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My R33 has a cold ?

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ok may be a dumb n00b query but here goes...

when i take my car (95 NA R33) to the redline in 1st gear it starts 'coughing' until i change into 2nd and then at the redline in 2nd till i hit 3rd..

its sort of like a misfire but without the sudden lurching juddering loss of power.

would there be a limiter on the car? or could it be a fuel issue? or could i just be a really crap driver :)

the car is standard apart from an aftermarket exhaust.

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speed limiter is at 180km/hr

rev limiter is at like 7250 or somethin (havent driven my car in 6 months - doh!)

well mine can't have one then as i have been over 180 (off the speedo) in my car a few times through Graham Farmer and near Rockingham etc

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your speedo is getting less accurate as you go faster. Considering 10% accuracy allowance as per ADR rule, a ground speed of 180km/h where your speed limiter kicks in may be shown as 180km/h plus or minus 18km/h... so can be somewhere from 162km/h to 198km/h on your speedo (+/-2cm past ur 180 mark). Speedo also get less accurate as car is older, sometimes by as much as 10k at only 60km/h!

ask a copper to double check your ground speed with his radar, then you'll probably find out for sure :D

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not all speed limiters limit you to 180klms, in a WRX it's 205 for an auto 210klms for a manual.

So it wouldn't suprise me if you could get up to 220-230klms before it limits the speed, you'll crap your self when it happens the first time.

As it feels like your've just totally f**ked your engine, real bad.

That's also saying you still have the speed limiter or it's turned on.

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Hey asylum,

It does sound like the rev limiter, mine makes the cold sounding noise (even tho my friend thinks its a sweet noise) when it hits redline. :)

But if you are not sure.. take it to your mechanic and ask him.. I'm sure if he is a good/nice mechanic he wont charge you for this. :rofl: Or alternatively try to drag a car knowledgable friend next time and ask him when it happens again.

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Hey asylum,

It does sound like the rev limiter, mine makes the cold sounding noise (even tho my friend thinks its a sweet noise) when it hits redline. :)

But if you are not sure.. take it to your mechanic and ask him.. I'm sure if he is a good/nice mechanic he wont charge you for this. :D  Or alternatively try to drag a car knowledgable friend next time and ask him when it happens again.

yeh i like the sound too but i don't wanna kill my engine hehe

cheers guys :rofl:

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