all those gps were wrong.. because they were lazy, and know they are in trouble because of it.. lol.. keep learning and you will have to work harder than other ppl.. it sux, but the mind gets to it most times. ;)

  • 1 month later...

Fellow gut(region) issue person here.

Gluten free and I'm a ok one small portion and booya...sucks. But no one can fix it so if I stick to strict diet I'm fine.

I guess for that reason I'm very very lucky.

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