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Not really

Government is just incorporating the Low Income Tax offset into the tax brackets. So works out to be about the same

you might want to look up what he is talking about. as of next year the tax free threshold will be 18k, plus a low income tax offest ontop of that. this is to make up for the carbon tax.

anywho, fuel prices haven't jumped too much up here. i went past a woolies servo in noosa at lunch that was $1.549, but went past others on my way home that were under $1.50. i filled up for $1.457 but i passed a servo when i got closer to home that was $1.449. will fill up the missus car there tomorrow if they haven't put the price up. it isn't uncommon for there to be a 5 to 8 cent a litre difference between noosa and gympie. the funny thing is that it varies as to which is cheaper. when i first started my job in feb, gympie was cheaper by a fair bit. then it was a bit more, then a lot more and now it's back to being cheaper.

the price only really affects me because in a normal week i do 500kms just to and from work, but over the next few weeks i'll be working 6 days a week, so that will go up to 750kms. this week i did 5 days. did nearly 700kms between fill ups (filled up last week at noosa, filled up today in gympie). cost me $88 (i get under 9L/100kms, which isn't that bad for a dirty old vt wagon with 220,000kms on the clock).

all that aside, i am more concerned about how much some people pay for bottled water and then complain about the price of fuel, LOL

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petrol is getting more expensive. correct


how the f**k can people complain about paying $1.60 a litre for petrol, when..


get over whinging about the price of fuel, and open you eyes and see EVERYTHING is expensive.

...f**kin amatures

edit- dint read marc's post..

Edited by adamskill

hyundai excel daily FTW!

500km from $50!

I get 480km for $75 in my s15

And I only do 250kms a fortnight so a cheap daily really wouldn't save me anything

And as most of you know I dont drive like a granny

Edited by stig mick

yes, fuel prices going up is sh!t.

Why they go up and why prices are at levels they are now compared to crude oil price and oil company profits is what pisses me off more.

Its all relative though, if you earn $500 a week and only get 300kms out of your skyline, Id be stressed too (not implying anything)

Earn $2000 a week plus get a fuel card....get my point?

I have 4 cars,

2x cheap daily cars. Both get approx 500-600kms per tank and cost $50 to fill each. Easy

The Xr8 is only used for long weekend trips, big shopping, towing or just something comfortable to drive every once in a while. Cost: $90 for 400kms

The skyline? At the moment i have only put one tank in it for the last 12 months :)

On average it does about a tank every 200kms.

Woah I have a lot to reply to ><

good. hopefully people will realise if they cant afford to run/maintain/insure a sports car they wont waste theyre money buying one in the first place.

and really, petrol isnt that expensive. US petrol prices are only around 20c cheaper and they produce a lot more oil than us. and most of europe's prices are around 50% higher than ours

It isn't as expensive as it could be, but it's still not desirable for consumers who use a good deal of it.

And not everyone get's a 'sports car' for wank factor, some of us adore our cars and dedicate a large chunk of our lives to it. On top of paying my own bills, repair costs, new parts, my gf, my loan from my family and all the other b/s, the $80 slap I got today just isn't the way to top my week.

I realize it's probably sounding pathetic though.. but oh well.

To be honest, i stopped paying attention for a long time now as we cant do anything about it and stress will kill you very fast if you let too many things crowd your mind.

I do remember the days of my p's where 98oct was under a dollar; then again, I was driving alot more (cruises, picking up chicks etc) Today, I barely do 30kms in my gtr a week so it aint too bad and i use a getz as my run around which is nice.

I went through a period like this, I just filled up and never payed attention to the bowser. I still don't want a receipt, I just give the man my card and look away haha.

I'll be in a similar situation to you, too... I'll be working in the city in a month so no commuting in my cars :) Gonna save so much on fuel.

I usually fill up at the cheaper price as soon as I am at half tank - then it doesnt seem to hurt as much - I also try to fill up in the morning and get a coffee at the same time, this also makes me feel better :laugh:

Yah that's what I usually try do, but more often than not i have to stretch my petrol out for long periods, then switch cars because i've run out of fuel in the other haha.

