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I thought id make a thread about how nissan was started and its founders.

I just hope that my pc doesnt freeze after typing all of this.

In the year of 1911 a young man by the name of Masujiro Hashimoto, an american trained engineer had founded the Kwaishinsha Jidosha Kojo company. He started this company in Tokyo's Azaboo-Hiroo district.


Masujiro Hashimoto

After three years their first proper car appeared, the type 31. It featured a 2000cc four cylinder engine and it could carry up to 5 people. Hashimoto had 3 business partners to help fund and produce his car. Kenjiro Den had initially helped Hashimoto to start the company. Rokuro Aoyama was a childhood friend and Meitaro Takeuchi, a cousin of the former Prime Minister, Yoshida.


Hashimoto and his fellow workers stand by there first car, the Type 31

He used the three letters from their surnames to give the car its name. DAT


The name DAT also was transcribed in Japanese as "Datto", which translated as "a hare in flight" or "running hare". This DAT began production in 1916. The production model was know as a Type 41. It was a 5 seat sedan that was powered by a 15HP, 2300cc 4 cylinder engine. Almost every thing that made these cars were made in Japan except for the wheels, tyres and the magnetos.

All of these cars were hand made and were considered a luxury in Japan. Although there was little demand for these cars due to the very poor nature of Japans roads and public transport was perfectly adequate.

It wasnt long before the Kwaishinsha company was facing great financial problems and were bought out by their own sales agency in 1917. Production of the Type 41 continued under the new company name of the Dat Motor Vehicle Co.

In 1918 the Japanese army realised the importance of road transport from its experiences in the First World War and offered subsidies to companies prepared to produce trucks for military use. Seizing the opportunity, the DAT Company converted its DAT model and improved its engine for military use.


Work was begun to build a plant on reclaimed land to mass-produce automobiles in Yokohama in 1920.

In 1923 a new model arrived. The Type 51, a slightly larger open topped tourer which was available in a couple of different body styles.

Production was interrupted by the earthquake of that year. It was a massive earthquake and not only killed thousands of people but severely damaged japan's infastructure. After the disaster the demand for vehicles increased dramatically due to the almost total destruction japans rail networks, which japan had depended on. At this time DAT motors was the greatest producer of trucks in Japan.

In 1925 The Kwaishinsha Company merged with the Jitsuyo Jidosha company to form the DAT Jidosha Seizo Company.


William R. Gorham, photographed around 1918, greatly contributed to the construction of Nissan's Yokohama Plant.

3.gif PresidePresident Aikawa, photographed in 1919, was born in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 1880 and died in 1967 at the age of 86.


The Osaka Plant of Dat Jidosha Seizo Co. is shown around 1930.

Jitsuyo Jidosha had started in 1919 and manufactured three wheeled vehicles designed by William Gorham. The new company based in Osaka continued to produce the Type 41 and a Jitsuyo Jidosha model, the Lila. The company name was changed again to the DAT Automobile Manufacturing Company. DAT finally won a subsidy from the government for its truck production in 1929 and in 1930.

A new model, the Type 91 was introduced.


In 1931 the company was absorbed into the "Tobata Imono Company", a large industrial business. They were now a division of Tobata Imono. Two years later they seperated from the parent company and established as an independant company Jidosha Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha ("Automobile Manufacturing Company Limited")


Tobata Casting Company's headquarters and factory in Tobata City, Kyushu, are shown in July 1910.

The funding of the new firm came from a holding company managed by Yoshisuke Ayukawa (the owner of Tobata Imono Co.)

Tobata Imono’s president, Yoshisuke Ayukawa wanted to mass-produce cars to compete with American imported cars. Takashi Doto became chief designer in place of Hashimoto and Ayukawa's dream became reality when Doto produced a new small car, the Type 10.


Datson 10 advertisement from 1931

The car was named Datson, which ment "Son Of DAT" The name was changed to Datsun because "son" sounded like the Japanese word for "ruin" or "loss". Production of the new Datsun began in 1932 with three body styles, roadster, tourer and sedan.

