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Police Attention!


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Ive had my R33 for close to 12 months now never had any attention from the boys in blue ive got a front mount 18'' rims a 4" dumpy hanging out back the body kit is stock and its fairly low but my car is highly modified but isnt overly loud and my BOV is plumbed back i think if ya car doesnt look like a piece of crap your BOV and exhaust arent stupidly loud and you arent being a dick you arent gunna have a problem!:thumbsup:

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Years back, I got pulled over and they wanted to check under the bonnet. He goes whats that pointing at the apexi bov, I say; Its a bov all these cars come with them. Shakes his head and mutters something like I have no idea what im looking at allright off you go.

lol I dont think you would be as lucky these days....

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back home in NZ the police are just a bit lazy,

not to show off or anything, but my car was / is illegal as hell (for now)

no certification for mods, 90mm off the ground and it had a loud 3" turbo back.

the one thing stopping them from hating on me was my driving,

i never boosted it just to show off,

never overly sped (5-10km over at max)

and my car looks tidy.

on the other hand, my friends r32 has a never ending love for the gutter,

whilst the red and blues check up on him.

why? his car looks like a pig,

but yet its fully legit haha.

Edited by S1DWYSR33
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what everyone has said above is spot on..

only thing i can add is if you do get pulled over, have some manners (yes even if they are being a prick... bite your tongue) No use being giving lip to a cop because you drive an import which does have the 'hoon' stigma.. Play it cool - even if they are wrong and book you for something - you can always defend yourself later in court or whatever.. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cops leave you alone if your sensible and dont hang out with the hectix skidz crew ... ..you will be fine..Just dont go all fast and furious on the streets..

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  • 2 months later...

Living in the North of the Sunshine Coast I have been pulled over at least 3 times a week. Once while reversing out of the driveway to pick up pizza. I have one speeding fine in my driving history (70 in a 60). I feel the level of attention depends on how busy the police force are in the area, and what they are cracking down on. One week before moving away from the sunny coast i was pulled over by a 'task force'. Bonnet up, boot open. "Where is your blowoff valve", i was asked. "Not sure i replied, but its all plumbed back into the system", pointing out the vent lines. The officer continued to redline the engine for 5 minutes. I politely asked him not to do that as it was not required. 10 minutes later had 5 police officers ''inspecting the car'.

I ensured the sergeant that i have nothing to hide and that i am not out doing the wrong thing. He then told me that he has reasons to search the car. "Go for it". Soon after i was in handcuffs for hiding an illegal weapon. The "illegal weapon" was actually a mudling stick (I am a bar tender :). As it was located next to my cocktail shaker and reaked of lime, redbull and midori i thought it was a legitimate explanation. "its a billy club isn't it, don't think your smarter than me", old mate replied.

So.... on the side of the road, in hand cuffs, friends and family driving past beeping and texting about what is going on, (very embarrasing). The officer then explained that if i didn't show him where the blowoff valve is i would charged with holding an illegal weapon and that the car would be 'going over the pits". Thank Christ that one of the young officers then explained that the venting noise was coming out of the air intake and nowhere else.

"I'll let you off with a warning", he said. Unable to bite my tongue any more i replied, "a warning for what exactly, that in your hand (the mudling stick) is a tool of my trade, i doubt you arrest every builder you pull over for carrying a hammer". To which he replied, "get in your poofter car and piss off, go hang with your hoon mates", i then asked for his badge number and he replied "so you wanna go over the pits then", i left without further incident.

Whilst owning a skyline for 5 years my experience with the police has been very pleasant apart from one incident. The police in the north qld are awesome, have not been pulled over once in 6 months, nor should i be! Purchase your skyline, drive with respect for the car and others on the road and you should not have any problems.

Sorry for the novel but i fell so much better!thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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some coppers are di(ks

some coppers are ok

some coppers are excellent

ive met all three. if you dont want to be pulled over for driving a skyline then the solution is simple... buy a civic.

cant have your cake and eat it too :thumbsup:

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I've had a bit of attention with my car from the police but drive like a grandma, other than that never had them bat an eyelid.

I don't want to stir the pot here but Nightfall I thought your father is a Inspector and uncle a former detective they should know since they are after stolen skylines. blink.gif

Not completely too sure about the rules so I won't post the thread. Hope the purchase goes well.

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Years back, I got pulled over and they wanted to check under the bonnet. He goes whats that pointing at the apexi bov, I say; Its a bov all these cars come with them. Shakes his head and mutters something like I have no idea what im looking at allright off you go.

lol I dont think you would be as lucky these days....

Ha ha thats gold!!! I've had a cop argue with me that a blow off valve vents crank case pressure into the atmosphere. (even when plumbed back) Continued to agrue with me for about 30 minutes before saying "what would you know your just a stupid kid in his 20's who doesn't know any better!" To my reply, "I'm actually an engine building specialist by trade, have studied for 4 years to become it. So what qualifications do you have on the subject?" Shocked look on cops face, closes bonnet and tells me and my mate that he'll just give us a warning for the defective vehicle and that we have to get it rectified immediately. I asked what was defective so I could get it rectified and he just said to get it fixed and drove off. lol Mind you this was in my old Gtst which was pretty much standard.