Smart about the coffee... if I didn't already have a favorite barista i'd totally do that haha.

I fill up once every 4-6weeks depending on cruises etc.

Best option is to keep the performance/sports car for the weekends. Not only will you save cash but you'll appreciate driving it more :)


Been driving the excel around weekdays, skyline weekends. And I've switched short trips to the excel. Saved a bit of cash :)

i ride a bike, now i use 4x less the amount of fuel the more people who ride motorbikes the better, but not everyone has that choice cause there not that practical, when it comes to passengers bla bla

I'm so jealous... I'm afraid I'd be kicked out of the house if i came home with a bike.... still not to say I won't save for one when I get the new job.

What sort of fuel economy comes with a bike?

hyundai excel daily FTW!

500km from $50!

Sexcels represent!!!

Wish I was getting your milage.. i'm hitting 400. Might have to tune the old girl up... i gave her a good beating before i got my skyline :(

you might want to look up what he is talking about. as of next year the tax free threshold will be 18k, plus a low income tax offest ontop of that. this is to make up for the carbon tax.

anywho, fuel prices haven't jumped too much up here. i went past a woolies servo in noosa at lunch that was $1.549, but went past others on my way home that were under $1.50. i filled up for $1.457 but i passed a servo when i got closer to home that was $1.449. will fill up the missus car there tomorrow if they haven't put the price up. it isn't uncommon for there to be a 5 to 8 cent a litre difference between noosa and gympie. the funny thing is that it varies as to which is cheaper. when i first started my job in feb, gympie was cheaper by a fair bit. then it was a bit more, then a lot more and now it's back to being cheaper.

the price only really affects me because in a normal week i do 500kms just to and from work, but over the next few weeks i'll be working 6 days a week, so that will go up to 750kms. this week i did 5 days. did nearly 700kms between fill ups (filled up last week at noosa, filled up today in gympie). cost me $88 (i get under 9L/100kms, which isn't that bad for a dirty old vt wagon with 220,000kms on the clock).

all that aside, i am more concerned about how much some people pay for bottled water and then complain about the price of fuel, LOL

LOL Ohh i totally agree with the water thing.

I was at Dans today, saw that water was $2.98 for a litre bottle... same bottle is worth around 73c at woolies hahaha

but even 73c is a rip off for a litre... so I've been mooching off the work never fail, and the tap (Y) Back to the 90s for me.

petrol is getting more expensive. correct


how the f**k can people complain about paying $1.60 a litre for petrol, when..


get over whinging about the price of fuel, and open you eyes and see EVERYTHING is expensive.

...f**kin amatures

edit- dint read marc's post..

was going to argue this point.. but you're kinda right.

You can still get some cheap stuff out there though... some cheap, good quality stuff. ;]

I get 480km for $75 in my s15

And I only do 250kms a fortnight so a cheap daily really wouldn't save me anything

And as most of you know I dont drive like a granny

haha my gtst used to get 250ish / tank... That car was a money pit just in fuel. But that 250km would span out over roughly the same as your S15 because I only drove her at midnight around back streets, away from places cops liked to hide (p-plater in a turbo etc).

Found my way around backstreets heaps quick after driving that car.

We living in a country that was formed from criminals and every one is complaining when they fell ripped off ??

Oh ffs worst argument in the book.

Go back to a year 3 class where people actually care. Australia is hardly the place it was when the convicts were here.

yes, fuel prices going up is sh!t.

Why they go up and why prices are at levels they are now compared to crude oil price and oil company profits is what pisses me off more.

Its all relative though, if you earn $500 a week and only get 300kms out of your skyline, Id be stressed too (not implying anything)

Earn $2000 a week plus get a fuel card....get my point?

I have 4 cars,

2x cheap daily cars. Both get approx 500-600kms per tank and cost $50 to fill each. Easy

The Xr8 is only used for long weekend trips, big shopping, towing or just something comfortable to drive every once in a while. Cost: $90 for 400kms

The skyline? At the moment i have only put one tank in it for the last 12 months :)

On average it does about a tank every 200kms.