This model was equipped with a 495cc engine that produced 10hp, giving them a top speed of 35mph! (56km/h). The first Datsun had arrived!


Masujiro Hashimoto was photographed while studying in Auburn, New York, around 1903. If you look closely you can see him standing infront of the building.

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On the 1st of June 1934 the company changed its name again, but this time it would be permanent. The company had joined up with Nihon Sangyo, another car manufacturer. This was when the Nissan Motor Co. was founded. The name Nissan was taken from the first parts of the name Nihon Sangyo. Their new logo was made from a red circle symblising The Rising Sun and Sucess and a blue background symbolising the sky and sincerity. Yoshuki Aikawa was to be the first President of Nissan.

Juring the early 30s there were anual changes made to the datsun. Most of them were cosmetic. Technically they still used the same drive axles, side valve 4 cylinder engines, and beam front axles.

The first car to be badged as a nissan was the Type 70 of 1936. Nissan had a deal with Graham-Paige Motor Company from and had purchased the plans and tools to produce one of their old cars from 1935. The Type 70 was available in a Luxury 6 cylinder sedan or an open topped tourer.


production line 1936

Nissan's Yokohama plant production reached 10,000 cars in 1937. Porduction had increased ten-fold withing 3 years. By the end of the 30s Nissan had employed 3,785 people, a figure which had doubled from the previous year.

dat-5.jpg L engine

Type: 4-cylinder, overhead valves

Displacement: 722 cc Maximum power: 15 ps

Between 1937 and 1941, the war between Japan and China had led the Japanese Government to buy as many as 40,000 vehicles a year from Nissan.

As the second world war was approaching the production of passenger cars was slowed and almost stopped altogether when the Japanese government started to give subsidies to companies producing vehiclese for military use. Eventually the Japanese Government banned the production of passenger vehicles during the war.

4.gif The first Datsun, with an engine displacement of 722 cc, rolled off the line at the Yokohama Plant on April 12, 1935.

Nissan produced both light and heavy trucks for the war. They also constructed a new factory at Yoshiwara for the manufacture of aircraft engines. During WWII Nissan's heavy truck manufacture concentrated on the model 80 and later on in 1941 the 180. Both models were very well build and very rugged except they were a little underpowered for their size.

After the was Nissan also produced busses based on the model 180 truck that could run on charcoal, to use in Japan while fuel was in short supply.

1941_model180.jpg The model 180 truck of 1941 was designed and built in only six months. The Model 180 was more suited to heavy military work than the previous model and was simple to repair. On the day of it's launch, Thailand ordered one hundred of them.

1945_charcoalbus.jpg it's based on the model 80 truck it's possibly a 90. The date is not certain either as i only know these were produced just after the war. This type of bus was produced earlier but the type shown here was built imediately post war when fuel was in short supply and runs on charcoal.


The airplane engine Ha-47 was put into full-fledged production on October 26, 1943.

The war had a devastating effect on Japan and their motor manufacturers. Even though Nissan's Yokohama plant had escaped destruction during the air raids it wasnt until 1948 that passenger car production resumed. For nearly ten years after the war over half of the Yokohama Plant was in use by occupying forces, preventing mass production there.

1950_assemblyline.jpg DB models in Production during the early 50s

"After the was Nissan also produced busses based on the model 180 truck that could run on charcoal, to use in Japan while fuel was in short supply"

I've discussed this topic with some elderly japanese gentlemen. They are fascinating vehicles. Though they recall having to get out and push with the rest of the passengers everytime they reached the 'big hill' in the area.

Nissan brought out new models during this period but most of them were very dated and there werent any real technological advances with the exception of the new 4WD Nissan Patrol. The Japanese army had requested an off road vehicle and nissan released a research program to develop such a vehicle.

The result was the Patrol, a 4WD off road vehicle. Very similar to the Americans Willys Jeep used by the united states Army during the war.


Nissan Patrol 1951

In 1951 the Bank of Japan gave Nissan financial assistance to aid their post war recovery which gave them the capital to get the the Patrol into production as well as improve working conditions and update some parts in the plant.

