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The R35 drivers says "its nothing", but to pull away like that - at 230-240km/h - phenomenal.

Also don't forget the Lambo ain't DSG :)

Plus the Lambo will forever sound awesome.

yeah, it absolutely spanks the GTR once it gets going.

and look 6 billion times better than any r35

edit..but the again a VN commodore looks better than an R35


I agree, and I'd take the Lambo just for the sound...

if i ever won lotto i's spend my days driving back and forth through a tunnel flat out with the windows down in a lambo

love the flames on the gear change

I love the Lambo & would take it over the GTR, but bang for buck - you just cant beat the gtr :)

Here is an interesting perspective...

The guys who run Autostyle (Gerry/Dominic) have driven many cars they get in their workshop. These included the Lambos (Murcielago, Gallardo etc) Porsche and numerous Ferrari's etc. They believe that the R35 GTR is the most balanced and quickest car to drive.

The only car that beats the R35 GTR is the Ultimate GTR. The Ultimate GTR is a kit car from England and can pull more G’s around corners than any other production car. Because it is a kit car, it has no aircon, no radio, no nothing. Even the windows don’t open.

They are powered by a 350 Chev with Porsche gearbox & race setup suspension.

Their Ultima GTR was street registered but they could handle not opening the windows. They installed aircon to the car but also added a T51 turbo to counter the power loss for aircon hehe. They sold the car but the new owner had the turbo removed as it scared the sh#t out of him.

Overall Gerry believes there is no better car than the R35 (although you'll get far more attention in the Lambo from the girls HERM HERM).

oh yes, to waste an Enzo like it is standing still. N then when he asks whats going on to give him the cold as ice "its stock". Priceless...

Love this video

The Enzo owner gets quite annoyed when the guy keeps on saying its stock when he knows its not

Ahh technology. His launches were shitty because he forgot to contact Mission Control and get co-ordinates for his lunar missioning landing thingy. Three pedals and a bit of art in launching the car is where its at. Mashing pedal GT5 style re-arranges organs for sure, but where is the romance ? :)

I totally agree with u roy, todays cars are becoming very quick but also point and shoot! In a drag race, a better driver is no faster than a slower driver.

And yes, nothing beats launching 700bhp @ 9krpm!!!

You guys obviously didn't watch it long enough to realise the Gallardo is manual ;) Skip to the last 10 secs of the vid for the launch...

manual makes it more of a drivers car IMO.

i was referring to the gtr with my post, for me its the ultimate machine although it becoming a bit like a playstation (could also say the same thing about todays f1's)

even todays bikes now have traction control ,abs, wheelie control, launch control - u can hold a bmw s1000rr on the rev limiter & release the clutch safely - its idiot proof BUT where is the fun...u cant do 100m+ rolling burnouts @ 100kmh in 2nd gear like an earlier model bike

i definitely appreciate todays technology but its removing the added skill of a good driver & what sets that person apart from the rest

I must be the only one that found it boring? I didn't even watch it all. Snore. :)

Put those drivers in those cars near a corner and I'll watch. And wait for the accident. That GTR driver is truly appalling. lol

you missed the best bet. skip into the video and watch the last 30 seconds. to sum it up for you though, it's basically this:

3, 2, 1, race.... GTR pulls ahead, lambo starts to catch up a bit, then a lot, and then goes past at AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH miles an hour making the GTR look like it's dropped a cylinder or 6.

time to put this thread to rest HAHAHAHAHAAAA!

check this out!


gallardo is not in this race, however, the gallardo runs a 12.4 1/4mile where as the GTR will runs a flat 11 (both in factory form)

none of this converting to twin turbo stuff which would cost an absolute bomb on that car - long live the GT-ARRRRRRRRRR

f**k your signature is annoying ^^ who are you trying to impress ? losers that dont already know that stuff?

why do those 2 fail so gard at driving awesome cars .cheer the f**k up lol . how many retries do the both want at the lights .

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