Yeah my theories been similar recently.. f**king off my current job for a higher paying one that won't require the use of my car so I can have that money there for saving for a house, as well as be able to drive my car to cruises and not feel bad about the petrol consumption.

you might want to look up what he is talking about. as of next year the tax free threshold will be 18k, plus a low income tax offest ontop of that. this is to make up for the carbon tax.

anywho, fuel prices haven't jumped too much up here. i went past a woolies servo in noosa at lunch that was $1.549, but went past others on my way home that were under $1.50. i filled up for $1.457 but i passed a servo when i got closer to home that was $1.449. will fill up the missus car there tomorrow if they haven't put the price up. it isn't uncommon for there to be a 5 to 8 cent a litre difference between noosa and gympie. the funny thing is that it varies as to which is cheaper. when i first started my job in feb, gympie was cheaper by a fair bit. then it was a bit more, then a lot more and now it's back to being cheaper.

the price only really affects me because in a normal week i do 500kms just to and from work, but over the next few weeks i'll be working 6 days a week, so that will go up to 750kms. this week i did 5 days. did nearly 700kms between fill ups (filled up last week at noosa, filled up today in gympie). cost me $88 (i get under 9L/100kms, which isn't that bad for a dirty old vt wagon with 220,000kms on the clock).

all that aside, i am more concerned about how much some people pay for bottled water and then complain about the price of fuel, LOL

I am drunk and at this time of he night. But Im stil pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. Can post in the morning but I said approximately.

Sit down and say work out the tax on 80k in the 2011 and 2012 tax year and tell me what the tax payable is.

Its getting late but can clarify when my head is clearer in the morning. But yes there are benefits on the really low income brackets but not so much when you make a bit. So to say the tax free bracket jumps from 6K to 18K is misleading when the LITO drops from $1500 to $445.

If you are on 80K you are paying basically paying the same amount of tax from the 2011 - 2013 F/Y at approx $17,550

The effective tax free threshold for 2012 is really $16,000 going up to $20,542 in 2013 and $20,979 in 2014. But the tax rates have increased moving forward to make up for the increase in tax free threshold.


What shits me is that, Australia, a land of innovation, and with rich amounts of coal and gas, are not investing in the Fischer-Tropsch process and the Bergius process, if you can make liquid fuels from biogas, seriously, why the f**k not?

Oh yeah, because the oil companies really don't want you to.

I'm so jealous... I'm afraid I'd be kicked out of the house if i came home with a bike.... still not to say I won't save for one when I get the new job.

What sort of fuel economy comes with a bike?

I get about 220 from a tank and it costs about $20 to fill from there.

But then I get about 4000ks out of a rear tyre and 8000 from a front and that's about $550 worth there.

Bikes are not cheap unless we're talking a scooter or something.

who here eats bread?

just about every loaf of f**kin bread in coles is around the $4 mark. $4!!!!!

when i first moved out of home i could get a lirte of milk and a loaf of bread for $2

i just got back from a few years in the uk and europe.

premium unleaded in the uk is around £1.60, about $2.48aus a litre (even more in london). it hurts like hell filling up, but belive me it is not the end of the world AT ALL!

haha my gtst used to get 250ish / tank... That car was a money pit just in fuel. But that 250km would span out over roughly the same as your S15 because I only drove her at midnight around back streets, away from places cops liked to hide (p-plater in a turbo etc).

Found my way around backstreets heaps quick after driving that car.

In saying that I used to only get 350kms a tank in my r33 and r32 and the modified s14 I had And 300kms a tank in my heavily modified S13

So I'm keeping this s15 basically stock saves on petrol and on insurance

Its getting late but can clarify when my head is clearer in the morning. But yes there are benefits on the really low income brackets but not so much when you make a bit. So to say the tax free bracket jumps from 6K to 18K is misleading when the LITO drops from $1500 to $445.

If you are on 80K you are paying basically paying the same amount of tax from the 2011 - 2013 F/Y at approx $17,550

The effective tax free threshold for 2012 is really $16,000 going up to $20,542 in 2013 and $20,979 in 2014. But the tax rates have increased moving forward to make up for the increase in tax free threshold.