The patrol was a huge success and was even used by the Japanese Minestry of security and by numerous fire brigades.

Nissans first proper sports car, the Datsun DC-3, was launched in 1952. The DC-3 looked like something from the thirties rather than the fifties as did the similar looking 5147 pickup truck which was available at the same time.


Datsun DC-3

It had a 860cc 20hp 4cyl leaf springs all round and a 3 speed non-synchro gearbox. It could seat four adults (Japanese adults) and had a top speed of 70 kph.

In the early 50s there was unrest at the factory. Workers took part in a 100 day strike in 1953 that almost brought the whole company down. Fortunately a resolution was achieved, such that the relations between management and workers has remained pretty harmonious ever since. The strike gave birth to the All Nissan Motor Workers Union and a philosophy of mutual trust between both management and workers

Around this time Nissan took an important step that was to be a big help in their post war recovery.

They signed a deal with Austin of England to produce the Austin A40 Somerset under licence in Japan using CKD kits shipped from England. These were sold alongside Nissans other post war models, most of which were still mechanically somewhat pre-war. The Austin A40 was followed by the A50 Cambridge in 1955. By the end of the A50's production it was being built almost entirely from Japanese made parts. This gave Nissan valuable time and experience with which to design their own new car, the Datsun 110 or Convar as it was named. This was entirely Nissan's own design and led to the similar looking 210 models that were to form the basis of Nissan's export drive from 1958 onwards.


President Asahara and his staff are shown celebrating the first Austin that rolled off the line on April 6, 1953.


One of the A40s that nissan built (known as the "Somerset" in England). This deal with Austin went a long way to helping Nissan back on their feet after the war. It is to all intents and purposes the same as a British A40, although no doubt the build quality is far superior

"After the was Nissan also produced busses based on the model 180 truck that could run on charcoal, to use in Japan while fuel was in short supply"

I've discussed this topic with some elderly japanese gentlemen.  They are fascinating vehicles.  Though they recall having to get out and push with the rest of the passengers everytime they reached the 'big hill' in the area.

yes its amazing. I wish i could go back in time and watch these things unfold. Walk into their factorys and see the Early Nissan and Datsuns being built. Its a pitty there is no video footage of this stuff.

They have worked so hard to get where they are now.

"After the was Nissan also produced busses based on the model 180 truck that could run on charcoal, to use in Japan while fuel was in short supply"

I've discussed this topic with some elderly japanese gentlemen.  They are fascinating vehicles.  Though they recall having to get out and push with the rest of the passengers everytime they reached the 'big hill' in the area.

Ah - some interesting chemistry here girls and boys.

The cars actually ran on "water gas" which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen formed when water (or steam) is contacted with hot carbon (charcoal or coke).

H20 + C = CO + H2

Both carbon monoxide and hydrogen are combustible and have a high energy value. Petrol engines also run quite happily on water gas with only slight modifications.

The main down side is safely collecting and storing this highly poisonous gas. It was quite common for the large rubberised fabric bags to leak, hence they were generally mounted on the roof of the cars and busses.

Nissan provided capital along with Minsei Diesel Engineering in 1955 to form the Nissan-Minsei Diesel Sales Company to encourage growth of their diesel truck market. Nissans large model 380 truck had previously been built as a Minsei TS22 in the early fifties but was fitted with Minsei own diesel engine in place of the Mitsubishi unit that Nissan used at the time.

Between 1955 and 1957 the Japanese economy went through a boom period, spurred on by the lifting of American restrictions imposed after the war. This allowed for rapid industrial expansion and opened the way for the beginning of worldwide exports. Katsuji Kawamata became the new President of Nissan in 1957 replacing Genshichi Asahara

An event that truly brought the Datsun name to the for-front was the 1958 Mobilgas Round Australia Trial. This event covered some 10,000 miles mostly on unmade dirt roads through some pretty harsh terrain. Yutaka Katayama heard of the event and suggested to the Nissan executive that they enter it as it could help to prove the Datsuns reliability and durability. It was agreed and two Datsun

210's along with Katayama and four drivers went off to Australia. The result couldn't have been better, as Datsun won the under 1000cc class despite colliding with a wallaby! This was Nissan's first international sporting success and was to be the first of many.