Normally I'm very polite to the police as I don't want to stir trouble. (been there done that, it doesn't work in your favour) But this cop was been a down right dick.

I've been pulled over a couple of times in my gtr. Mostly by cops with gtrs themselves and you find that they just want to have a chat and see if its a real v-spec, which I mind about too much. I've even been broken down on a mountain run and had an unmarked car pull up and say that the driving I was doing was extremely impressive and glad to see that I take the car somewhere where it can be driven hard but in a safe area at a good time. (driven past them when they were pulled over earlier with a bit of pace around a corner at 4am in the morning but still under the speed limit, and not in a stupid area. lol) Had the bonnet up and all and they just had a chat with me and the chick I was with and looked around the car.

Just for clarity sake, I was not "hooning" at the time and I don't endorce stupid driving on public streets. These were very tight corners on a road where you can see ahead and whats around the corners as you weave your way up the mountain. Most of the time you are lucky to take the corners at 40 even in a gtr.

All in all you will get cops that will be cool, will just tolerate you but keep an eye on you and ones that will just want to destroy your existance.

If you want a skyline, you have to accept that.

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What if said civic had some spoon engines over night from jap-an... for race warz?

it's only an issue if it haz teh V-tecs

And then only if vtek just kicked in bro!

then you've got yourself a hair dressers car that goes like a shower of shit :rofl:

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some coppers are di(ks

some coppers are ok

some coppers are excellent

ive met all three. if you dont want to be pulled over for driving a skyline then the solution is simple... buy a civic.

cant have your cake and eat it too :thumbsup:

This is exactly what I did and haven't had a problem since.

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Living in the North of the Sunshine Coast I have been pulled over at least 3 times a week. Once while reversing out of the driveway to pick up pizza. I have one speeding fine in my driving history (70 in a 60). I feel the level of attention depends on how busy the police force are in the area, and what they are cracking down on. One week before moving away from the sunny coast i was pulled over by a 'task force'. Bonnet up, boot open. "Where is your blowoff valve", i was asked. "Not sure i replied, but its all plumbed back into the system", pointing out the vent lines. The officer continued to redline the engine for 5 minutes. I politely asked him not to do that as it was not required. 10 minutes later had 5 police officers ''inspecting the car'.

I ensured the sergeant that i have nothing to hide and that i am not out doing the wrong thing. He then told me that he has reasons to search the car. "Go for it". Soon after i was in handcuffs for hiding an illegal weapon. The "illegal weapon" was actually a mudling stick (I am a bar tender :). As it was located next to my cocktail shaker and reaked of lime, redbull and midori i thought it was a legitimate explanation. "its a billy club isn't it, don't think your smarter than me", old mate replied.

So.... on the side of the road, in hand cuffs, friends and family driving past beeping and texting about what is going on, (very embarrasing). The officer then explained that if i didn't show him where the blowoff valve is i would charged with holding an illegal weapon and that the car would be 'going over the pits". Thank Christ that one of the young officers then explained that the venting noise was coming out of the air intake and nowhere else.

"I'll let you off with a warning", he said. Unable to bite my tongue any more i replied, "a warning for what exactly, that in your hand (the mudling stick) is a tool of my trade, i doubt you arrest every builder you pull over for carrying a hammer". To which he replied, "get in your poofter car and piss off, go hang with your hoon mates", i then asked for his badge number and he replied "so you wanna go over the pits then", i left without further incident.

Whilst owning a skyline for 5 years my experience with the police has been very pleasant apart from one incident. The police in the north qld are awesome, have not been pulled over once in 6 months, nor should i be! Purchase your skyline, drive with respect for the car and others on the road and you should not have any problems.

Sorry for the novel but i fell so much better!thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

i've never been pulled over in noosa since i've been working there (12 months), but then i only drive in noosa for a few mins each day, and i drive a commodore.

but i do understand why the cops on the sunny coast pick on imports a bit. 95% of the ones i see go past work aren't exactly taking it easy. seen a few playing 'racey chasey' and thinking they are in a drift competition. probably has something to do with all the round abouts (in noosa at least).

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Just realised that the starter of this thread was the same guy that claimed to be all buddy buddy with the 5-0 and was going to hunt down all the car thieves for us... Sure HE should know how the police treat import owners ;)

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since having my natro 33 (aprox 1 1/2 years) I've been pulled over a fair bit around once a month just for general rbt licence check. The car is fairly loud and as I'm on green ps i can see how I'm an easy target.

Ive never had a "bonnet up" inspection but nothing would of been found anyway lol. At the end of the day if u drive an import your gona get more unwanted attention then say marcs commodore, but thats just the price you pay, if ur not a d!ck to the coppa you'll get away with a lot more.

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