At least there are some see through the wool over their eyes.

Poor get the benefits once again where reasonable income earners get raped to pay for it.

who here eats bread?

just about every loaf of f**kin bread in coles is around the $4 mark. $4!!!!!

when i first moved out of home i could get a lirte of milk and a loaf of bread for $2

i just got back from a few years in the uk and europe.

premium unleaded in the uk is around £1.60, about $2.48aus a litre (even more in london). it hurts like hell filling up, but belive me it is not the end of the world AT ALL!

Coles do $1 loafs now ;)

I shop at Aldi anyway (fruit and meat excluded), if you shop at Coles or Woolies you are fvcking crazy!

4c off your fuel shopping at Coles or 50% off your shopping bill at Aldi? No brainer.

Coles do $1 loafs now

so do woolworths

They taste the same as a $4 if your talking about white bread

Same with their milk screw paying $5 for a 2l milk

4c off your fuel shopping at Coles or 50% off your shopping bill at Aldi? No brainer

And the 4c off fuel is useless cause you can't use it at bp

Edited by stig mick

yes, fuel prices going up is sh!t.

Why they go up and why prices are at levels they are now compared to crude oil price and oil company profits is what pisses me off more.

Its all relative though, if you earn $500 a week and only get 300kms out of your skyline, Id be stressed too (not implying anything)

Earn $2000 a week plus get a fuel card....get my point?

I have 4 cars,

2x cheap daily cars. Both get approx 500-600kms per tank and cost $50 to fill each. Easy

The Xr8 is only used for long weekend trips, big shopping, towing or just something comfortable to drive every once in a while. Cost: $90 for 400kms

The skyline? At the moment i have only put one tank in it for the last 12 months :)

On average it does about a tank every 200kms.

people need to remember that they are a business, not a charity. they could charge a lot more than they are. a lot of people ignore a lot of things when comparing the price of crude oil to what it was many years ago. they think that if a barrel of crude costs the same today as it did back in 2000 then a litre of fuel should as well. they ignore the fact that all other aspects of fuel production (wages, transport costs, other ingredients) have all risen, plus inflation, so fuel will as well. fuel will never be as cheap as it was unless some massive oil field is discovered (highly unlikely).

we have it pretty lucky here. the australian government takes a smaller cut (through tax) than a lot of countries. do a bit of research of fuel prices in europe and you will see that a lot of countries are paying double what we are here. i have a wheels magazine from back in the late 90's where they took a commodore through europe and said that fuel was something like $2 a litre. that was back when fuel here was well under $1 a litre.


At least there are some see through the wool over their eyes.

Poor get the benefits once again where reasonable income earners get raped to pay for it.

if i was earning 80k a year i'd be extremely happy. the missus and my combined income is only a bit over half that and we can survive, even with paying $100 a week in fuel and servicing a loan (left over from the business) that costs about $1600 a month, and then all other living expenses on top of that. people who are actually pretty well off like to complain about how hard done by they are.

*waits for the usual "well you should've gone to uni" retort that people who went to uni use, neglecting the fact that if everyone went to uni then there wouldn't be anyone to build or fix the cars they drive, or the houses they live in, etc

if i was earning 80k a year i'd be extremely happy. the missus and my combined income is only a bit over half that and we can survive, even with paying $100 a week in fuel and servicing a loan (left over from the business) that costs about $1600 a month, and then all other living expenses on top of that. people who are actually pretty well off like to complain about how hard done by they are.

*waits for the usual "well you should've gone to uni" retort that people who went to uni use, neglecting the fact that if everyone went to uni then there wouldn't be anyone to build or fix the cars they drive, or the houses they live in, etc

At the end of the day we do our best with what is in front of us.

And by the sounds of it the tax break will be beneficial for you, just hope that the increased living consumable expenses from the carbon tax does not more than offset it.

I have a fiesta diesel and a 260rs, the fiesta cost $40 to fill and gets 800-1000kms to a tank, the 260 gets 400kms to $100 i drive the fiesta to work most days,

I take home $1850 a week but still conplain about fuel prices

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