1958_mobilgas_210s.jpg The victorious 1958 Mobilgas trail 210.

By 1959 Takashi Ishihara was the new President and the first exports had made their way to the all important American market. The 210, although a little small by American standards was a ruggedly built little car and it did find a few buyers.


Datsun 210

The most significant new car came the following year, the Datsun 310 Bluebird. It was launched in July 1959 at the Prince of Takanawa Hotel in Tokyo in front of two thousand representatives from all over the world. It was a success right from the start, in fact Nissan couldn't keep up with the demand in the first few months. The 310 was a much better car, especially for the US market as it not only had a more powerful engine but it had a bigger body and the styling was much more in keeping with small European cars of the day. The 310 found it's way to some European countries too including Norway and Greece. Alongside the 310 was the 320, a small utility vehicle. There had been small trucks before with the 220 models but the 320 provided a really useful and rugged small truck, one which sold well in America, where small pickup trucks at that time were not common.

Bluebird 1200 Deluxe (Model DP310)

Price: 769,000yen

Reference: The starting salary of a government employee was 10,200yen.

Overall length: 3,860 mm

Overall width: 1,496 mm

Overall height: 1,480 mm

Seating capacity: 4

Top speed: 115 km/h

The 310 was replaced by the Pininfarina styled 410 in 1963 and quickly became the biggest selling car in Japan. Nissan sold 50,000 in the first six months in Japan alone.

1959_yokohama_factory.jpg Nissan's Yokohama factory in 1959.

1962_31_prod.jpg G31 Cedrics on the production line in around 1962

Nissan also began its first overseas manufacturing in 1959 with the assembly of Datsuns in Taiwan by the Yulon Motor Company. These Datsuns were actually badged as Yulons (or Yue Loong) and sold with new model numbers. In 1960 Nissan Motor Company in USA was formed to market and distribute cars there and then in 1961 Nissan Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. was created to manufacture Datsuns in Mexico. In 1964 the Canadian Nissan distributor was set up and in 1966 the same in Australia.Later a similar production facility to Mexico was established in Peru.


1960 Logo

Nissan launched its new luxury car in the 1960, the Nissan Cedric. The Cedric was an unusual combination of luxury with economy and at first features a rather small 1500cc engine, later enlarged to 1900cc. The Cedric was exported in very small numbers to America (approximately 19 G31 models were sold) and a few other countries but it was in Japan where it excelled.

Its name was chosen by Nissan's President, Katsuji Kawamata. It comes from the character in the book "Little son of rajab Fauntleroy" and was chosen due to it's association with the United Kingdom in respect for their assistance in producing Austin cars, thus allowing Nissan to develop the technical skills to produce their own cars.

Nissan was rewarded for it's efforts by receiving the annual Demming Prize for engineering excellence in 1960. They were the first Japanese company to have done so. Nissan was prepared for its impending expansion with exports climbing ever higher.

13.gif President Kawamata is shown together with Mr. and Mrs. Deming at the party of the Deming Award, the first for the Japanese automotive industry, on May 4, 1960.

In 1962 they built a new state-of-the-art production line at Oppama and launched the SP310 Datsun Fairlady roadster, a well equipped, sporty convertible which was very successful in America. The SP310 replaced the previous SP211 Fairlady models which had not been a tremendous success due to their relatively small engines. In 1965 another high tech plant was opened at Zama which specialized in truck production. This plant was highly automated and for the first time parts were computerised for the purpose of gathering quality control information. The year also saw the launch of Nissans most luxurious car ever, the V8 powered Nissan President.

1965_h150.jpg - The Cedric Special (model 50) had been a luxury car but the President had one new advantage ...a silky smooth 4000cc V8 engine. The President was loaded with gadgets and extras and was very well appointed inside. For the economy minded the President could also be bought with a 3000cc straight six engine.

Yutaka Katayama became Nissan USA's new President in 1965 and remained so for the next ten years. Katayama was instrumental in the success of Nissan USA in the early days with his blend of excellent business sense and hard work.

  • 3 weeks later...


The Nissan Cedric 1500 made its debut in April 1960.

16.gif The Datsun Sunny 1000 made its debut in April 1966.

In the mid-60's the Japanese Government suggested a number of mergers of Japanese companies to create larger companies that would be better equiped to handle any hostile takeover attempts by foreign companies.

1966 was a landmark year for Nissan.

Nissan and Prince took the government's advice, and in 1966 they merged. (At the same time Toyota merged with Hino and Daihatsu.)


Nissan merged with Prince Motor Co., Ltd. in August 1966.

Most of the Prince models were kept in production, but from 1967 on they were sold as Nissans or Datsuns. The Prince division still operates independently inside Nissan and is responsible for the Skyline range, including the GT-R.

Some Info On Prince

Although few people may be aware of it, Japan's modern-day rocket and automobile industries have their roots in the ingenuity of the engineers who developed radial engines for the Zero fighter in the late 1930s.

Particularly notable among the engineers with links from the Zero to today's state-of-the-art technology are Ryoichi Nakagawa, chief of the team of Nakajima Aircraft Co. engineers that developed the Zero's Sakae-21 engine, and Yasuakira Toda, a physicist from Hokkaido University.

Zero = The Zero outperformed all U.S. fighters at Pearl Harbor and throughout the Pacific until October 1943, when the U.S. pitted the Grumman F-6F Hellcat against the Zero in the skies over Wake Island, according to historian and former Chiba University professor Ikuhiko Hata.

The 1942 edition of Jane's All the World's Aircraft notes the Zero provided a maximum speed of 550 kph. The Hellcat outran it at 594 kph. After the battle for Wake, the Zero lost its two-year mastery of the Pacific skies to the Hellcat.

I think these were the fighters that starred in Pearl Harbour.

During the war, Itokawa designed the Hayabusa (Peregrine Falcon) and Shoki (Japanese Defense God) fighters.

Toda, who joined Nakajima Aircraft in 1937, later helped another scientist, Hideo Itokawa, another Nakajima engineer. Itokawa was known as "the father of Japan's space development program," which began with the launch of 29 Pencil rockets in 1955.

"Dr. Toda had improved the Zero fighter's engine by working with Mr. Nakagawa," said Yuji Sakakibara, one of only a few Nakajima engineers still alive.

"Mr. Nakagawa designed the Zero fighter's engine based on Dr. Toda's proposals concerning how to improve the cooling mechanism," Sakakibara said.

Toda, who joined the postwar Nissan Motor Co. along with Nakagawa, is the same physicist who led the team of engineers at Nissan's aerospace division.

Toda, who joined the postwar Nissan Motor Co. along with Nakagawa, is the same physicist who led the team of engineers at Nissan's aerospace division.

Okamoto, who worked with Nakagawa's engineering team at Nakajima Aircraft during the war, joined Fuji Precision Machine Co., the predecessor of Prince Motor Co., to develop 33 engine models for use in sedans, including the Nissan Skyline and Gloria.

In 1945, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, supreme commander of the Allied Powers, barred Japanese from aircraft manufacturing and disbanded 12 aircraft fuselage makers and seven engine makers.

That year, the Japanese government renamed the 250,000-employee Nakajima as Fuji Sangyo Co. It was split up into 15 companies, including Fuji Precision, where Nakagawa led a team of former aero engineers to produce goods from spoons to fishing boat engines.

In 1952, Prince Motor took the wraps off the 1.9-liter Prince sedan, while debuting the first in a series of sporty Skyline models in 1956. Prince merged with Nissan in 1966.

Shinichiro Sakurai, who developed various automobile components for the Skyline series under the tutorage of Nakagawa, said: "I found aircraft engineers' mind-sets are very different from engineers in other industrial sectors . . . their attitude toward technological innovation is incomparably more serious.

well thats the Life of the Prince Motor Company ( 1952 - 1966 )

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